Chapter 396 The real monster (seeking subscription)

The matter of filming is very complicated.

Especially as a director, you need to control the rhythm of the entire crew and understand the mystery of shooting.

Especially in the process of shooting, you need to control cameras from different angles.

Generally speaking, when the protagonist and the supporting role appear in the same scene, there are often two ways of composition.

In the first type, the protagonist is in the front, which is a close-up close-up, and the supporting role is slightly behind.

The second is that the protagonist is in the center of the picture, the supporting characters are on the sides, or the rear, the focus is blurred, and even part of the body is blocked.This principle is simple, that is…using the visual hierarchy to highlight the presence of pig’s feet.

The part just shot is… a combination of two composition methods.

As Su Xinghe shouted, Huang Lei, Teacher He and others all leaned in front of the camera.

“This angle is fine.”

“Nine Zero Three”

“Yes, this is fine.”

Looking at the pictures taken by several cameras, the two people spoke one after another.

Huang Lei and Teacher He are both directors, and even he did not expect that Su Xinghe’s grasp of the setting of the camera is so keen.

It can be said that today’s first filming was very successful! But after thinking about it, this is a normal result.

After all, Su Xinghe was a man who had filmed several commercial comedies that year.

Anyone with a little brain knows what the name Ning Hao means.

And this time.

Su Xinghe has stood up and walked in front of Zifeng and Zhao Jinmai.

“Yes, but sister, you have to pay attention. Your emotions at this time are angry and out of control, so you have to feel reckless.

Miao Miao, you are her good friend, you want to stop her, your emotions are anxious and rational…”

Su Xinghe’s attitude is very kind.

When telling a play to two girls, I would imitate their movements from time to time.

Everyone looked at this scene and finally understood why the…movies he made before were so successful.

Some people, no matter what they do, are unique.

“No wonder Xu Shan is vying with Huang Bo, and he respects Xinghe’s directorship.”

Huang Xiaochu whispered to Teacher He.

Although he took the initiative to invite Su Xinghe to be the director, he did not come on a whim, but asked Xu Shan and Huang Bo.

In the words of those two people, if you give Su Xinghe a few years, he can definitely become a top director of the Chinese Asian family.

These words scared Huang Xiaochu at the time.

You know, the real top directors all have their own unique styles.

And the degree of stimulation to the actors is also different.

Like the king of sunglasses, he wears sunglasses and pretends to be thirteen.

Give the actor a note to let the family act for a month, and he has done it all the time.

That’s why Liang Chaowei was suppressed, and he even took a plane to feed the pigeons.

And Li Press: The requirements for the actor’s qualifications are extremely high.

To put it bluntly, you have to be talented, and you don’t need you at all.

Old Monster Xu’s words are very cute.He is very keen on acting in the director circle, and has been adhering to a hobby for many years: personal demonstration.

So when it comes to a new actor, it is death to meet the King of Sunglasses.

According to Li Zheng, step by step from heaven to hell.

He is patient and good at remodeling vases and vases.

If actors can master them, their guarantees will be greatly improved.

And this time, Peng Yuchang, Zifeng, and Zhao Jinmai, three young people, met Su Xinghe.

Huang Xiaochu, who has also been a director, this time a guest starred in his father, Huang Xiaochu, was really taken aback.

Because of Su Xinghe’s script, the writing is awesome! He uses a time period structure, and when the scene appears in the first few minutes, when the outbreak occurs, all are noted one by one.

In Huang Lei’s view, Su Xinghe’s ability to tell stories is even stronger than his own old rivers and lakes!……………………… …”Stop! Shifen, you are now Miao Shifen. The look in Shimian’s eyes can’t be so gentle and petting. She is just a friend of my sister. You have to change emotions quickly.”

“Shi Mian, pay attention, look at my expression, it should be like this now, your actions, be like this…”

Su Xinghe was at the scene,,, constantly guiding these children’s performances.

Although these people are all people who have performed many works, they are still children after all. In some places, the control of details is lacking a lot of 0…In order to strive for excellence, Su Xinghe can only play in person. They demonstrate.

“The 166th shot of “Take My Brother Away”, the fourth shot,”


Play the board and start shooting.

Zifeng was wearing red pajamas, holding a glass of juice and handing it to Peng Peng.

Just after washing his hair, Peng Peng, who was sitting on the sofa wiping his head, was startled and swished in a defensive motion.

“I, did I offend you in any way?”

“elder brother!”

Zi Feng glared.


Su Xinghe’s voice sounded.

The people next to me were all stunned. It was a good performance, but it was a good one. “Sister, you don’t feel staring at this time.”

Su Xinghe said to Zifeng: “Shi Miao’s emotion at this time is to please my brother, you brother, who can’t answer so quickly, you have to lengthen the tone, and then act coquettishly to him.”

While speaking, Su Xinghe personally demonstrated and sat opposite Peng Peng with a bright smile: “Brother…”

Fuck, everyone around was dumbfounded.

“Fuck! What did I see just now”

“That’s Su Xinghe, he just imitated women and acted like a baby”

“Ahem, I’m not blind, I saw it.”

“Mom, why do I think he should also look good in women’s clothing”


“Brother, brother, don’t do this, think about your girlfriend.”

The members of the crew watched this scene and were all surprised.

Su Xinghe, this guy can always surprise everyone.

“Is he really less than thirty years old”

Seeing Su Xinghe handling the set with ease, Teacher He whispered to Huang Xiaochu.

Huang Xiaochu shrugged: “You have been filming a show with him for almost three months, you don’t know”

He naturally understood what the old man meant.

It is true that Su Xinghe’s performance is so mature that it is completely unexpected that this guy is only less than thirty years old.

Teacher He also shook his head helplessly when he heard this.

What else can he say, Su Xinghe, is… a pure monster.

: Evaluation ticket! There is still at night

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