Chapter 313 King-level treatment! (5. Subscription)

When the plane arrived at the airport in the city where Zifeng’s house was located, it did not cause any movement.

Even the media.

Because I don’t know the specific flight number, I can only give up the interview with Su Xinghe and others.

Of course, it may also be because before departure, Huang Xiaochu discussed with Su Xinghe and said in front of the camera that they would not accept any media interviews until Zifeng finished the college entrance examination.

At the same time, I also hope that friends in the media can give face and don’t disturb them.

Everyone knows Su Xinghe’s temperament, and he has always done what he said.

Therefore, those…media reporters also wisely chose to give them this face.

Get out of the airport.

“Let’s take a taxi.”

Teacher He said to Huang Xiaochu and others.

They only have four men plus Qingqing and the child, and four 44 cameramen.Shonan Satellite TV has no staff here, so they can only rely on themselves.

“Need not.”

Su Xinghe shook his head: “I have arranged it.”


Everyone looked at each other.

At this time, Su Xinghe’s phone rang 09.


Su Xinghe answered the phone and said after a few words, “The car has been arranged, and someone will bring it over soon.”

Everyone looked at each other.

They came this time without an assistant.

Then the problem is coming.

Who was responsible for driving quickly, the problem was solved.

Because the other party drove two Skoda commercial vehicles.

“Let’s go.”

Su Xinghe smiled at the bewildered crowd.

Everyone got on the car, and they were all moved.

“No, Galaxy, you have a branch here”

After getting on the bus, Teacher He asked in surprise.


Su Xinghe smiled, shook his head and said: “I’m doing investment, with very few entities.”

This is the truth.

He has never liked to be a real entity, and he is a little bit more when investing in holdings.

Zifeng’s family was in Simenxia City, near Los Angeles. Su Xinghe and the others got off the plane and drove directly to Simenxia by car from Los Angeles Airport.

It’s 8 o’clock in the evening.

The group finally arrived at Simenxia City.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and a group of people got out of the car.

“Hello, Teacher Su.”

The three people standing at the entrance of the hotel came over and greeted Su Xinghe and others politely.


Su Xinghe nodded.

“The room has been arranged.”

Still polite: “Jiang said hello, if you have anything you need, please speak up.”

“Well, thank you.”

After Su Xinghe politely thanked him, he took the yellow man into the hotel.

Sitting on the elevator, they reached the top floor of the hotel.

“Everyone’s rooms are on the eighteenth floor.”

The leader introduced to Su Xinghe and others: “If you have any needs, just call customer service.

We will not receive other guests on this floor. Regarding safety, please rest assured teachers.”

Hiss! Several people took a breath of air in unison.

This Su Xinghe’s face is too great! Just after arriving here, someone checked it, this is the best hotel in Simenxia.

But now, according to that person, the best floor of the entire hotel is not ready to open to the outside world because of their stay.

This is not just something you can do if you have money and power.

You still have to have enough face! And that… the person who has face to let others do this is naturally Su Xinghe.

“Everyone, rest first.”

Su Xinghe is very calm on this side, and he greets these people to receive their room cards.

Soon, everyone chose the room.

Qingqing naturally slept in a room with Su Xinghe.

Originally, Teacher He and the others planned to live in one room for two people, but Su Xinghe waved his hand and let everyone live in one room.

“The entire first floor is ours, is there any difference between a room for two people and a room for one person?”

Su Xinghe asked with a smile.

For his statement, Teacher He had nothing to refute, so he had to agree.

Everyone soon rested on their own.

…But this night.

Because of a few Weibo, the Internet has exploded! The reason is because Peng Peng uploaded a photo of himself with Teacher He, and they have wine glasses in their hands.

“It’s the first time I drank such a delicious champagne!”

Originally, this was just a very ordinary Weibo.

After Peng Peng finished the post, he went to take a bath.

The result was unexpected.

After Weibo was sent out, it quickly caused heated discussions on the Internet.

Many people asked Peng Peng.

What kind of wine is this?

Then, the four 44 photographers who were yearning for also posted Weibo to express their gratitude to Su Xinghe.

Coupled with Peng Peng’s Weibo, this matter quickly became a hot topic.

“I’m particularly curious, what kind of wine Peng Peng drank… is it.”

“Yeah, why don’t I understand.”

“It won’t be the Silent Ship series, right”

“It’s true, it’s an absolute luxury.”

“What is a silent boat, why have I never heard of this red wine”

“Isolate, that kind of… a bottle of champagne costs nearly two million yuan!”

“Fuck! Really or fake, two million a bottle of champagne, f*ck! Isn’t that more expensive than gold”

A group of netizens are speculating about what Peng Peng is talking about.

Even some artists are curious.

Zhang Tianai: Peng Yuchang, Peng Peng, what kind of wine are you drinking? Tan Song Yun: I want to drink too! Zhao Liying: That plane, I also want to take Su Xinghe.

Hu Ge: Is there any more wine, please give me a glass! Wu Jing: Take me one next time I drink, I promise that there will be no wine left.

To the end.

Regardless of….

When you know celebrities you don’t know, you all join Su Xinghe and beg for drinks.

Of course, many people don’t even know what Peng Peng drinks are, it’s just…to join in the fun.

Su Xinghe also saw the lively scene on Weibo.

He doesn’t care much, anyway, it is normal for him to become a hot search on Weibo.

However, he still circled Zhao Liying, Hu Ge and others, and directly replied: “There are a lot of good wines, and there is a chance to drink together.”


Su Xinghe specifically circled Wu Jing again: “Friends come and there is good wine, if the jackal comes, there will be a shotgun to greet you!”

When netizens saw Su Xinghe’s Weibo, they laughed wildly.

What a resentment he has towards Wu Jing! Sure enough.

For men, brother-in-law is always the most annoying creature.

The presence.

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