Chapter 444 Martial arts master Su Xinghe (2, for subscription)

Where did Su Xinghe go? He is anxious.

After discovering that a gangster was hurting someone, Su Xinghe originally planned to stand up, but the… veteran stood up.

Simply, Su Xinghe went directly to the toilet.

He didn’t want to listen to the voices outside at all.

When he finished letting out the water, he found that there were two more criminals.

Moreover, there are actually several injured passengers on the ground.

Su Xinghe’s mood is not very happy.

The key is that he found that among the injured, there was actually Xu Shan fighting for the bald head.

Fuck, this is his own hero.

f*ck! For the first time as a producer, the drama has not been filmed yet, and the hero is injured. What is the situation at this moment, Su Xinghe’s mood is quite depressed.


The two gangsters clearly recognized Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe stood there and hooked his finger at them: “Come on, give you a chance and knock me down. I guess no one will resist.”

Damn it! The two gangsters were immediately angry.

Aren’t you a star, 09 is so crazy! The two rushed towards Su Xinghe together.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Three people hit together.

The two gangsters have weapons in their hands, Su Xinghe has sharp fists and feet.

But no matter what.

Su Xinghe actually withstood it! “Teacher Su, come on!”

“Teacher Su, beat them up!”

“Be careful, be careful!”

“Ms. Su, look at the back.”

The passengers saw that Su Xinghe actually blocked the two gangsters with one enemy and two, and hurriedly cheered on him behind them, hoping that he could defeat the two gangsters.

At this moment, Zhang Hanyun didn’t know where to find a kettle.

Standing behind the gangster, he threw it over with a swish! Bang! The gangster with the stick didn’t pay attention, and was hit on the head by the kettle.

Oops! The gangster screamed subconsciously, staggering.

Su Xinghe’s eyes lit up! Su Xinghe suddenly turned to the left, avoided the opponent’s knife, and kicked that guy’s heart.

How powerful is Su Xinghe! He kicked Mou Zu vigorously.

The gangster was kicked by Su Xinghe’s big feet, and the whole person fell, his face instantly turned pale.

The most important thing is that when he fell to the ground, the stick was thrown out.


The place where this guy fell, happened to be one! “Smash him! Keep smashing him!”

Su Xinghe saw this and quickly said to the group of passengers.

The passengers were startled.

Everyone did not expect that Su Xinghe would actually say so.

But until now, he is the only person who can fight the gangsters without falling into the wind.Everyone subconsciously thinks that Su Xinghe is the backbone of everyone.

Hearing what he said, many people simply picked up the suitcases beside them and smashed them towards the gangster.

Dozens of people! No matter…

Throw everything at hand, suitcases, cups, and kettles.

And the stewardess simply brought the metal box that contained the tragedy from the back! Poor that… the gangster, who is obviously good at it, was kicked into the corner by Su Xinghe, and he didn’t have time to get up, and was overwhelmed by a lot of things in an instant. ! What a tragic word.

And at this moment, Su Xinghe had already fought the gangster with the knife! Before he was concerned that the other party injured him, now there is only one opponent, Su Xinghe suddenly rushed towards that person.

The gangster lost his face in shock and stabbed Su Xinghe’s chest with a knife.

When it was said that it was too late, Su Xinghe let the opponent’s knife sideways, suddenly grabbed his handwriting, and slammed it on the armrest of the plane’s seat.


The man screamed, and the knife in his hand could no longer…

Su Xinghe’s strength was too great, and at that moment, he felt that his hand might have been broken.

No matter how high martial arts are, they are also afraid of kitchen knives.

Even people who have practiced free fighting, at best…the ability to resist blows is relatively strong, which does not mean that they are not afraid of pain.

Su Xinghe just hit it, but he specifically picked the other side’s elbow joint and smashed it.

At that moment, the gangster’s arm was numb, and he didn’t have any strength at all.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him! Su Xinghe suddenly pulled the opponent’s arm downward without saying a word.

The man fell straight toward Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe didn’t even hesitate to hesitate, one raised his leg, and his knee hit the opponent’s face severely.


Bang! After a scream, the man knelt down with blood on his face.

Su Xinghe was too cruel.

Seeing the man kneeling on the ground, Su Xinghe did not dare to neglect, and hit his temple with an uppercut.

Bang! After a muffled grunt, the…the gangster finally couldn’t hold Su Xinghe’s successive blows, and fell straight down.

He was knocked out! And at this time, the gangster with the stick just stood up.

However, there is no stick in his hand anymore, and he is half kneeling on the ground, ready to come and help.

How could Su Xinghe give him such a chance, without saying anything, a flying kick! Bang! In the middle of the red heart.

The man raised his head and fell, and the whole person fell all at once on the things that were thrown by the passengers.

It is advisable for the remaining brave to chase the poor, and 90 can be the overlord of the famous school.

Su Xinghe wasn’t polite, he stepped up and kicked between the guy’s legs.

Hiss! At that moment, even the onlookers couldn’t help taking a breath of cold air.

It hurts! It hurts! From the gangster’s distorted expression, you can see how painful he really is.


The screaming screams originated from that… gangster.

But at this moment, no one sympathizes with him, even the most virgin, at this time, there is no sympathy.

What an international joke! Just now this guy was almost about to start with this group of passengers.

And this is not on land, this is in a plane in the sky, if this guy and his accomplices succeed, then those who really need a plane will be buried with them! Wait…! At this time, Everyone was stunned.

Because they suddenly thought that the hijacker was not alone, there was another in the cockpit of the plane! Fuck! Everyone was dumbfounded.

Everyone looked at each other, dumbfounded.

The big guy just took care of resisting these two guys, forgetting that it was not them who stabbed the safety officer and the driver, but another gangster.

What to do, everyone’s eyes are focused on Su Xinghe.

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