Chapter 452 Su Xinghe is bullish (seeking subscription)

In the information age, the speed of news dissemination is really too fast.

In just a few hours, the entire Hua Xia Asia was boiling over this matter.

The topics discussed by everyone naturally revolve around Su Xinghe.

“Damn, it’s really Su Xinghe, it’s awesome!”

“My star god is amazing, he can even drive airplanes, and he also defeated several criminals. This is really a great god who can be a literary and martial artist. I admire it, I really admire it!”


“I reined it, it turned out to be true, not a rumor, it is true!”

“The people upstairs didn’t read the news, the Star God was at the airport just now, and he stunned all the stupid reporters!”

“Haha, I watched that video. Teacher Su was right. Those reporters really had a pit of brains, that kind of…when they asked such idiot questions.”

“Indeed, these reporters now have no lower limit.”

“For the sake of a news gimmick, do whatever it takes. This is what a reporter looks like now.”

“But to be honest, Teacher Su is really awesome and fierce! I heard that there are three gangsters on the plane, and he carries two of them alone.

Moreover, these two gangsters have both practiced. Xu Shanzheng took a few assistants. Everyone hadn’t beaten each other. In the end, he was carried by Teacher Su. He could still drive the plane back. Can’t force”

“It’s fierce!”

“Served, I really took it!”

“This is far more ridiculous than a script or novel!”

“Haha, the Star God is mighty!”

“I think Teacher Su might think that this group of people delayed him from filming, so he was angry and beat the robbers, haha!”

“Yes, yes, it is possible!”

Netizens began to discuss this matter one after another.

no way.

Nowadays, Su Xinghe’s news is overwhelming on the Internet. Many forums and websites have put this news on the homepage. It is news of this incident.

Su Xinghe once again became popular all over the country.

Even Xu Shanzheng and others, their new drama has received more attention because of this matter.

Below Su Xinghe’s Weibo, a large group of fans came to leave a message.

“Star God, you are doing something again.”

“Hello pilot, goodbye pilot.”

“Ms. Su, how many skills do you know?”

“A plane can fly. Are you sure that you are a literati? Are you really one of the people who know how to write songs in the entire Chinese Asian and even the entire Chinese-speaking entertainment industry?”

“Star God, my admiration for you is like a torrential river, it’s awesome!”

“Teacher Su, will you fly an aircraft carrier? The country needs your kind of talented people!”

“Meng, Teacher Su is brave enough to fear life and death when he sees righteousness. It is really a model of my generation!”

“Hahahaha, I saw the news and I am the Star God again. Why should I say that anyone who knows the Star God knows it!”

“Ms. Su Xinghe, you really can’t take a day off!”

“Yeah, I’m just wondering, no matter where Teacher Su goes, something has to be caused.”

“Laughing! Hahaha!”

“Seriously, even if the Star God says he will give birth to these now…The comments are all old Su Xinghe fans, and they are all saying things that make unsuspecting people feel inexplicable. .


Now Su Xinghe’s popularity lies there, and there are not too many people who don’t know him.

Even people who don’t pay attention to the entertainment industry occasionally care about current affairs news, and naturally know the name of Su Xinghe.

But this time, Su Xinghe is really out of the circle.

He even appeared on news shows.

This has caused many middle-aged and elderly people who don’t care about the Internet to ask questions.

“Who is Su Xinghe?”

“He flies a plane to fight the gangsters, why are so many people surprised”

“Although I don’t know him, give Su Xinghe a thumbs up and I will follow him in the future.”

“Fuck,! Fierce! Fight with gangsters, can fly planes, write novels, write songs, write science fiction, and what does it mean to sing? He is Ning Hao, my god, and I have watched his movies. Coming!”

In fact, many people are familiar with Su Xinghe’s work, but everyone is not used to reading the author’s name, or even if you read it, you didn’t plan to pay attention to it before. After all, Su Xinghe likes to wear vests.

Moreover, literary works often rely on time to accumulate to become more and more famous.

In Su Xinghe’s previous life, this argument has been confirmed countless times, such as Van Gogh, such as Andersen, the first works are not well known from the beginning, they all need time to settle.

0 And now, everyone suddenly realized that this guy has so many vests! He has done so many things.

Su Xinghe suddenly became a hotly discussed idol.

After all, even a genius, this is too shocking.

Soon, Su Xinghe was rated as the least…

Who made this guy, from an online singer who writes and sings, becomes a screenwriter and novelist, and then becomes a director.

Even, he still draws comics, writes science fiction novels, is a financial genius, and a master of network software development…Now, he is still a master of fighters and can fly planes!…….. …. This is simply unacceptable.

…When the outside world was discussing this matter, Su Xinghe and Xu Shan argued with others, but they were already in the car and headed towards Hengdian, Hangzhou.

“I’m not a medicine god” is about to start up, time is waiting for no one.

In Su Xinghe’s view, the hijacking is terrifying.

But it is over after all.

People always look forward and cannot live in the past forever.

What should be done is always done.

Therefore, he took Xu Shanzheng and the others and rushed to Hengdian directly from the airport.


Su Xinghe actually has other calculations in his mind.

He is waiting.

As for what to wait, of course, it is to wait for myself and Xu Shanzheng and others to bravely fight the hijacking bandits and ferment the matter of driving the plane back.

In this information age, such a big thing means how much attention and heat Su Xinghe can imagine with his eyes closed.

Think about it, those reporters will definitely not let go of the opportunity to interview themselves and Xu Shan and others.

Even if I smashed them at the airport, but for those reporters who… If you can make the headlines, these people will not be stingy with their dignity.

This is where… Su Xinghe intends to use them.

He wants these reporters to give “I’m Not the God of Medicine” a free promotion.

Let this movie become more popular before it officially starts shooting! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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