Chapter 371 What the hell? (2, subscription)

After having a meal with Yang Mi, Su Xinghe stayed in Yanjing for the rest of the time.

Two days’ time, saying that the past is over.

When Su Xinghe appeared in the Yang Mi company conference room again, there were several people sitting in it.

“Ms. Su.”

“Hello, Teacher Su.”

“Hello, Teacher Su.”

“Meeting for the first time, hello.”

After everyone exchanged greetings, they sat down in the conference room:

“Listen to the demo first.”

Liu Jingyi said to Su Xinghe and Yang Mi.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

A musician over there knows and talks to a staff member.

The staff went to the console and opened a song that was recorded early.

Music sounded, Su Xinghe “Nine Zero Three”

She frowned, not Yang Mi’s voice, but another woman’s singing.

Singing skills are average, it should be a demo of the song.

“Mingyue, when can I have wine, I asked Qingtian, I don’t know, the palace in the sky, tonight, what year is it…”

A few words were added in the middle, and a few words and words were changed.

Liu Jingyi introduced: “This song has a relatively strong pop factor, with slight changes to the original poems, but also some imaginary words, and the changes are not big, it is still original.”

Yang Mi looked at Su Xinghe: “What do you think?”

Looking at her expression, she seemed to be satisfied with the song.

Su Xinghe shook his head slightly: “No, if you change it this way, there are a lot of popular elements, and the whole song doesn’t sound like the old style feeling, the artistic conception is completely gone.”

The composer couldn’t listen anymore. He glanced at Su Xinghe and said, “But what we do is…pop music, what is pop music, don’t you know Teacher Su? Isn’t it just a catchy saliva song? Um… Internet music, isn’t that the way it is”

Although one mouthful is Teacher Su, the attitude of the other party is not so polite.

Obviously, he wrote the song.

“This is Teacher Li Wupei, a well-known composer in the circle, who has written several popular songs.”

Liu Jingyi introduced.

Li Wupei is not very old, about 30 years old, and a few years older than Su Xinghe.

Perhaps because of his youth and ambition, he was very confident and looked at Yang Mi and said, “I promise, as long as I use my tune, this song will definitely be selected.”

Su Xinghe didn’t speak.

Yang Mi smiled and said to Li Wupei: “Teacher Li, don’t worry first, then let Teacher Su listen.”

Li Wupei definitely wanted to listen to her words. He glanced at Su Xinghe and didn’t say a word.

Although Su Xinghe is a rich man, in the eyes of this kind of musician, the identity of the person who doubts his work is not important.

Liu Jingyi greeted the staff, and then said to Su Xinghe: “The following song was composed by another musician. According to you, the ancient flavor is very strong.”

Su Xinghe nodded.

Music sounded.

Fuck, Su Xinghe is speechless this time.

Bel Canto, the ancient flavor is there, but this melody…Su Xinghe thinks that people who like this melody are very special.

Forbearing to listen to the entire song, Su Xinghe didn’t wait: Yang Mi asked herself and said directly: “Forget this song, let’s listen to it again.”

Yang Mi is familiar with his character and naturally understands what Su Xinghe means.

He was embarrassed to say that it was not very good.

After thinking about it, she looked at Liu Jingyi.

Liu Jingyi was a little helpless: “There are three songs in total, and the last one.”

“Come on then.”

Yang Mi said.


Liu Jingyi naturally has no problems.

The last composer was more interesting, and sat there directly holding a guitar.

“There is not enough time to record the demo…, let me play and sing myself.”

Su Xinghe and Yang Mi looked at each other, and had to let him hold the guitar there and start singing and playing.

Then… there is nothing more.

Su Xinghe was speechless.

Because this person actually changed the word to rock style.

Su Xinghe’s mouth twitched when he heard it, and he almost couldn’t help laughing.

After the last person finished singing, Liu Jingyi asked Su Xinghe for advice and said: “Teacher Su, what do you think?”

Taking a look at Yang Mi, Su Xinghe finally said calmly: “Miss Liu, to be honest, let’s forget it.”

Liu Jingyi was startled.

Su Xinghe waved his hand: “These performances really make me unsatisfied. Don’t let Yang Mi sing this poem.”

It’s not that he doesn’t give face to old friends, but that it would be a waste to let them sing this poem.

In Su Xinghe’s impression, the word “When will the moon be there” has not been adapted into a song, but no matter which version it is, it is better than those people like them.

Just these three songs adapted.

One purely became a popular saliva song.

One is obscure.

The other one simply became a hoarse rock.

A good Mid-Autumn Festival poem is abruptly ruined.

Of course, it is also possible that Su Xinghe is too proud.

After all, as a traverser with a system close to him, Su Xinghe naturally has a different kind of pride in his heart.

It’s like a regional consciousness, regardless of your hometown…

Good or bad, in my own opinion, they are all good and are worthy of pride.

In fact, if you look at it objectively, the three pieces are still good, especially the first one composed by Li Wupei, which is still very catchy, and it can be regarded as a fairly good piece.

But Su Xinghe seems to be not enough, far from enough! At the very least, no matter…

It is the singer Yang Mi, or the composition of Li Wupei and others, in the eyes of Su Xinghe, it is not perfect.

Liu Jingyi frowned 1.

7. Teacher Su, please think about it again. I personally think Li Wupei’s tune is good. Mi Mi has heard it before and thinks so too.”

Yang Mi opened her mouth, but didn’t speak.

Su Xinghe smiled and shook his head: “It really doesn’t work.”

“What’s not good, Teacher Su, tell me something”

Li Wupei looked unconvinced.

People who make music are undoubtedly very proud.

In Li Wupei’s opinion, if you question my music, you are… questioning my strength. Why don’t you Su Xinghe say that my music is not good, because you are the original author.

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