Chapter 56 Chicken leg girl (seeking flowers evaluation ticket)

Since there is a counterattack, it must be justified.

Soon, Su Xinghe found Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu, where the three of them muttered for a long time.

“real or fake?”

Huang Xiaochu’s surprised voice sounded.

“No, really you?”

Teacher He also looked surprised.

After a while,

The director was also called over, and when he left, his expression was simply distorted.

As for the others, they are at a loss.

Because no matter what they ask, Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu are tight-lipped.


The live broadcast started again.

This time, the recording is naturally the dinner part.

“Sister is sleeping with Qingqing.”

After explaining the reason why Sister Feng was absent, everyone sat there and watched Su Xinghe cooking with Huang Xiaochu.

“Xinghe’s cooking skills are really nothing to say.”

Teacher He took the initiative to bring up the topic.

“Yeah, watching Teacher Huang and Teacher Su cook, it is simply enjoyable.”

Li Yan looked longing.

“I have appetite when I look at it.” Song Qian also nodded.

These two are obviously foodies.

In the live broadcast room,

Many viewers laughed at what they said.

“That’s right, the show “A Longing for Life” is just about eating and broadcasting!”

“You say that, it seems to imply that I am Peng.”

“Haha, Peng Peng is indeed fat.”

“Seriously, Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu, or else open a restaurant in partnership.”

“It’s really annoying for entertainers who don’t do their jobs.”

“Are you brushing your teeth with dung upstairs in the morning?”


Soon, a sumptuous dinner was served by Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu.

“It’s so fragrant!”

“Yeah, I can’t help it!”

“Today I want to eat a bowl of rice!”

Everyone was in a good mood and started joking.

“I’ll save the share of Qingqing and Zifeng, everyone eat more.”

Su Xinghe said to several girls.

He was worried that Li Yan and others would see outside.

“Thank you, Teacher Su, for your hard work, both of you.”

Li Yan is a very polite girl, very polite both inside and outside.

“You are welcome.”

Su Xinghe said with a smile.

Several people were not polite, and ate happily.

In the morning, Su Xinghe marinated a few chicken legs and just made Orleans grilled wings.

Li Yan seems to like this dish very much, and what he eats makes him happy.

“Li Yan, do you like chicken legs?”

Looking at her, Su Xinghe’s heart moved.

“Well, it’s delicious.”

Li Yan chuckled, and when he raised his head, there was even a hint of oil on the corners of his mouth.

“Do you know “Qing Yu Nian”?”

Su Xinghe blinked and said to Li Yan.

Li Yi was startled.

She naturally knows that this TV series is currently casting a role, but with her role, it seems that she is out of her turn.

“I think you have a good temperament with the heroine, do you want to try?”

next moment.

Su Xinghe’s words made Li Yan dumbfounded.

The audience in the live broadcast room was suddenly messed up!

This Su Xinghe is crazy!

He is just a screenwriter, even if he is the original author, when can the original author of Hua Xia influence the casting?

“Ms. Su, what are you talking about?”

Li Yan was stupid.

What exactly is going on?

Pie in the sky?

I was chosen by Su Xinghe as the heroine because of eating a chicken leg?

This is too illusory!

I dare not write novels like this, OK!

Teacher He frowned and looked at Su Xinghe and said, “Xinghe, don’t be kidding.”

Huang Xiaochu also helped: “Yes, last time you introduced Dalin to the character, I just wanted to say, don’t be misunderstood, we are not operating in the dark.”

“Haha, the truth is!”

“Teacher Huang is too straightforward.”

“Yes, what Teacher Huang said is quite true.”

“No, I introduced Dalin to the character before. I heard that someone was talking about it on the Internet.”

“Is it a black-box operation?”

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately began to discuss this matter.

“Haha, don’t worry, it’s okay.”

Su Xinghe waved his hand and said to Huang Xiaochu: “I can’t talk about black-box operation. I really think that Li Yi is very suitable for this role.”

“No, are you kidding me?”

At this time, even Liu Tao, Song Qian and others were surprised.

On the contrary, it was Zhao Liying with a calm face.

Because in her memory, Su Xinghe is such a person.

He chooses actors, and he always chooses the actor.

“I’m not kidding.”

Su Xinghe said to Liu Tao: “Sister Tao, don’t worry.”

After that, he looked at Peng Peng: “Peng Peng, have you watched “Celebrating More Than Years”, do you think she looks like a chicken leg girl?”

Peng Peng heard this sentence,

Suddenly he was stunned.

After a while, he nodded: “Like, it does have that meaning.”

“But you are just a screenwriter.”

Huang Xiaochu said helplessly.

And the next moment.

Su Xinghe’s words made the audience in the live broadcast room not calm down.

With a calm smile, Su Xinghe said: “Yes, I am a screenwriter. However, I am still one of the investors in this drama…”

Damn it!

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant! *

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