Chapter 445 Art more does not press down (3, subscribe)

“Don’t look at me, I don’t have the key either.”

Su Xinghe saw everyone looking at him, and said subconsciously.

Then, he looked at the crew members: “Do you have any spare keys on your plane?”

The flight attendant smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“This won’t work, we have to go in.”

Xu Shanzheng got up and said.

“Yes, you have to go in.”

Zhang Hanyun on the side also nodded.

Other passengers also rushed to say that they must go in.

Seeing everyone’s enthusiasm, the flight attendant had to patiently explain: “We don’t have a key outside, only one key is hanging in the cab.”

!!!The passengers were all dumbfounded.

What’s the situation? Doesn’t it mean that all the lives of all the people in the plane are in the hands of that… the bearded gangster can’t do it! This is absolutely not good! Everyone is anxious.

The driver who was stabbed just now also stood up.

He also saw that the situation was urgent.At this time, he must not be allowed: the gangsters control the cockpit, otherwise they would be completely finished.

“Come, let’s help together.”

Upon seeing this, Xu Shan rushed over with a few assistants, and everyone took turns to smash the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Although they tried very hard, it was a pity that only a few pieces of paint had fallen off the door. After all, this was a serious passenger plane.

The flight attendant looked at the crowd and said bitterly: “It’s useless, this door is made of alloy. It has six floors. It can’t be opened without a key.”

“Then you can’t wait like that.”

“Yeah, staying like this, we just…wait to die.”

“It must be opened, even if the door is closed.

If you smash it, you have to smash it!”


“If you die, you must understand.


The passengers shouted.

Everyone looked for the metal products on the plane, removed them, took them to the door, and desperately smashed the door of the cockpit.

Five times! Ten times! Fifty times! This time it has a little effect than before. The first layer of the outer skin of the cabin door has been deformed a bit, and it can be seen that it only hurts the outer skin.

The door is impossible to smash open.

At this time, a stewardess made a suggestion: “Contact the cockpit and see what the gangster wants to do!”

The flight attendant ran to pick up the pass, but she put it down again, “No, the communication equipment in the cabin was cut off by the cockpit!”

It’s broken! Everyone’s expressions changed.

That… the injured pilot blurted out: “No way, can this gangster fly a plane”


“real or fake”

“No, it’s over!”

“My God, isn’t it just what he wants”

“No, we have to go in!”

The news immediately made the passengers dumbfounded.

Someone just cried out.

When Su Xinghe heard this news, his expression also became very ugly.

There is also a co-pilot in the cockpit. If the gangster hijacks the co-pilot in order to achieve some purpose of his own, the co-pilot may find some opportunities after hesitating, because the gangster does not dare to kill him, otherwise no one will fly the plane. But if the gangster knew how to drive a passenger plane, he would have no scruples.

!!! What a damn gangster, so versatile, what kind of robber “call, call.”

At this time, someone shouted.

When taking an airplane, in principle, the mobile phone needs to be turned off.

But now this doesn’t care about signal interference and other reasons, everyone took out the phone one after another, planning to contact the ground.

But maybe it’s because the plane is at a high altitude, or it’s because the geographical location is relatively remote, and there is no signal.

Xu Shanzheng was carrying a fire extinguisher in his hand, gritted his teeth when he saw it: “There must be other ways. It’s not the time to sit and wait.”

After speaking, he looked at the flight attendant: “Is there any other way?”

The flight attendant almost cried: “Mr. Xu, if there is a way, can I wait here?”

!!! Desperate! Helpless! Someone is already crying.

Under such circumstances, panic began to spread on the plane.

After all, everyone worked so hard but nothing changed.

“Ms. Su, what are you doing?”

“Teacher Su, you are”

“What happened to the Star God.”

“what are you going to do”

“Uh, Star God!”

At this moment, someone saw Su Xinghe.

I saw that he was squatting cautiously at the door of the cabin and watching, with a focused expression on his face.

Xu Shanzheng was a little surprised. He looked at Su Xinghe: “Su Xinghe smiled slightly, raised his head, and argued to Xu Shan: “Get me a wire and a ballpoint pen.”

What do you mean? Everyone looks strange.

However, since Su Xinghe requested it, someone still figured out a way to find what he wanted.

Then…Seeing Su Xinghe follow the keyhole to open the cabin door, everyone is stupid.

“Ahem, this, before Qingqing left the key at home, I learned the unlocking technique.”

Su Xinghe quickly explained when they saw the strange expressions of everyone.

It is really not a glorious thing for a dignified public figure to unlock this skill.

If it weren’t for today’s incident, Su Xinghe would not show this skill if he was killed.

But at this time, it was a matter of life and death that he promised well, and of course he did not dare to hide his personal interests.

And those people around, seeing this scene, all the expressions on their faces became: extremely wonderful.

Su Xinghe opened the cockpit door that everyone smashed so hard just now! This f*ck! awesome! “Hahaha, Teacher Su is awesome!”

“Awesome, really amazing, I will learn when I go back.”

“Yes, Yi Duo does not press down, and Yi Duo does not press down on the body.”

“At a critical time, you still have to look at Teacher Su.”

“Really, what can we do without Teacher Su?”

“Teacher Su, I love you!”

“Look at the other star god…”

There are people who say everything, and the joy of coming to life in desperate situations makes everyone now feel incoherent.

Su Xinghe was naturally excited, but he hadn’t forgotten that in the cockpit, there was still the big beard that stabbed people, and I hope that guy will stop messing up.

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