Chapter 372 You can do it, you can sing (3. Subscription)

Su Xinghe felt normal for Li Wupei’s reaction.

If you are yourself, it is estimated that the reaction is bigger than him.

However, this does not mean that Su Xinghe is satisfied with his attitude.

“My lyrics are okay, it’s because you didn’t write your own song well.”

Su Xinghe said frankly.

At this time, people don’t give face to himself, and of course he doesn’t intend to save face to the other party.

The bad guys are not… Su Xinghe’s character.

Hearing Su Xinghe’s words, Li Wupei’s whole person was not good, and he looked at Su Xinghe with a gloomy expression: “Teacher Su, I admit that you are the first batch of online singers.

You are a creator of the heavenly king level, but music is an art. You can’t think my song is not good just because you don’t approve of my creation.”

Obviously, he was not convinced.

You Su Xinghe writes songs, and I also write songs. Why do you think my work is not as good as yours? Su Xinghe glanced at Li Wupei and smiled faintly: “Why, I think I said 9 is wrong”

“It’s not wrong.”

Li Wupei said coldly: “Since Teacher Su, you think I’m not good at writing, try writing it yourself!”

Yang Mi frowned: “Ms. Li, is this inappropriate?”

She paid the money, what do you mean by Li Wupei’s words.

“Miss Yang, although I accepted your invitation, it does not mean that I have sold myself to your company.

I, Li Wupei, has been making music for more than ten years, and now I am looked down upon! I am not reconciled! You can question my level, well, please come up with better works than me, otherwise, please apologize!”

Li Wupei looked at Yang Mi and said with a disapproving expression.

He is really angry. Why does Su Xinghe feel that he is inferior to him? Is this guy jealous that his musical talent is worse than him? Yang Mi glanced at Li Wupei and waved her hand: “Okay, Teacher Li, I said it. , This is the work of Teacher Su, he has the most say.”

Li Wupei snorted, and when she opened her mouth and wanted to speak, Liu Jingyi opened her mouth.

“Ms. Li, we asked you to compose a song for money. Even if this work is a demo, we still paid for it. If you are not satisfied, let’s talk about the contract.”

Facing Li Wupei, Liu Jingyi was not as polite as facing Su Xinghe.

Li Wupei was quiet now.

Just like Liu Jingyi said, he took the money and received compensation.

Yang Mi was because she was concerned about the image of an artist and couldn’t lose her temper.

But Liu Jingyi didn’t have that… scruples, she was a broker, the vice president of the company, and she had no confidence in the face of Su Xinghe, because Su Xinghe’s identity was there.

To put it in a bad way, if it is really anxious, Su Xinghe gets up and leaves.

But Li Wupei is different.

Why is the composer hired by the money yelling in front of him?

Talent ha ha.

There are too many talented people these days.

If you want to mix a bowl of rice in the entertainment industry, you have to have money.

After dressing up Hong Jingyi on Li Wupei’s side, she turned her head and looked at Su Xinghe with a sincere expression: “Teacher Su, look at this, can this work? Give us some time to study and see if we can invite other composers. My family helped write the music.”

As she said, she looked at Yang Mi and made a look.

The meaning is very simple, this is to make Yang Mi speak.

Yang Mi frowned, but did not speak.

She and Su Xinghe are friends, and she really wants Su Xinghe to help in this matter, but she doesn’t want to be in such a situation.

Seeing Yang Mi not speaking, Liu Jingyi also looked helpless.


Su Xinghe looked at Liu Jingyi, glanced at Li Wupei again, and said calmly: “I really don’t think you can find a suitable person to write this word of mine.”

This is what he said in his heart.

In Su Xinghe’s view, no one has such an ability, whether it is Azure, or even in the entire Huaxi Asia.

“Teacher Su, what do you say, pass it?”

Li Wupeihuo rose up.

“Yes, Teacher Su, you look down on people a little bit.”

The musician who adapted “When Will There Be a Bright Moon” into rock and roll also stood up.

In their opinion, Su Xinghe is almost equivalent to pointing to a few people here and saying that you are all rubbish.

For people who engage in music, this is absolutely intolerable! Let alone them, even Liu Jingyi is dumbfounded.

Fuck! Su Xinghe, where do you come from? Although these people are not the top composers in the country, at least… they are also the kind of people with strength.

Su Xinghe was criticized just now for being worthless.

Not only that, Su Xinghe’s words just now clearly meant…to ignore everyone.

Didn’t he know that if this word spread out, he would definitely become the target of the public and the public enemy of the entire circle of composers? Yang Mi looked at Su Xinghe with some worry, and quickly said to several composers: “Mr. Li, you have misunderstood. Xinghe didn’t mean that.”

In any case, Su Xinghe came here because of his own relationship, and he must not be misunderstood.


Seeing Yang Mi apologize, Li Wupei snorted and looked at Su Xinghe.

Obviously, he was waiting for Su Xinghe to speak.

Su Xinghe gave them a cold look and stood up.

“You, what are you going to do”

Li Wupei and others panicked immediately, and quickly stood up and backed away a few steps.

What a joke! This guy has been confirmed that even people like Wu Jing…professional martial arts champions can’t beat him, and the weak scholars of his own are definitely not enough…he beat him.

“Don’t do anything.”

Su Xinghe didn’t mean to do it. He just glanced at the few people and said to Liu Jingyi: “Let’s do it, bring me the guitar, and I will perform for them.”

Liu Jingyi was taken aback.

The other people were also shocked.What do you mean, they planned to play the guitar for the next second.Before Liu Jingyi could answer, Su Xinghe shook his head again.

“No, you shouldn’t use a guitar.”

!!! Damn, all these people are speechless.

Co-author, you didn’t even think about using any musical instrument to perform well, so you just said that you want to perform it, don’t you take these people seriously?

At this moment, no one thought that Su Xinghe could have any amazing performance except for Yang Mi, whose eyes were shining.

But Yang Mi knew that Su Xinghe would give herself a big surprise.

The reason is naturally because she knows that this guy never does things that are uncertain.

: Calvin, the mentality is broken!

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