Chapter 474 The hottest movie in Asia (4, subscription)

No one thought that “I am not a medicine god” would be so popular.

Even Su Xinghe himself never expected it! Although he had always been confident about the production of the system, he did not expect that the response of this script would be so big! The first day’s box office was 1.1 billion, and three billion in three days. ! It was released for a week, 4.3 billion! This movie quickly became a phenomenal work.

The entire summer archive of Huaxiya’s movies is completely shrouded in the shadow of “I am not the god of medicine”.

This is the terrifying power of Su Xinghe! Su Xinghe’s screenwriting ability is no longer questioned.

However, everyone was still skeptical about his acting level before.

After all, “Take my brother away quickly” is a small-cost comedy, and there are actually many shortcomings in it.With Su Xinghe’s box office appeal, the performance of this drama is actually not surprising.

But “I’m Not a Medicine God” is different.

This is a realistic theme, to put it bluntly, this is a test of Su Xinghe’s acting and screenwriting skills.

And the result showed that Su Xinghe handed over a full score to those who questioned…

Not only 903 is him, but Hu Ge and others who participated in this play also exerted 100% or even more acting skills.

The box office and reputation of the movie are… the best proof.

Not only that, this drama quickly caused a huge discussion in the society.

And more and more film critics are beginning to express their own opinions.

Some details in the film have also been discovered by everyone.

“Masks symbolize patients’ guardianship, or respect.

When Cheng Yong first started his sales promotion and was rejected, the patients wore masks.

Later, when discussing the contract with the group of patients for the first time, he asked everyone to take off their masks because he felt that everyone did not respect themselves.

Cheng Yong said with an arrogant look on his mouth, don’t you think there are bacteria, then you go.

But quietly pinched out the smoke in his hand.

At that time, Lu Yiyi was the first to take off the mask, and when the team disbanded, Lu put on the mask again.

After Lao Lu died, Cheng Yong came out of Lu’s house, and the people in the corridor looked at him, but they all wore masks and looked indifferent to him.

When Cheng Yong was parading in the prison, people took off their masks spontaneously, symbolizing that everyone had completely accepted him and respected him.”

…………Famous film critics flow upstream into a river.

“Lu Yiyi said that he didn’t want to die because of his son. When he first saw him, he didn’t want to die.

It was the last sight when he passed away.

It is because the son has brought hope of life, and the reason for wanting to die again is because he does not want to bring down the family anymore and make his wife and son hopeless in the future.

Lao Lu was born for hope and died for hope. He didn’t know. In fact, as long as he lives, for his wife, it is… hope.”

The film critic Dahai.

“Huang Mao has always been: establishing various kinds of things.

Three people fight the landlords, and Lao Lu was the landlord in that round.

As a result, Cheng Yong had only the last card left and was blown up by the double kings of Huang Mao, leading to the card being played.

When Cheng Yong threw the card to Huang Mao’s face in anger, he said, “You blow him up, why did you blow him? Huang Mao explained: Don’t blow up, you run away.

The heart is that I can’t let it: you ran, ran, what about the medicine.

Later, when eating scattered meals, Huang Mao was the first to jump up and smash the cup…the audience Zhou Yao.

“When Cheng Yong entered, someone from the street sent him off.

Because he is their medicine god.

Three years later, Grenin was included in medical insurance, and people no longer need to take expensive drugs.

So when he came out, only Cao Bin picked him up.

Of course, you can raise the bar and say that the patient may have unfortunately passed away in these three years.

But the people in the street have died and exaggerated, even if the patient is gone, the family of the patient will come to pay their respects. Is there any, you can also say that the family does not know the specific time of release.

However, if you come to visit the prison frequently, how can you not know the specific time, as long as you deliberately inquire about the specific time, you will not know the specific time. At least, Sihui and the priest, as old staff and old friends, should come. He sent his son away, lost the factory, and lost three years of freedom, but when people no longer needed him, only his brother-in-law who fell in love and killed him was the only one who came to take him home.

It was as if the birds were thrown into the forest, and the white land was really clean.

In the first half of the film, the patient gave a…the pennant: The kindness and the wonderful hand universalize all sentient beings, leaving the world with a name forever.

At first glance, I thought it was nonsense, and the audience laughed. After seeing it, I realized that this pennant was exactly a prediction for Cheng Yong.”

Su Xinghe himself saw these… movie reviews.

To be honest, he didn’t expect it.

He just made a movie, but it caused so much discussion and controversy.

But Su Xinghe does not regret it.

Because he knows that this is what he should do.

…………………………Yanjing Daily.

“Editor in chief, we want to interview Su Xinghe”

An editor asked the editor-in-chief somewhat surprised.


The editor-in-chief nodded: “This is explained from above.”

“But we are the social version, not the entertainment version. What do you interview him as an artist?”

The reporter was inexplicable.

Su Xinghe is a big star, but the problem is that he is an entertainer and not a social activist. He is the chief reporter of the Tangtang Social Edition of the Yanjing Daily, and he is going to interview him for what he does “What do you know!”

The editor-in-chief glared: “Look at what “I’m Not the God of Medicine” has become popular now. This is already a social issue. As a media reporter, shouldn’t you care about it?”

The reporter was stunned.

Not to mention, according to the logic of the editor-in-chief.

I really need to interview Su Xinghe.

After all, anyway, the drama “I’m Not a Medicine God” does reflect a cruel social reality.

The problem of high-priced drugs exists in many places.

Although the country is working hard to improve the environment in this area, many problems are not caused overnight.

Even the government needs to spend a certain amount of time and effort to deal with this matter.

Even the reporter himself went to see the movie.

But he did not expect that Su Xinghe’s performance actually attracted the attention of the above.

It seems that this is to establish him as a positive model! Thinking of this, the reporter nodded: “I know, then I will contact Yanjing Culture.”

Su Xinghe lives in simplicity, and usually does not bring an assistant or agent with him.If you want to contact him, you can only use some of his relatives and friends.

The editor-in-chief gave an acknowledgment, waved his hand, and let his men go out.

These guys always like to put on airs and don’t know how much Su Xinghe is valued.

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