Chapter 407 Tour the Forbidden City (for subscription)

Su Xinghe’s destination today is the Palace Museum.

I was worried that it would rain today, but I didn’t expect the weather in Yanjing to be extraordinarily friendly.

When he came to the neighborhood in the car, Su Xinghe got off the car and said to his bodyguards: “You go back, I’ll walk by myself.”


The bodyguards nodded and got in the car and left.

For: Su Xinghe’s strength, they have a deep understanding of,,, naturally, they don’t worry about anything.

The fighting level of his own boss was crushing them back then.

After wandering around the Forbidden City, Su Xinghe admired the surrounding scenery and walked around until he came to the Donghua Gate.

There are many people walking around here, and Su Xinghe simply joined in the excitement and listened over there.

The most indispensable thing about Yanjing is…the kind of master who sits and chats under the sun without doing anything.

This Su Xinghe caught up with one.

This…about forty years old, he seems to have some experience, wearing a pair of glasses, is talking to other people there.

“Brothers just saw… from outside, I tell you, this depends on cultural relics, you can’t come to the Forbidden City. Although these are all national treasures, if you want to talk about interesting things, you have to be the Panjiayuan of Liulichang. Son.”

When he said so, everyone around him nodded.

Su Xinghe smiled and asked, “I heard that there are no good things in Panjiayuan now.”

“Well, good things are everywhere, it depends on your own eyesight.”

The man said casually.


The people around nodded quickly.

There are other people who say: “If you want me to say, this antique is really uncomfortable now. If you go back thirty years, you will be shouting in Yanjing Hutong. Whenever you can make valuable things, they are all. A genuine antique.”

“It’s not…, now, if you want to pick up the leak, it is a dream.


This group of people chatted and talked about what they had seen and heard. Su Xinghe was shocked.

He wasn’t in a hurry, just listened to the people chatting like that.

After finally looking for an opportunity, Su Xinghe asked: “Are there places to restore ancient books and paintings in Liulichang and Panjiayuan?”

“How not”

The man with glasses glanced at Su Xinghe and said with a smile: “You asked the right person, I really know this.

To say that the restoration of ancient books and ancient paintings is the most powerful, of course they are all in the Palace Museum, but don’t you know those restoration experts in the Palace Museum, they all opened installation shops in Panjiayuan and Liulichang. Yes! Now, the Rongbaozhai of Liulichang can be regarded as the restoration of ancient books and paintings, and it has been passed down for hundreds of years!”

He gave a thumbs up and said, “Do you know why? Because in Rongbaozhai, there are many experts who have retired from the Palace Museum!”

Not to mention, this… really knows a lot.

Su Xinghe listened for a long time, really thought, nodded and left.

He carried a suitcase in his hand, which contained mainly changed clothes and some tools of his own.

Although he came to the celebration banquet, he had to do another thing before.

Participate in the restoration of ancient calligraphy and painting! I promised that Shen Zhongyuan would come to participate, but I missed it because of something temporary.

Fortunately, the restoration work here is considered smooth, and he does not need to do anything.

But recently there was another national treasure that needed to be repaired. Shen Zhongyuan called Su Xinghe and asked him to come to Yanjing.

This is the real purpose of Su Xinghe.

Passing through Donghua Gate, Su Xinghe stood in front of Wumen Square with a suitcase.

It is often said in film and television dramas that the introduction of Meridian beheading is…here.

This is the main entrance of the Forbidden City.It is also called Wufeng Tower because there are five attics above it.

As a royal building, the architectural style of Wufeng Tower is naturally magnificent and majestic.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, emperors often issued edicts here.

Of course, the phrase to introduce the beheading of the Meridian Gate is actually nonsense.

The real beheading place has always been a place like Caishikou.

At the Meridian Gate, only a few ministers will be punished at most, that is… the court staff referred to by the civil servants.

I think back then, Yang Tinghe shouted “The National Guardian for 100 Years, the Day of Righteousness and Death is today.”

The place for this sentence is here.

In the Ming Dynasty, many civil servants were proud of receiving the court rod at the Meridian Gate.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who have been killed here.

As for the sentence that introduced the beheading at the Meridian Gate, in fact, the emperor meant not to kill in the palace, and he did not mean to kill at the Meridian Gate at all.

There are many tourists, Su Xinghe bought tickets and walked into the Forbidden City with the crowd.

Setting foot here again, he is really full of emotion.

As the political power center of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Forbidden City has had countless secrets buried in these palaces for hundreds of years.

Anyone who steps into this deep palace compound can feel the historical weight of the Forbidden City like a mountain.

Even if Su Xinghe is a traverser, he feels the same way.

The feeling of mystery and heaviness here is in words and words, and there is no way to describe it.

…………..After a long time, when Su Xinghe left, it was already more than an hour or two hours later.

He did not contact Shen Zhongyuan, and the other party told him that after he came, he could report to the hotel near the Forbidden City.

Because all the invited experts are there.

Su Xinghe didn’t want to go, because he felt that this time he was just…just a cutscene.

The experts who have been so many years old are here, and they are coming in at the end of the school, just…to join in the fun.

It’s impossible, those… old experts in Nuohao, it is impossible for them to repair the ancient calligraphy and calligraphy by themselves.

In the circle of cultural relics restoration, qualifications are very important.

The master leads the door, and the practice is personal.

After reaching a certain age, he will naturally become an expert.

This is a process that many people have to go through.

But this is not to say that the level of many experts is very poor.

Those guys on TV are just humble people.

In the antique circle, experts who are truly competent will not run to the TV for a show for no reason.

People really love the antique industry, and they have deep and specialized research on ancient culture. How can they have time to participate in those…programs?

That is to say, the guys who…

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