Chapter 282 See Nanshan leisurely (2 requests for subscription)

This lively thing comes fast and goes fast.

After the game is over.

Lee Chang-ho and Su Xinghe talked for a long time, and when he left, he was interviewed by reporters at the airport.

When asked by reporters, what do you think about the saying that the Chinese family Yama Xiaochun called Su Xinghe the man closest to the chess sage?

Li Changho was silent for a long time before slowly saying, “Although I don’t want to admit it, Mr. Su is indeed the strongest player in contemporary chess players.”

After saying this, he turned around and boarded the plane.

Who is Lee Chang-ho?Even if he loses to Su Xinghe, he is still recognized as the world’s first person in the professional Go circle.

Now, even Lee Chang-ho admits that Su Xinghe is powerful.

Then who else would question him is naturally gone.

Even if it’s a Kong Jing, it won’t come out to lift the Kong at this time.

The excitement dissipated.

The people in the chess school left, Su Xinghe wrote them a lot of chess books and asked them to take them back to study.

As for Guo Qilin and others, they also left.

They are entertainers and still have work to do.

The Mushroom House was quiet again.

Another morning.

The entertainment circle without Su Xinghe always lacks a bit of excitement.

Although there are countless celebrity scandals and news every day.

But otherwise it’s… the company hyped it up for the promotion of new movies or new shows.

Otherwise… the news headline is very exaggerated, but it doesn’t matter much, it is always a little bit less authentic and impactful.

Where is it like Su Xinghe, who makes some earth-shattering chaos at every turn, and makes everyone a mess from time to time, or his news is more exciting.

On Weibo.

“Why don’t you want to broadcast live?”

“Yes, why is Teacher Su still resting?”

“On the third day that Teacher Su didn’t start the broadcast, I missed him.”

“Yes, I yearn to start broadcasting soon, otherwise it will be too boring.”

“Yes, yes, I look forward to Teacher Su’s appearance.”

“In other words, is the Star God too tired?”

“Yes, I heard that Go is both brain-intensive and labor-intensive.”

“But Su Xinghe is so strong, why doesn’t he become a professional player”

“Stop making trouble, he is a professional player, is there any other people’s business?”

“Sweep the chess world alone!”

Fans discussed lively.

But in fact, Su Xinghe didn’t even plan to be a professional chess player.

The title of the chess saint Suishou is indeed very powerful, which makes people think that he is very powerful, but the problem is.

The intensity of the professional Go game is too high, the competition is too large, and the span is too long.One day is three hundred and sixty-five days.I can’t wait to have training and competition every day.The world rankings are actually piled up with time.

Su Xinghe doesn’t have that… time, if it wasn’t because of Zhao Yang’s 5th dan Weibo, or because of Ma Xiaochun’s personal visit, he estimated that he would never play Go again in his life.

Sports stars look very beautiful, very positive, very respected, and the price is too high.

Don’t say anything else.

In terms of mental stress, Su Xinghe felt that he might not be able to bear it.

It is more suitable for me to pick the chrysanthemum under the eastern fence and see Nanshan leisurely.

…………………… Su Xinghe’s concert was postponed due to the game of Go.

The online fans can understand, even if it’s those…Tumblr, I don’t dare to appear at this moment.

The yearning live broadcast room, open again.

At the beginning, the live broadcast room left, and more than 20 million viewers flooded in.

On the barrage, there are all news of welcome back.

“Haha, Star God is mighty! Defeated Lee Chang-ho in three rounds.”

“Yes, Dongying: An announcement has already been made over there, saying that it will not challenge Mr. Su Xinghe.”


“Can you not persuade me, Lee Chang-ho has lost, why are they here to take their own humiliation?”

“That’s right, I think Su Xinghe should be a professional chess player.”

“Star God said, he is not interested in professional Go, he is an amateur.”

“Haha, I also hinted that Zhao Yang’s fifth stage is not?”

Everyone is talking about Su Xinghe.

But this morning, Su Xinghe did not appear in the live broadcast room.

According to Qingqing, my brother stayed up late last night.

When she said this, Su Xinghe’s book fans were happy.

After all, this means that there must be two or three books to break out.

The only worry is that he doesn’t know which book he will choose.

Until noon.

Su Xinghe finally came out of the room and appeared in the camera.

As soon as he left the house, he saw the little happily lying there.

0 stepped over, Su Xinghe sat next to Xiao.

The little guy groaned, but ignored Su Xinghe.

“I’m still too lonely when I’m sick”

Su Xinghe’s hand touched the little guy.

not far away.

A certain duck who was repeatedly threatened and often associated with Yanjing roast duck was dumbfounded.

Fuck, what is this, why is it also an animal in the mushroom house, my treatment is completely different from other animals at this moment.

Lantern wondered if his duck life was cursed in some way! ………….The audience in the live broadcast room, the one who saw the lantern The reaction, all laughed dizzy.

“Hahaha, my lamp!”

“I feel that the lantern has received ten thousand critical hits! This guy, why do you treat me that way”

………… “No, Su Xinghe is too much!”

“Haha, really, it’s hard to imagine this is a person.”

“Half Angel, Half Demon”

A screenshot of this scene was quickly posted on the Internet and aroused heated discussion.

Zifeng also leaned over at this time and asked Su Xinghe: “Brother Su, do you think Xiao is sick?”

“I can’t see it.”

Su Xinghe shook his head: “I think he may be lonely and cold.”

Zifeng looked dazed.

What is loneliness, loneliness, coldness, you say a dog, you will feel lonely and lonely, teacher Leng He and Huang Xiaochu and others look at each other, and don’t know how to describe Su Xinghe’s brain circuit.

This product is simply a weird thing, and it’s the kind of…extremely weird talent! “No, Xinghe, you delayed the concert by playing chess, do you have to apologize to the audience?”

After this meeting died, Huang Xiaochu said to Su Xinghe.

In any case, it was indeed Su Xinghe who delayed the concert because of the match with Lee Chang-ho.

In Huang Xiaochu’s view, one yard is one yard.

There must be one sentence that should be said.

Su Xinghe naturally had no objection. He nodded, sat in the pavilion, and said to the camera: “Dear audience friends, I am sorry that my personal affairs have affected the concert. So this time, I plan to change the performance of the concert. The fare is sold at a %% discount.”

Damn it! The audience laughed a little as soon as this sentence was spoken.

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