Chapter 241 Su Xinghe stuns netizens! (4/10 seeking subscription)

Fairy tales are not that easy to write.


Regardless of this world…

As long as something has something to do with literature, it will inevitably become a difficult thing.

This is especially true of children’s literature.

Because you have to consider the child’s ability to accept and understand.

For example, Su Xinghe tells Qingqing a bedtime story. His speech speed must be slow, not as fast as usual, and he must be gentle, or even pinch his throat to speak, so that the child can feel kind.

Education is fun.

This is the purpose of fairy tales.

Obviously, Su Xinghe’s fairy tales did just that.

According to the facts Chen Shu heard from Qingqing, Su Xinghe actually told her hundreds of stories.

This is too amazing, “Awesome! Star God is mighty and domineering!”

“Star God, please tell a fairy tale, I want to hear it!”

“I’m still a child, I beg the Star God to tell stories on my bed every day.”

“Hundreds of stories! Real or fake, how do I feel like 09 is nonsense.”

“Yeah, it’s too much.”

“Can’t believe it at all!”

Among the viewers in the live broadcast room, some felt that Su Xinghe was amazing, and some felt that he was talking nonsense.

In fact, not everyone believes even the mushroom house.

“No, hundreds of Chen Shu are you kidding me?”

Xiao Tao Hong obviously didn’t believe it.

“It’s true, what Qingqing said, how could it be a lie!”

Chen Shu retorted at the time.

The baby girl who had been lost for five years returned to her side.She now has a kind of blind trust in Qingqing, even if Qingqing said that the sky is red, Chen Shu promised to nod and say yes.

As a mother, if you don’t believe in your own daughter, should you believe in other people’s “Xinghe, real or fake”

At this time, Huang Xiaochu asked Su Xinghe.

He asked for a reason.

After all, it is live broadcast at this time, Su Xinghe is so influential, coupled with the popularity of yearning, if it is really spread out, it will be the result of a hot search.

But the problem is, if Su Xinghe’s stories are all made up by himself, if he is questioned, he didn’t write something by himself in the end, it will have an impact on his reputation.

Su Xinghe smiled and waved his hand: “It’s just a little story about coaxing Qingqing to sleep, which I just thought about it casually. It’s really nothing.”

He is not interested in being a fairy tale king.

!!! As everyone knows, this sentence makes everyone dumbfounded.

He really made it up by himself! “Xinghe, no, don’t be kidding!”

Teacher He has hosted a lot of children’s programs, and hurriedly said: “Fairytales are not that easy to write, and your… stories should be viewed from other places.”

He was just under the steps of Su Xinghe, as long as Su Xinghe nodded and said something that he had seen before, then this topic will end.

But the problem is that Su Xinghe is the kind of person who said it, and Chen Shu took the initiative to open his eyes for himself.

If I deny it, doesn’t it mean that Chen Shu is bragging? So, Su Xinghe smiled faintly and said: “Teacher He, those… fairy tales are all made up by myself. I originally made up the stories. I am very good at such things.”


Teacher He is speechless.

Su Xinghe, this guy is really always so rigid.


At this time, the director’s voice sounded, and new guests were ready to come, and the live broadcast of the show ended.

…………………… Su Xinghe didn’t know how much disturbance caused by the live broadcast of half of the show on the Internet.

They are here to prepare for the recording in the afternoon.

On the Internet, the story of Su Xinghe’s own writing of fairy tales has caused huge controversy.

Some people say that Su Xinghe is trying to gain fame and sensationalism.

Some people think it’s normal, after all, he has written so many scripts and novels.

But most people don’t believe that he can write hundreds of fairy tales.

the reason is simple.

Because a person’s ability is ultimately limited.

The famous fairy tale writer Ye Leiyang publicly declared that Su Xinghe’s behavior was desecrating the holy land of children’s literature! Soon.

This news was learned by the program team.

The director notified Su Xinghe for safety reasons.

“I see.”

When Su Xinghe heard the news, he nodded, indicating that he knew it.

Surprisingly, he didn’t seem to mind.

“Teacher Su, you, don’t be angry”

The director asked inexplicably.

“Why should I be angry when people question me, am I going to be angry”

Su Xinghe asked back: “Besides, who told you I can’t write fairy tales anymore”

Everyone looked at each other and didn’t understand what he meant.

What did he want to do?Su Xinghe smiled, walked to Teacher He’s side, and whispered a few words.

Teacher He was taken aback, and then looked at Su Xinghe in surprise: “Aren’t you kidding me?”

“of course not.”

Su Xinghe shrugged and said, “Let’s wait and see.”


After hesitating for a long time, Teacher He nodded.

After half an hour.

The show restarts to record.

Sitting in the pavilion, Mr. He smiled and said, “Xinghe, do you know? There are a lot of discussions on the Internet about whether you will write fairy tales.”

Su Xinghe smiled: “Is it? I didn’t expect that there are so many people who are full like to care about me.”

With a flutter.

Hearing what he said, Wan Qian smiled directly.

After eating and caring about other people’s affairs 903, it is natural to hold on.

This stalk, Su Xinghe dare to say.

The live broadcast room was in an uproar.

“Fuck! Su Xinghe, where is such a hostile spirit?”

“Su Xinghe is mocking the audience”

“No, I think he is taunting Ye Leiyang, and those… who spit on him and questioned him.”

“To be honest, Su Xinghe is talented, but I think his temper is really bad.

How can you have such a big temper, a public figure, when everyone says something about it, he can’t move the netizens at all, it’s really not enough for others.”

“Upstairs, your mother is dead!”

“Fuck! Why are you swearing?”

“Hehe, isn’t it just a few words about you? As for such a big anger, there is no room for people at all.”

“Awesome! Upstairs is awesome!”

I have to say that when the forest grows up, there are all kinds of birds, and the emotions of netizens are the easiest to be mobilized.

Just like now, although Su Xinghe just stunned those… those who questioned him on the Internet.

But soon, someone began to bring his rhythm in the live broadcast room.

In terms of the program group, the news was also fed back to Su Xinghe through the headset.

With a soft smile, Su Xinghe decided to teach some idiots a good lesson! He wanted to let them know why he dismissed them.

: Seeking subscription, seeking reward! Seeking evaluation ticket flowers! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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