Chapter 55 Keyboard Man’s attack (seeking flowers evaluation votes)

The fate of Liu Tao and Su Xinghe goes back a long time.

At that time, she had just been married for less than two years.

The husband’s business is in crisis and he is about to go bankrupt.

It was in this situation that she met Su Xinghe.

Since then,

Liu Tao began to separate from her husband.

Soon after, she announced her comeback and starred in several popular TV dramas, quickly becoming a popular first-line actress in China.


She paid off all the foreign debts owed by her husband before bankruptcy.

Good wife and mother.

This is how Liu Tao currently works in the entertainment industry.

But only she knew that from the moment she met Su Xinghe, she was no longer a good wife and mother.

“I didn’t expect you to live in seclusion here.”

Liu Tao looked at Su Xinghe and whispered.

There were no people around them, and no cameras. They were very relaxed.

“Hehe, the days in the city are too noisy.”

Su Xinghe shrugged: “If you get divorced, what will your children do?”

Liu Tao had a pair of children before.

“I just want the child and leave the rest to him.”

With a light smile, Liu Tao said: “He is very happy.”

Su Xinghe was silent, there are some things that don’t need to be said so clearly.

It is estimated that since Liu Tao’s return, the former boss Wang has already begun to consider divorce in his heart.

After all, no man is willing to really become a guy who eats soft food.

“Very good, if you need my help, please speak at any time.”

Su Xinghe was silent for a while and said to Liu Tao.

“Thank you.”

Liu Tao nodded, but did not say anything to refuse.

After all, she gave Su Xinghe back then, but she was the most precious thing as a woman.


Su Xinghe and Liu Tao are chatting here,

Before long, Peng Peng came down and told him that Qingqing was asleep.

“Zifeng is with her.”

Peng Peng said.

Su Xinghe nodded: “Zi Feng has been exhausted in these two days.”

After all, Qingqing is a little girl, and she naturally likes to stick to a beautiful sister like Zifeng. Zifeng has been helping to take care of the children these days, which is really hard.

“By the way, Brother Su, have you watched the news?”

Peng Peng glanced at Su Xinghe, then stopped talking.

“What’s wrong?”

Su Xinghe was a little surprised.

Peng Peng laughed bitterly and handed his mobile phone to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe took a look and was stunned.

Actor Lin Qiang: “Su Xinghe is just a novelist. What right does he have to call himself home? It is really shameless to recommend Guo Qilin to appear in his own TV series!”

Famous writer Liu Xinda: “Su Xinghe, I limit you to three months to immediately end your messy so-called online literature. Are online novels also worthy of being called literature?”

“Yes, Su Xinghe is not worthy of being an artist!”

“I retired ten years ago, and now I’m out to make money again. It’s disgusting!”

“It’s so interesting all day long, the yearning heat, interesting?”

“Su Xinghe got out of the entertainment circle!”

On the Internet, someone is scolding themselves!

Su Xinghe looked at Peng Pengdao in surprise.

“How is this going?”

He doesn’t use the Internet very often, so he really doesn’t know about these things.

Peng Peng smiled bitterly and explained it to Su Xinghe.

Since Su Xinghe said that he wanted to introduce Dalin’s role, some people on the Internet are bringing rhythm, saying that Su Xinghe is a kind of unspoken rule, a black box operation.

Then, his identity as an online writer was exposed, which sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Some people appreciate it, and naturally others hate it.

Especially for some so-called traditional literary writers, in their opinion, Su Xinghe is simply sensationalizing!

“For Lin Qiang, it should be the actor who originally planned to compete for that role. As for that Liu Xinda, he is an idiot, just staying hot all day…”

Peng Peng said.

Su Xinghe blinked, his face speechless.

This is the reason why he doesn’t like going online.

Although the Internet era has promoted the development and exchange of information, people can communicate and understand the world in a better way.

But the same,

The existence of the Internet also gives many people a channel to release the dark side of their hearts.

These people are the legendary keyboard man.

As the saying goes,

in reality,

I swallowed my voice but promised,

Don’t dare to insult others!


I attacked unscrupulously,

Insulting netizens,

High spirits!

Don’t give birth to me keyboard man,

The spray channel is like a long night.

Come on!

Su Xinghe is really disgusted with this kind of existence.

But there is no way. Today, when there is no real-name system on the Internet, such people cannot be avoided.

But I didn’t expect that this time, the keyboard guys targeted themselves.

it is a pity,

This group of guys chose the wrong target this time!

A cold light flashed in Su Xinghe’s eyes, and he knew that he had to fight back! *

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