Chapter 356 Super rich Su Xinghe (seeking subscription)

the next morning.

Su Xinghe got up and went out for a morning jog as usual.

But when he returned to the mushroom house, he found that the big house was all up.

Moreover, they were gathered together and looked at something with their mobile phones.

“what happened”

Su Xinghe asked strangely.

Everyone heard the words.

Turning his head and looking at him together.

Among them, Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He have weird expressions, especially wonderful.

Frowning, Su Xinghe always has a particularly strange feeling.

“Xinghe, you didn’t watch the morning news”

Teacher He said to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe is somewhat inexplicable: “What news”

“You better take a look.”

Huang Xiaochu said to Su Xinghe.

They all said so, Su Xinghe naturally picked up the phone quickly and looked at it.

“Nine Zero Three”

The result was a moment later.

The expression on his face became: extremely wonderful.

Just last night, news came from the United States that Facebook’s most mysterious second-largest shareholder was officially exposed.

A Facebook executive said that the investors who have been standing next to Mark Zuckerberg since the beginning of the website are from Huaxiya.

According to the rumors, the mysterious shareholder was named Xinghesu.

After the news came out, major media in the United States reported on it.

Moreover, it soon spread to the domestic side.

Huaxiya’s media were dumbfounded.

Is it the same name and surname? After all, according to the American people, Xinghe Su is wrong.

The correct name should be Su Xinghe!!!! f*ck! Netizens on Weibo are completely confused.

What is going on? Why is Su Xinghe even related to Facebook? Isn’t he an artist? On the blog, under Su Xinghe’s Weibo, there are all question marks from netizens.

“Star God, is it really you”

“Husband, husband, you are awesome!”

“Oh my God!! The assets of tens of billions of dollars, wouldn’t it cost hundreds of billions of RMB!”

“Dad, I am your long-lost son!”

“I’m a little dizzy, who will help me count, how much money do I have at the end”

“God, is Su Xinghe a god?”

“Seriously, don’t tell me the news.

It’s just the news from the U.S., what proof is there that that person is Su Xinghe, if not, wouldn’t it be a joke”

“What the upstairs said makes sense.

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion.

There are people who say everything.

However, more than half of the top ten searches on Weibo have been filled with various news from Su Xinghe.

Someone found out: those before him…identity, someone is inquiring about the shareholder list of Facebook America.

all in all.

On the Internet now, Su Xinghe’s popularity is simply higher than that of superstars.

The mushroom house is here.

As soon as Mango’s live broadcast room was opened, more than 80 million people flooded in, and Douyin quickly gathered an audience of more than 40 million people.

Together, there are more than 100 million netizens watching the live broadcast.

There are a lot of question marks on the barrage.

Everyone is asking the same question.

Is Su Xinghe the major shareholder of Facebook?

Even the staff on the side of the program group, a large group of people gathered around, and took pictures with their mobile phones.

Su Xinghe shook his head helplessly.

That guy Mark really likes to do things! By now, he doesn’t have to guess, and it must be Mark Zuckerberg who leaked his identity.

Although I don’t know the reason, Su Xinghe absolutely believes that Zuckerberg’s squad must not stop him.

“it’s me.”

Thought of here.

Su Xinghe did not continue to conceal the idea. He nodded and admitted frankly: “I am the second largest shareholder of Facebook.”

Fuck, with Su Xinghe’s words.

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded all at once.

For many things, the parties personally admitted that they are different from outside speculation.

“Brother Su, you are so amazing!”

The little girls didn’t know what to say, and said to Su Xinghe with little stars in both eyes.

“Yes, it’s amazing!”

“so amazing!”

Peng Peng and Zifeng also exclaimed.

After all, what kind of website Facebook is, they know too well.

Although it has not entered the Chinese submarket so far, as a world-renowned Internet company with a market value of more than 500 billion US dollars, any shareholder is enough to call it a billionaire 0… and Su Xinghe As the earliest investor in Facebook, he holds at least nearly 10% or even more of the shares so far.

This number is absolutely jaw-dropping.

“Don’t think too much, everyone.”

Su Xinghe looked at the emotions of the crowd and said lightly: “Although I hold some shares in Facebook, I don’t interfere with the normal operation and management of Facebook.

And my voting rights have been delegated to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg.

I’m just an idler who takes share dividends.”

!!! Hearing his words, the audience in the live broadcast room was speechless.

f*ck! Be an individual! Shares worth tens of billions of dollars are there, even if you are a shareholder who doesn’t care, it is real money! “Star God, please, be an individual.”

“Why is also an artist, Su Xinghe is so good”

“Stop making trouble, you should ask, why is the same person, why is Su Xinghe so good?”

“In the same nine years, Ru He Xiu”

“Seriously, I am a little jealous of him.”

“There is nothing to be jealous of, Su Xinghe’s talent, everyone has to be convinced.”


Some people say it sounds good, and naturally some people say it doesn’t sound good.

Soon, 1.

Someone jumped out and said that people like Su Xinghe are purely wealthy and unkind. They have so many assets in the U.S. country but have no contribution in the country. This kind of person, how to be a star, was soon beaten by Su Xinghe fans. Face off.

In the words of the fans, our family Star God donated all the proceeds from fairy tale books and songs, are you blind and you are in the midst of such disturbances.

This period of yearning has finally come to an end.

Several girls reluctantly left the mushroom house.

Zuer started crying altogether.

She is really reluctant to leave.

But there is no way.

There is always a banquet in the world, as an artist, there are always some things beyond her control.

: Seeking subscription, seeking reward, evaluation ticket!

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