Chapter 240 Fairy King Su Xinghe (3/10 Seeking subscription!)

From the moment Chen Shu said that sentence, Su Xinghe knew that he was about to be exposed again.


He forgot to tell Qingqing about the bedtime story.

“Teacher He, don’t talk about it.”

Su Xinghe hurriedly said to Teacher He: “It’s just… a few short stories, used to coax the child to sleep.”

“No, no, we just want to hear this bedtime story.”

Teacher He laughed.

He can see it now.

Su Xinghe is definitely milk.

If you don’t squeeze, he will definitely not expose those secrets.

And Teacher He also feels that it is not a bad thing to let Su Xinghe expose some more secrets now.

If the show is more exposed, everyone can be happier.

“Yes, yes, Qingqing, let’s start.”

Huang Xiaochu also smiled and said.

Other “Nine Zero Three”

Not to mention people, everyone looks very interested.

In fact, they are also very curious, what kind of fairy tale Su Xinghe told Qingqing.

Because it is not many years ago, the amount of social information nowadays is too large, and the means of communication and technology are also skyrocketing.

But what followed was a slump in the children’s literature market, no matter…

The quality of the works is still in quantity, and they are getting worse and worse.

Seriously, the fairy tales these children are now listening to are actually heard by Peng Peng and his generation more than a decade ago.

And in the live broadcast room.

Because of what Teacher He said, the audience was also curious.

“I’m really curious, what kind of story Teacher Su tells.”

“Yes, yes, if it’s interesting, I will tell our kids.”

“Haha, yes, now this fairy tale is really not so good.”

“It’s not bad, the point is that there is nothing to say, and we can’t tell a story for months.”

“It’s not…, my son vomits when he hears such things as wild geese.”

“It’s too difficult to be a parent, you have to be able to tell stories.”

“But, is the story of the Star God interesting?”

Following everyone’s guess, Qingqing stood there and started talking.

“Today, I want to tell you a fairy tale. In a far away country, a king and queen live, and they long to have a child.

So I prayed to heaven very sincerely: God! We are all good kings and queens, please give us a child! Soon after, Wang Yiran gave birth to a cute little princess, the girl’s skin was white as snow Normally, the cheeks are as red as apples…”

Listening to Qingqing’s story, everyone was attracted.

Everyone listened attentively, but found it very interesting.

And Su Xinghe has a smile on his face.

The story Qingqing tells is naturally the “Snow White” from the earth in his memory.


The story of “Snow White” was finished, and Qingqing stood there with a smile on her face.

“It’s really good!”

“En, Qingqing is really amazing!”

Chen Shu’s mother naturally supported her baby girl, and quickly clapped her hands and applauded, with a green and great look.

The others glanced at each other, but…I think it looks pretty good.

At the very least, this story is very fresh.

“Qingqing, do you have any more?”

Teacher He asked Qingqing.

“of course!”

The little girl nodded quickly and started talking again.

“Many years ago, there was an emperor who spent all his money in order to dress beautifully.

He doesn’t care about his army, he doesn’t like to go to theaters, and he doesn’t like to go to the park in a horse-drawn carriage.

Unless it is to show off his new clothes, he has to change a set of clothes every o’clock every day.

When people mention him, they always say: The emperor is changing clothes…”

Qingqing began to tell a new story, and this, naturally, is that… “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, which is popular.

“He really didn’t wear any clothes! Finally all the people said.

The emperor was a little trembling because he felt that what the people said seemed to be true.

But he thought this way in his heart: I must finish this parade.

So he put on a more proud look.

His ministers walked behind him, holding a back skirt that didn’t exist in their hands…”

Following Qingqing’s narration, these people in the mushroom house showed thoughtful expressions.

The story seems simple, but in fact, it is not a realistic reflection of some things that the emperor can do, but the people can’t say it.

What is the difference between this and reality?Of course, children don’t think so much, they just think this story is very interesting.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage has already started frantically discussing 0… “No, this story is a bit interesting.”

“How do I feel that the Star God is suggesting something.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, taste yourself.”

“The Star God is really hardworking, and he has educated Qingqing, and it is thought-provoking.”

“No, this is a fairy tale made up by the Star God himself, which is too awesome, how do I feel that those experts and professors have all lived on to dogs at an age!”

“Upstairs, don’t insult a dog! A dog is a loyal friend of mankind!”

I have to say that this story really makes many people feel deeply moved.

In today’s era, many things are actually like the emperor’s new clothes.

It’s as if the word future is made in a dictionary.

“Zhang Hua was admitted to Yenching University, Li Ping entered a secondary technical school, and I worked as a salesperson in a department store. We all have a bright future.”

It seems simple and easy to understand, but you can taste it carefully.

There is really no distinction between high and low in work, but survival is difficult and easy.

The mushroom house is here.

After a long time, Huang Xiaochu said, “Qingqing is really good.”

“Thank you Uncle Huang.”

The little girl didn’t have such complicated thoughts.When she saw someone complimenting herself, she nodded happily, and ran to the side to play.

At this time, Huang Xiaochu was only 1.

7Look at Su Xinghe: “Xinghe, did you write this fairy tale for children or for adults”

“Ha ha.”

Su Xinghe smiled, but did not speak.

Teacher He on the side looked at Su Xinghe: “Xinghe, don’t tell me, you tell Qingqing a lot of stories like this.”

Hearing what he said, Su Xinghe still didn’t say a word.

However, Chen Shu sighed: “He’s more than telling a lot. I heard Qingqing say that he told Qingqing hundreds of fairy tales.”

!!!At that moment, the entire mushroom house was dumbfounded.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly felt a little dizzy.

The fairy tales are actually made up of hundreds of fucking troughs! Could this guy be… the fairy tale king in the legend: subscribe! beg!

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