Chapter 473 Box office word-of-mouth explosion (3, for subscription)

At this moment, even if Xu Shan fights to kneel down for Su Xinghe, he is willing.

In his eyes, Su Xinghe is… a god! He is his own God of Wealth! “How is it?”

Looking at Xu Shanzheng, Su Xinghe asked directly.

“How much…at the box office”

Song Qingshu is even more direct.

For them, even if they know that this data is already very good, no one does not want to be better.

To put it bluntly, even if you know the answer in your heart to create history, you still feel uneasy.

Xu Shanzheng’s expression was also a little excited, watching Su Xinghe and Song Qingshu, but did not immediately speak.

“How much is it?”

Song Qingshu asked Xu Shan Zheng anxiously.

If he didn’t want to maintain his demeanor, he might just grab it.

Xu Shan chuckled and blinked at Su Xinghe: “Guess”


Su Xinghe is speechless.

“Teacher Xu, when is this right? You still let us guess, hurry up and talk about how much.”

Song Qingshu quickly said to Xu Shanzheng.

What kind of anxious this is, he still has the heart to make a joke, which is really annoying.

He wants to scold his secretary very much now: Why haven’t the statistics been included?

Xu Shanzheng chuckled, naturally knowing that Su Xinghe and Song Qingshu are purely anxious.

He stretched out his hand and gestured a number to Su Xinghe.

The two of them were startled.

At this time, the door of the office was pushed open, and Song Qingshu’s secretary hurried in.

“Mr Song, come out, come out!”

“Give me!”

No one reacted, Song Qingshu had already snatched it over.

After he finished reading it, he was stunned.

For a long time, Song Qingshu didn’t move anything, as if he was sealed, he was stunned.

“What’s wrong”

Seeing his appearance, Su Xinghe asked a little puzzled.

But Song Qingshu still ignored him.

Shaking his head helplessly, Su Xinghe walked over by himself and took a look at the statistical table.

Just one look! He was dumbfounded too! Standing there in a daze, his mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to speak, but he couldn’t speak.

“How about it, are you scared?

Xu Shanzheng was very satisfied with the reaction of the two people, haha ​​smiled.

“This, one billion”

Song Qingshu’s face was full of shock, and it took a long time to blurt out: “It’s not playing.”

“Of course not.”

Xu Shan shook his head: “I am already, 1.1 billion, 15 million.”

When he knew this number, he was also frightened.

This is terrible! A full one billion! Even if Xu Shanzheng had an expectation of a movie box office explosion, he did not expect that it would reach this level.

One billion! This is no joke! “Xinghe, I’m really convinced!”

Lifting his head, Xu Shan looked at Su Xinghe with a look of admiration.

Previously, Su Xinghe tried to shoot this movie against the crowd, and even let Hu Ge star in.Although he didn’t say anything, Xu Shanzheng was still a little unconvinced.

After all, in his opinion, the film itself is a realist theme, and what is needed is the kind of… practical acting.

As for Hu Ge’s… TV drama acting skills benefited him from acting as Lu, it was simply… gambling! But the facts proved that Su Xinghe succeeded! Today’s box office and word of mouth prove that Hu Ge is a plastic talent! And at this moment , Su Xinghe calmed down.

“Be prepared and start promoting the promotion.”

Su Xinghe said to Song Qingshu: “Mr. Song, you have to increase the publicity expenses on the side of Yanjing Culture.

Also, contact the actors and tell Hu Ge and Peng Peng that even if they climb for me, they have to travel all over the domestic first-tier and second-tier cities. I don’t need to talk about roadshows.”

Since the movie is so popular, the publicity must keep up. Su Xinghe’s heart at this moment is extremely calm.

Before the results come out, he may still be a little worried.

However, when the result was immediately before his eyes, what he thought of was what to do next.

…………………… Su Xinghe started the announcement in full swing.

But the film critics suddenly exploded! The box office on the first day was 1.1 billion! The media was crazy! The audience was crazy! The film critics were even more stunned! They didn’t know how to evaluate it.

But finally, someone still started to comment on this movie.

“When the foreman danced, Sihui made the loudest noise. When she shouted to take off her pants, she even vented viciously of revenge.When Cheng Yong looked at her, Sihui’s eyes were full of tears.

You can imagine what kind of insults, grievances, and contempts Sihui has been subjected to.

Sihui’s grief and indignation shows that she doesn’t like her job.

But life is like this, the first time you dance a dance, then you take off a piece of clothing, and then you can take the initiative to put on a sexy pajamas, and you have to dance if you don’t dance.

Later, even if he has found Cheng Yong as a “backer”

, Being called by the foreman to leave has become instinct.

The environment’s ability to corrode people is subtle, and when you take the first step, you will no longer be able to retreat.

Sihui is because her daughter has no choice. Ordinary people, if they have a choice, really must not go this way.

Can’t do a single step.”

“The period when Zhang Changlin absconded from crime to being interrogated was like a real criminal.

He sold fake drugs, maliciously competed, and pushed up the price of the drugs, but when he was arrested, he was forced to confess by all kinds of confessions, and he never confessed to Cheng Yong.

It can also be considered a thief.

After reading this, is it right that you are suddenly moved by Zhang Changlin? You see, human nature is like this. Good people have to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties to become a Buddha, and bad people only need to put down the butcher knife.”

“After watching the movie, I always feel that a sense of grief and indignation fills my heart.

Cheng Yong, played by Su Xinghe, was wronged, right? He did something illegal.

But he also saved more people.

Is the representative of the pharmaceutical company wrong? People have invested tens of billions of dollars to develop a new drug. Maybe dozens of projects have succeeded in this one. Why don’t people sell high prices? , Because they have no R&D costs! It is wrong to attribute all the responsibility to the pharmaceutical factory!”

Everyone of Nuohao is discussing the topic of “The God of Medicine”.

On the network, no matter…

Is it a forum, a post, or a Weibo, everyone is expressing their opinions.

But everyone admits that Su Xinghe’s film is very successful! You can question that the film is not in line with reality, but you can’t help but say that some of the things exposed in this film make people feel cold.

“Su Xinghe once again proved why he could become the first person in Hua Xingya to win the Oscar for Best Screenplay!”

“God-like acting and superb performance, Su Xinghe really did it!”

“I’m curious, who else can surpass him!”

“Being such an excellent director, and being an actor! What can’t you do with Su Xinghe like this”

“Yes, I really admire Su Xinghe!”

“I’ll watch it again.”

The evaluation of netizens is even more on Su Xinghe’s side.

This time, no one questioned him anymore, because this is the general trend!

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