Chapter 283 Pre-sale is on! (3 requests for subscription)

20% off%20%%%No one thought that Su Xinghe directly reduced the price of concert tickets by 20%.

Sure enough, the local tyrant is not bad for money.

At this time, I saw Su Xinghe continue to say with a serious face: “In addition, after years of observation of my pets, Xiao Shi is often too lonely. I want to find a partner, I will tell you… ….”

!!! Everyone in the mushroom house is speechless.

This guy is simply a weird thing! “Can you not talk nonsense there.”

Looking at Su Xinghe helplessly, Huang Xiaochu vomited: “I guess I had a bad stomach after eating in the morning.”

“Almost, I ate a lot of cold things in the morning. It should be an upset in the stomach.”

Teacher He, who had raised a pet dog in his early years, said.

After listening to their words, Zifeng was relieved.

Su Xinghe touched his head a little awkwardly, with a look of “Nine Zero Three”

Innocent: “I don’t know, I’m not a veterinarian…”

The veterinarians were speechless.

This guy is simply too Damn it.

Su Xinghe smiled and touched the puppy’s head: “Hey, get well soon, and I will ask you to eat the authentic Yanjing roast duck!”

Hey…fuck! The lantern that was meditating originally made a miserable whine, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

“Hahahaha! The lantern has escaped again!”

“I feel sorry for my lamp, every time I am tortured by this unscrupulous guy, it is simply inhumane!”

“Star God, be a man, bully a duck all day, don’t you feel bad?”

“Haha, the killer in the animal world, Su Xinghe.”

“Laughing to death, the biggest enemy of the lantern duck is probably… Su Xinghe!”

…I have to say that Su Xinghe is…have this ability, maybe just a few words will make the atmosphere lively all at once.

The effect of the program is naturally full.

Soon, Xiao recovered, followed Su Xinghe’s butt, barking screaming, with a happy face.

In this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

“No, I really suspect that Xinghe, your orchard seems to have aura, like, look at our mushroom house…Little animals, since they have been here, they have changed more and more. Smarter.”

Teacher He said sincerely.

What he said was from his heart.

Since I came to this new mushroom house, starting from the colorful lights, to the south of the colorful clouds, everyone has become a lot smarter.It is really amazing.

“Haha, Teacher He, what you said, the land price in Manyuan Village may be going up.”

Su Xinghe smiled.

Teacher He himself laughed: “If I am so good, then I can do real estate in the future.”

Although it is live broadcast, because there are no guests, it is actually…broadcast their daily life.

“It’s too hot this day.”

Stay outside for a while and everyone will.

Simply hide in the house.

Zifeng went upstairs to study. Qingqing is not afraid of getting sun-dried. It’s fun to play with Dawei Tianlong in the yard.

“Zifeng is about to take the exam, right”

Su Xinghe remembered something and asked Huang Xiaochu.

“Well, she will have to take the college entrance examination in one week.”

Huang Xiaochu said.

“Then after she finishes the exam, I will have another concert.”

Su Xinghe thought for a while.

“It’s up to you, but you’d better determine the time, after all, you still have to pre-sell.

And where does your…concert take place in Yanjing?”

Teacher He asked curiously.

In fact, not only him, but everyone is curious.

There is even more discussion online.

Many people even say that Su Xinghe is just… blowing the atmosphere and dare not hold any concerts at all.

“Pre-sale is easy to handle.”

Su Xinghe smiled: “As for the address, I ordered the bird’s nest.”

Fuck, everyone was stunned.

“Bird’s Nest”

Teacher He looked at Su Xinghe in surprise: “Are you kidding me?”

“Of course not.”

Su Xinghe nodded: “I have already negotiated with the organizer of the Bird’s Nest.”

“All right.”

Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu looked at each other, and both became a little worried.

After all, the number of spectators that the Bird’s Nest can accommodate is 100,000 people.

In other words, that is the position of 100,000 fans.

Although Su Xinghe’s popularity is not low, the problem is that these people are not all his fans.

Some people like his movies, some like his novels, and some are simply his fans.

No one can guarantee how many people really like his music.

There was news on the Internet before, saying that many of Su Xinghe’s fans became his fans through variety shows.

In other words, it is the yearning to achieve Su Xinghe0…Of course, everyone does not deny Su Xinghe’s musical talent.

After all, joining Douyin and the publication of Daoxiang have proved that he is indeed very talented.

Moreover, how could someone who even took Grammys had no strength.

But this does not mean that the concert will be successful! The reason is simple.

Because in this era, not many people like to listen to the scene anymore.

Think about it, the songs that can be heard online for a few yuan at most, or even for free, why go to the scene, just look at a ticket, just a few hundred, and even a few thousand in the infield.

Not everyone is willing to spend that money.


Su Xinghe’s concert was held in Yanjing.

The cost of the concert ticket is not counted, just the transportation cost of the round trip is… a big expense.

The average person may not be able to afford this money.


I yearn for live broadcast at that time…This alone is enough to dispel the enthusiasm of many people.

Those on the Internet… those who look down on Su Xinghe are not without reason.

“It’s fine.”

Su Xinghe saw the expressions of Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He, and he knew what they were thinking.

He smiled and said, “I believe that my fans will not let me down.”

Both of them couldn’t help laughing bitterly.

Su Xinghe, it doesn’t matter…

At all times, I was as confident as ever.

And straight 1.

7 In the broadcast booth, the crowd also began to discuss.

“To be honest, I think Su Xinghe is too confident.”

“Yes, he does have a lot of fans, I admit, but the problem is, after a concert, even the ticket and the travel expenses, at least… a few thousand yuan, who can afford it? rise”

“Furthermore, I want to live together with the Douyin platform here, it is tantamount to white prostitution!”

“Seriously, if I were Su Xinghe, I would hold the concert honestly and stop live broadcasting.”

“Yes, otherwise you can just sing in the yearning.”

“Yes, this is actually nondescript.”

“Really, Star God, what if no one looks at you like this”

With such a discussion, Su Xinghe answered a phone call in the evening.

Then, he officially announced that at 12:1 tomorrow, his concert pre-sale will officially open.

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