Chapter 408 Big Brother Arrives (seeking subscription)

Yanjing Hotel is not far from Wumen. If you walk, it will only take more than ten minutes.

Soon, Su Xinghe came here.

Although he doesn’t plan to live here, he will definitely show his face here.This is the most basic rule.

Su Xinghe cares very much about this kind of etiquette, and never let others pick their own faults in this regard.

Walking to the entrance of the Yanjing Hotel, Su Xinghe saw a banner on the first floor of the lobby, which read “Warmly welcome all ancient calligraphy and painting restoration experts to visit Yanjing”

The words.

Under the banner, a woman in her early forties was sitting there, and there was a man about her size beside her.The two were talking and laughing, and they didn’t know what they were talking about.

This should be the reception staff arranged by Shen Zhongyuan.

Smiling, Su Xinghe walked over.

Seeing Su Xinghe approaching, the two middle-aged men glanced at each other and quickly showed serious expressions and sat down in a hurry.

But when they saw Su Xinghe clearly, they were a little surprised.

Obviously, they don’t know Su Xinghe.

After all, the age is there, Su Xinghe is very famous, but for some scientific researchers who concentrate on academics, Su Xinghe’s name may have been heard, but his real person may not be known by everyone.

“Um…, this…, sorry, this is the office of the reception experts of the Palace Museum. If you check in at the hotel, it will be at the front desk.”

The middle-aged woman guest said to Su Xinghe.

This young man is very handsome.

Zhang Xiaoli has been here for so many years: the Palace Museum is doing research, and she usually comes into contact with older experts. She was surprised when she saw such a handsome young man.

This time, in order to restore the “Five Niu Tu”, the Palace Museum invited experts from all over the country to gather in Yanjing, and she and her colleagues were responsible for the reception work.

They are already here, and every day guests who go the wrong way come to ask.

So…I didn’t think much about it.

But the young man in front of him is…very handsome, almost like those stars on TV.

Of course, she didn’t think much about it.

This young man is very handsome, but it just proves that he can’t have anything to do with the restoration of ancient calligraphy and painting.

After all, so far, any of the experts here are 60 or 70-year-old elders.

These days, my hair is not white, and I am embarrassed to be called an expert in this industry.

Su Xinghe smiled slightly and nodded: “That’s right, I’m here to report too.”

Zhang Xiaoli was stunned, and her colleagues around him were also stunned.

After a while, she laughed: “Haha, boy, don’t make fun of me, the eldest sister is getting older, don’t make fun of me.”

Subconsciously, she thought she was molesting herself this year.

She does have this proud capital.

Although he is over forty years old, Zhang Xiao is fair-skinned, beautiful in appearance, and good in figure, and looks no different from about thirty years old.

You know, the woman at this time is the most charming age.

Compared with the young girl’s ignorance, the mature woman has more charm.

When she usually commutes to get off work or goes out to eat, occasionally someone will come up to chat and ask for a phone number.

So this time, she regarded Su Xinghe as that kind of person.

Su Xinghe was slightly embarrassed when he heard the words.

This f*ck! I have been treated as a hitchhiker.

“Sister, I really came to report.”

Su Xinghe patiently explained to Zhang Xiaoli and her colleagues.


The man next to Zhang Xiaoli looked disbelief: “How old are you, how is it possible, boy, don’t make trouble!”

Su Xinghe looked helpless, and it was not his own fault to be young.

At this moment, a voice sounded behind him.

“Little Su”

Several people looked up and found that not far away, an old man with gray hair and wrinkles was standing there, beside him were two people who were supporting him.

“Old Chen!”

“Professor Chen!”

“Old Chen!”

The three 3 different titles made everyone stunned.

The old man’s name was Chen Jinglei, and he was an expert in ancient painting and calligraphy restoration at the Shencheng Museum.

The old man was an orphan since he was a child. When he was a teenager, he worked as an apprentice in the antique shop in Shencheng, and slowly became an expert in painting and calligraphy restoration.Later, he was transferred to the cultural relic restoration department to specialize in this area.

Over the past few decades, he has participated in the restoration of many national treasure-level paintings and calligraphy, which is very famous.

Su Xinghe and him, on the contrary… have had several fate.

According to the truth, the two people are far apart in generations, but the old man has to discuss with Su Xinghe in the same generation, which makes people helpless.

“You kid, why are you here”

Although Chen Jinglei is over seventy years old, he has good spirits. He smiled and asked Su Xinghe, “Didn’t you say you want to come last time, but we didn’t come. The old guys are still saying that you won’t come next time.” , Maybe you won’t see anyone.”

Su Xinghe was taken aback and waved his hand quickly: “Master, don’t talk nonsense, your elders will live a hundred years old.”

The old guys in Chen Jinglei’s mouth are all national treasure-level masters. These people have restored countless national treasures of calligraphy and calligraphy. It is not an exaggeration to say that without them, the entire circle of ancient Chinese calligraphy and calligraphy will go backwards for hundreds of years. .

The real national treasures are those… cultural relics, and these are… old experts.

Zhang Xiaoli and her colleagues on the side were already dumbfounded.

Of course, they know Mr. Chen Jinglei, this is a famous master of ancient calligraphy and painting restoration in China.

Don’t look at the old people as if they are not very famous, but that is in the eyes of the public.

In the entire ancient paintings and calligraphy and even antique circles, who doesn’t know that this big name is a big man of the Taishan Beidou level! Don’t talk about yourself, even if Director Shen is here, you have to bow and say hello when you see people.

But now.

That… the young man who just thought he was going to strike up a conversation, actually stood there, chatting and laughing with Professor Chen.


Just now Zhang Xiaoli heard clearly that he was actually Professor Chen Lao Chen! What shocked her even more was that Professor Chen Jinglei didn’t mind, and she looked very happy when she saw him appear.

Even listening to the meaning in his words, the two people are old acquaintances, and there are several old professors who also know this young man.

Who is this guy sacred? Could it be that he is also a member of the ancient calligraphy and calligraphy restoration circle! My goodness!!! An ancient calligraphy and calligraphy restoration expert who is less than 30 years old! That moment.

Zhang Xiaoli suddenly felt that she had lived in vain for the first 40 years, and she was also a human being. Why are they so good? Please subscribe! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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