Chapter 397 Set Tyrant Su Xinghe (seeking subscription)

Su Xinghe’s directorial level, everyone just heard about it before.

Even if he knows that he is…Ning Hao, more people’s impression of…Su Xinghe is that he is very talented, can write songs, scripts and novels, and is still a super rich.

But this time.

Everyone really knows how good this guy is.

But soon, these people discovered that when Su Xinghe was filming, it was completely different from usual.

On weekdays, he smiles, looks very kind, and has no airs.

But once filming started, Su Xinghe suddenly changed! It’s like, from a harmless old man to a Tyrannosaurus rex that breathes fire anytime and anywhere! It’s terrible! Peng Peng is also an old drama, and he has acted in many movies. As a result, during the filming of the TV series, he was forced to remake it twenty times, and the young man was almost crying.

But Su Xinghe seemed to be unable to see it, still forcing him to continue shooting.

Even Su Xinghe didn’t let go of a girl like Zhao Jinmai in 09.

In a crying scene, the little girl took 16 full shots.In the end, even Teacher He, who came to the guest class teacher, couldn’t stand it anymore, and suggested to Su Xinghe whether she could slow down.

As a result, Su Xinghe directly gave it back.

“She’s a problem with making a TV series, I have to fix it for her!”

Su Xinghe’s words are decisive.

Zhao Jinmai is a child with very good talents, but after this child became famous, he has been shooting TV dramas.

So when acting, I finally took the habit of TV dramas.

TV dramas generally only require actors to express the plot.

The movie needs to express the personality of the character through language such as body, expression, movement, and eye contact.

To put it bluntly, actors need to confess the most content in the shortest time.

In this case, the on-the-spot reaction of the film actor is naturally faster than that of the TV drama actor, and the acting skills are more mature.

And this is precisely what Zhao Jinmai lacks.

Su Xinghe’s purpose is precisely to let her get rid of this problem and be able to move freely.

I have to admit that what Su Xinghe did has surprised everyone.

Could it be said that talent can really master the script and write well, and the director’s ability is also very good.Huang Xiaochu and others were really shocked.

In their gaze, under Su Xinghe’s teaching, no matter…

Whether it is Peng Peng or Zifeng, or Zhao Jinmai, the progress of these young people can be seen with the naked eye.

At the very least, their performance level has improved.

This is important.

A certain shot in a movie can only last for a few minutes, but when it is filmed, it is a test of acting skills, because the big screen will magnify the actor’s performance by several hundred.

If an actor’s acting skills are not enough…, he can’t master his own performance.

Then it is easy to make people play, so that the audience can’t have a sense of substitution.

Think about it, if you look at this role, you can think of it, then what’s the point? It’s like you play the boss of a public relations company, but you are nosy like a Virgin all day, except… Staring at nothing, which audience will find it interesting. Fortunately, Su Xinghe is there.

Although Zhao Jinmai, Peng Peng and others were all from making TV dramas, they have finally made a lot of progress under his training, and the filming of the film has become more and more smooth…

The original planned shooting plan was two and a half months, but when it was almost two months, the shooting was finished immediately.

During this period of time, Su Xinghe was really tired, filming during the day, and at night, I have to look at the pictures taken during the day to ensure that each shot can meet his own requirements.

You must know that directors and actors are not the same.Actors only need to complete their own performance tasks, while directors have to carefully look at many details and consider the overall situation.

………………………… “Finished!”

With everyone’s cheers, “Take my brother away quickly” officially came to an end.

“Tonight I have a treat, everyone has a dinner.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to everyone.

“Thank you director.”

“Long live the director!”

“I can finally have a big meal!”

“Haha, we are going to have a big meal today!”

A group of people cheered. After all, Su Xinghe has strictly ordered the crew to have dinner in the past two months.

It was only when Wu Jing and others came to have a guest appearance, he took the crew and had a big meal.

Other than that, he never took these young people to play.

After all, during filming, there must be rules, otherwise just go out and play casually, which is not a good thing for filming.

This is probably… the difference between domestic and foreign.

A group of young people have a dinner together.Although they can’t drink, they still have a lot of fun.

Su Xinghe is…I also want to play with them, but these guys have long no longer regarded themselves as young people, but as old ones. In desperation, he had to pull I drank a few cups with Huang Xiaochu.

Teacher He, Wu Jing and others have all left after finishing their roles.After Su Xinghe has handled everything, they also returned to Yan Jing.

Next, he wants to edit.

This is the most critical place where a play can not impress the audience.

Many people always find it strange that a movie is only one and a half hours long, and it is not more than three hours3. Why should it take so long? In fact, after the filming of any film, the material can reach at least four. Five hours,

And how to choose the perfect 90 minutes from these four or five hours is what the editor needs to do.

As a director, Su Xinghe must of course participate in the editing himself.

Qingqing doesn’t need to worry about him.

Chen Shu had greeted Su Xinghe early, and she would take time to accompany Qingqing.

As Qingqing’s real mother, although she now bears the name of godmother, she has not been married for so many years, and she still wears the title of acting school, no matter…

How did she treat Qingqing, everyone was the most right that she might be too lonely, and she wouldn’t have other thoughts.

Moreover, she has always had a good reputation, and there is no need to worry about any scandals with Su Xinghe, after all, the two are almost twenty years old.

This gap is really too big.


After half a month.

Su Xinghe finally completed the film editing work.

“Take my brother away soon” is officially released! Next, it is…the issue of screening review.

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