Chapter 453 Angry reporter (for subscription)

Su Xinghe’s thoughts, Xu Shanzheng can naturally understand.

And the lost development, as Su Xinghe expected, the drama “I am not a medicine god”, has not been officially filmed, it has already attracted a lot of attention.

Although Su Xinghe bears the producer’s name, the specific film planning process is done by Xu Shan Zheng and Wen Muye.

When the actor was casting, Su Xinghe did not interfere.Although he is an investor, it is good to put a Peng Peng in.

If there are people inside, it is estimated that the director Wen Muye will have to go crazy.

The protagonist Cheng Yong is naturally Xu Shanzheng.

Although they were injured while fighting with the hijackers, they were all skin injuries and did not affect the normal shooting.

For the role of the protagonist’s wife and brother Cao Bin, Xu Shanzheng found Huang Bo.

Huang Bo also read the script and was very interested in this role.

Although not “Nine Zero Three”

The protagonist, but Xu Shan is vying with Su Xinghe’s movie, so he naturally won’t entangle any questions about the position, and he readily agrees.

As for the role of Lu Yiyi, he originally heard that Muye planned to find an older actor, but he didn’t know where Hu Ge had heard the news, so he took the initiative to come to the door, hoping that he could play this role.

Moreover, Lao Hu said that he does not want to be paid.

Wen Muye considered it again and again, and after communicating with Su Xinghe, he finally agreed.

The… role of the dancer Liu Sihui is naturally Yu Nan.

Finally, for the role of the pastor, Xu Shan was vying for the relationship and invited Teacher Li Xuejian.

With the other characters left, Xu Shanzheng simply took his own phone and sent messages to acquaintances in WeChat one by one, inviting them to come to guest appearances.

He is now popular in the domestic film and television circles.

Naturally, no one will refuse this kind of invitation.

…………………… When Su Xinghe and Xu Shan arrived in Hengdian, it was already early in the morning.

“How about it, are you okay”

Huang Bo, Hu Ge and others, who arrived earlier, questioned Su Xinghe and Xu Shan with concern.

There have been many reports on the Internet before.They naturally knew the news and kept calling Su Xinghe, but they couldn’t get through.

Su Xinghe smiled: “It’s okay, the phone was broken on the plane before.”

This is the truth.When fighting with robbers before, the phone broke.

After he got off the plane, he deliberately borrowed a cell phone to call Chen Shu, asking her to hide Qingqing as much as possible, so as not to let her know about it, which saved her from worrying.

Chen Shu naturally has no opinion.

Xu Shanzheng described what happened on the plane to Huang Bo and others, full of admiration for Su Xinghe.

After some greetings, everyone entered the hotel.

“Prepare, invite more reporters during the opening ceremony.”

Su Xinghe sat on the sofa and said to Wen Muye.

“I know.”

Wen Muye is not a fool either.

Originally, he really wanted to start the machine in a low-key manner, but Su Xinghe and Xu Shan argued that the two people had caused such a big disturbance.

“Seriously, I think it can be done. I will start it tomorrow.”

Xu Shan blinked his eyes.

Although he has good acting skills and a high level of directorship, he has always had the mind to calculate.

But fortunately, he at least…For Su Xinghe, he didn’t dare to do this.

This is probably because of Su Xinghe’s identity.

In fact, many times, no one is perfect, and it is impossible for us to be all saints around us. People who are…moral and clean cannot make friends.

How to learn to discover the shining points of people around you is a very knowledgeable thing.


The crew of “I’m Not the God of Medicine” officially launched.

Just like Su Xinghe said, this time, they invited a large number of reporters and media very high-profile.

There are dozens of domestic and foreign media alone.

As soon as I heard that Su Xinghe invited everyone and would accept interviews, the reporters seemed to smell the fishy sharks, and they all got together.

First is the worship ceremony, and then introduces the crew members.

Finally, it is naturally the interview session.

Naturally, the main focus of journalists is of course Su Xinghe.

“Teacher Su, did you know that the three suspects who were injured by you were all admitted to the hospital, and one of them was even admitted to the intensive care unit. What do you want to say about this result?”

A female reporter stood up first and asked Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe raised his eyebrows and looked at each other in surprise: “I really don’t know this, but what does it have to do with me”

The female reporter looked shocked, she seemed to have heard something incredible, and said in surprise: “Mr. Su, how can you think that way? Those are three 3 living beings. You have been beaten like that. You are not at all. Do you feel guilty?”


Su Xinghe was startled and looked at the female reporter a little strangely and said, “Why should I feel guilty?”

“It is fair for everyone to come to this world, and life should be respected! I think if it weren’t for being forced to a certain point, they would definitely not do it 0…”

The female reporter said confidently.

Su Xinghe blinked, feeling as if he saw a brain damage.

These years, there are still such stupid people who can see that there are several reporters around there nodding.He suddenly felt that, no wonder now that the biggest advantage of Huaxi Asia Network is…not the real name system.

In this case, some fools will not be seen by everyone.

“Teacher Su, why don’t you speak, do you think you have done something wrong?”

“Excuse me, Teacher Su, are you guilty now?”

“Teacher Su, have you ever reflected on your excessive use of violence”

“Teacher Su, have you ever thought that the other party has family members? Your actions and the serious harm caused to them may affect their lives in the second half of their lives, do you know?”

Seeing Su Xinghe not speaking, several people around the female reporter stood one after another.

7 When I got up to ask questions, I looked aggressive, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it, and asked Su Xinghe in a speechless posture.

Looking at these people, Su Xinghe laughed.

“Which newspaper reporter are you?”

After a few laughs, Su Xinghe asked them.

Several people looked at each other, not understanding what Su Xinghe said.


They heard Su Xinghe say word by word: “To be honest, I really want to drive you away now, because I think that talking to a idiot will lower my IQ.

But since you are very fond of asking questions, I will simply answer your questions.

Please remember that I answer your questions in the hope that you can tell my answers to more people, not because of how attractive your questions are.”

There was an uproar in the field!

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