Chapter 355 Can’t hide identity (subscription required)

The goal has been achieved, and Su Xinghe naturally does not intend to stay on the mountain.

Take the cameraman down the mountain and return to the mushroom house.

As soon as he entered the door, he was surrounded by Huang Xiaochu and others.

“Come here, let me see, let me see.”

Huang Xiaochu likes health preservation very much, and he is very interested in this 100-year-old wild ginseng.

“Yeah, look, it’s amazing!”

Teacher He even said.

“Brother Su, you are so amazing!”

Peng Peng exclaimed sincerely.

“Yes, it’s the first time I saw such a big wild ginseng.”

Zu’er and the others also nodded and smiled.

After all, they are young. This kind of thing is originally a legend. Sometimes I heard that it was also in newspapers and books.

Su Xinghe naturally didn’t talk nonsense, smiled and took out the wild ginseng and showed it to a few people.

Taking advantage of everyone’s effort to watch wild ginseng, he walked into the yard again and started looking for tools.

“Xinghe, what else are you doing?”

Teacher He saw Su Xinghe’s movements and asked puzzledly.

Su Xinghe smiled: “I plan to make a few cases and put them in the back mountain, and see if I can bring some game to Zuer and the others tomorrow morning.”

When this sentence was said, even the audience in the live broadcast room was moved.

“Star God, this person is so warm.”

“Yeah, I have never seen such a warm person.”

“Good man.”

“Seriously, even if you don’t marry him, being his girlfriend is definitely a very happy thing.”


“I envy that woman.”

“Star God, do you want to think about me”

The audience in the live broadcast room, especially the female audience, sent invitations to Su Xinghe.

After all, such a warm, handsome and talented man is simply unique.

“Thank you, Brother Su.”

“Thank you, Brother Su.”

A few little girls will naturally be human, and repeatedly expressed their gratitude to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe was not polite, waved his hand, and took Peng Peng up the mountain.

It’s a bit busy to do it alone, but it is more convenient to bring a helper.

Two people went up the mountain and put the cover down.

In less than an hour, the two returned to the mushroom house.

“Ten 10s have been dropped, let’s take a look tomorrow morning.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said to everyone.

“If there are pheasants, hares, etc., I will take them away for you.”

The girls will not leave until noon tomorrow, there is enough time.

After talking for a while…, everyone rested.

The live broadcast room was naturally closed.

………….. “Brother, will Zuer and Sister Sister leave tomorrow?”

When sleeping at night, Qingqing leaned on Su Xinghe and asked him.


Su Xinghe smiled and explained to the little girl.

He naturally knew that Qingqing was actually very reluctant to bear these girls.

She is still young, and there are no playmates around her.She is naturally very happy to see these young little girls.

“Hey, if they don’t leave”

Qingqing shook her head in disappointment.

This time, she was………not to mention introducing a few girls to Su Xinghe as girlfriends.

Qingqing is very smart and knows what kind of girl is suitable for her brother.

This kind of girl who is about twenty years old and about the same age as Zifeng’s sister doesn’t like her brother.

In the words of my brother, it was too naive.

Cut! I don’t know where my brother is so confident.

He himself was only twenty-eight years old.

“Well, when there is a chance in the future, my brother will take you to find them to play, okay”

Su Xinghe said softly to the little girl.


Qingqing raised her head and looked at Su Xinghe in surprise.

Su Xinghe nodded: “Of course, when did I lie to you.”

“All right.”

Qingqing laughed: “Then when shall we go?”


Su Xinghe was speechless.

This girl, who hasn’t finished recording her yearning, is actually thinking about the future.

“Qingqing, we will move to live in the city in the future, okay”

Su Xinghe thought for a while and asked Qingqing.

Qingqing is getting older day by day, and she needs to think about her future.

Moreover, since the close relationship with Wan Qian and Zhao Liying, Su Xinghe’s heart is actually considering whether to give up the current lifestyle.

After all, I will definitely get married in the future.

I can’t still live in seclusion in the mountain village with my wife and children.

That kind of thing only exists in novels and TV shows.

“Can I go to Yanjing?”

Qingqing tilted her head and considered it for a long time, and finally chose the biggest city in her impression.


Su Xinghe was startled, then asked with a smile.

“Because there are godmothers, sister Duoduo, and Xiaowu.”

Qingqing said it for granted.

In her cognition, these are the best people besides her brother.

If there is a chance to get closer to them, of course it can’t be better.


Su Xinghe nodded and smiled without saying anything.

For him, since Qingqing wants to leave here, she should leave.

After a big deal, I will come back for a short stay when I have time.

Even if I spent a lot of effort here, for: Su Xinghe, this is just a resting place for him.

……………………………… No words for a night.

Su Xinghe didn’t know it, he was far away in the United States.

Something related to him is happening.

Silicon Valley.

In an office.

A young man with slightly curly hair is sitting at his desk.

In front of him, stood two tall men.

“Mark, you really want to do this”

The man with glasses said to Mark Zuckerberg, who was sitting there: “You know, if we can introduce SoftBank’s investment, it will be very beneficial to us.”

“I know.”

Mark Zuckerberg raised his head and glanced at the person in front of him: “Sean, Howard, you know, Su has always been the second largest shareholder of our Facebook, but he has never been involved in the operation of the company. .

Such a collaborator is what I need.”

The two looked at each other, and finally sighed.

They know very well, if they can introduce Softbank’s investment this time, what is the meaning of the expansion of the entire Facebook.

But obviously.

Mark Zuckerberg didn’t plan to do that.

“I’m afraid of Su’s identity, this time…I can’t keep it from anymore.”

Said Sean Parker, the CEO of Facebook.

“Haha, I don’t care about it. If SoftBank wants to announce it, we will admit it.”

Mark Zuckerberg, who was still serious just now, smiled slightly.

“Seriously, I also look forward to how that guy will react when he walks to the stage.”

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