Chapter 312 Major shareholders of Facebook exposed! (4, subscription)

Su Xinghe knew it from the first sentence of Teacher He.

He should have guessed Mark’s identity.

With a sigh, Su Xinghe said to Teacher He: “Teacher He, you are too smart.”

He Jiong laughed: “I actually guessed it too, but when I see your expression, I know that I guessed it right.”

The conversation between the two of them stunned everyone.

Peng Peng reacted quickly and immediately took out the phone and wanted to check it online.

It suddenly occurred to me that I was on an airplane and there was no internet at all.

“Brother Su, that… what does Mark do?”

Peng Peng decided to ask Su Xinghe himself.

Su Xinghe smiled and gestured to Teacher He with his chin: “You can ask Teacher He, he has already guessed it.”

Peng Peng looked at Teacher He.

There was a smile on the corner of Mr. He’s mouth, his face was “Nine Zero Three.”

To the gazes of Peng Peng and others, he explained: “You all know Facebook, right?”

“Of course I do.”

Peng Peng nodded, just about to speak.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is now the largest shareholder of Facebook, with a net worth of more than 60 billion U.S. dollars.His girlfriend is Priscilla Chen, who is Asian.

Damn it! Peng Peng suddenly stood up.

“Brother Su, your friend is Mark Zuckerberg”

Peng Peng blurted out and asked Su Xinghe in surprise.

Su Xinghe smiled and nodded: “Yes, he is… the guy who likes meetings.”

Several people were dumbfounded.

Except for Mr. He, who had already guessed the answer, no one, including the well-informed Huang Xiaochu, would have thought that Su Xinghe’s… partner and friend turned out to be in the world today. Well-known super rich Mark Zuckerberg.

Wait…! Huang Xiaochu suddenly thought of something and looked at Su Xinghe.

“You said you have a cooperative relationship with him, isn’t it just Facebook, right?”

Huang Xiaochu asked cautiously.

Su Xinghe laughed: “Does Mark have other companies?”

Hiss! All of them took a breath of cold air.

“No, Brother Su, you are still a Facebook shareholder”

When Peng Peng asked this question, his voice trembled.


Su Xinghe did not hide their meaning, and said casually: “But the equity is not much, only about 4%:.”

“But on the list of Facebook shareholders…”

Peng Peng subconsciously just wanted to say that there is no Su Xinghe in the shareholder list, but he reacted in the next second.

Su Xinghe does not need to appear on the shareholder list at all.He can control overseas offshore companies to hold Facebook in various ways.

“Four percent%%.”

“That’s awesome!”

“I feel like Teacher Su is really rich.”

A group of staff members were there whispered.

They are naturally not qualified to chat with Su Xinghe and others, but Su Xinghe and others did not deliberately lower the volume when chatting, and they heard clearly.

“What is the market value of 4%%% of Facebook”

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He looked at each other, a little surprised.

“If I remember correctly, the market value of Facebook seems to be nearly one trillion dollars, right”

Teacher He said.


Huang Xiaochu also nodded.

“How much is the value of Galaxy’s shares?”

Huang Xiaochu asked in surprise.

“That’s not true, if you look at the stock price, at least… it’s over tens of billions of dollars.”

Teacher He said.

Fuck, all of them were stunned.

The look in Su Xinghe’s eyes is different.

“No wonder you bought such an expensive plane!”

Teacher He said to Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe laughed and waved his hand: “It has nothing to do with that… Teacher He, don’t guess.”

The matter of his buying a plane really has nothing to do with Facebook’s shares.

I just felt that I needed to have a plane, so Su Xinghe bought it.

Under the premise of owning the system, he is not so clear about the concept of wealth.

In his opinion, enough is enough.

Since you have enough money, you naturally have to buy what you want.

Otherwise, what’s the use of working so hard to achieve financial freedom?

Teacher He shook the champagne in his hand and said to Peng Peng.

He was still there just now: self-blaming, shouldn’t drink such expensive wine.

Now it seems.

Su Xinghe is a big dog at all! With a net worth of more than 10 billion U.S. dollars! One or two million, a bottle of red wine, to him, is really just a drop in the bucket.

“Ha ha.”

This time, even Huang Xiaochu laughed. 0… Su Xinghe didn’t care much. He greeted the staff and said, “If you’re not busy, drink a little too.”

“That, thank you Teacher Su.”

Several people nodded quickly and thanked Su Xinghe.

After all, this is two million bottles of wine.

“Um… Teacher Su, can we take pictures?”

A photographer asked Su Xinghe.

He is not very young, and if he thinks about taking pictures, he will be a talker in the future.


Su Xinghe waved his hand: “Although there is no net, you can get off the plane and send it, I’m fine.”

With his current identity there, the image of a rich person has been deeply ingrained in the eyes of the public.A bottle of two million red wine is nothing more than a private jet worth 70 million US dollars.

“Thank you Teacher Su.”

The photographer quickly expressed his thanks.

Su Xinghe smiled and asked the flight attendant to give them a bottle.

There are a total of 44 photographers, and a bottle of champagne is enough.

Because Zifeng was taking the exam tomorrow, even if they got there tonight, they didn’t plan to disturb her.

When setting out, Huang Xiaochu had already called Zifeng’s agent and asked her where she was taking the exam.

Since it was a surprise, of course I had to hide it from the little girl.

According to their estimates, Zifeng must be 1.

7 I am not in the mood to pay attention to the program. I will take the college entrance examination tomorrow. No one will be nervous.

“Xinghe, no wonder you don’t want to come back.”

Only then did Huang Xiaochu understand Su Xinghe’s thoughts, and said with a smile: “If I were you, I would not look down on these things in the entertainment industry.”

Because there is no camera, they naturally speak a little more casually, and don’t have to hide and tuck them like that.

Su Xinghe smiled: “In fact, it doesn’t matter if you come back or not, as long as you are happy, right?”

Everyone was taken aback, and then they laughed too.

Su Xinghe is right.

At his level, he really doesn’t need to think about whether he will come back or not.As long as he is happy, it is more important than anything.

This is probably…you can’t imagine the happiness of the rich.

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