Chapter 224 Back Mountain Adventure (seeking subscription)

For people living in these cities, the pure natural wild jungle is a place full of mystery.

Accustomed to living in a city surrounded by steel and concrete, and occasionally coming to nature, they undoubtedly have a feeling of being in a cage for a long time and returning to nature.

The director team, after hearing Su Xinghe’s proposal to explore the back mountain, decisively opened the live broadcast.

In the live broadcast room, the audience received the live broadcast prompt and turned on their mobile phones.

Then I was shocked.

“Fuck! Where is this?”

“What do you mean, visit the primitive jungle”

“No, where is the primitive jungle? This is not the mountain behind the mushroom house.”

“Yes, yes, I have seen the condoms that Wan Qian and Su Xinghe put on last time.”

“So, this is the Mushroom House Adventure”

“Hey, where are Zifeng and Peng Peng?”

“It doesn’t seem to have arrived. I remember someone took a picture of Zifeng at the airport.”

“Haha, Peng Peng must have gone with his girlfriend.”

“Don’t do this, Peng Peng has a rare girlfriend, please understand.”

“Yeah, a man who can’t shoot a kiss scene has the opportunity to kiss his girlfriend in reality. We have to support him! Thanks to the girl who… saved Peng Peng.”

A group of unscrupulous audience members teased there.

To them, 90 Peng is like his stupid son, and now that he has a girlfriend, everyone is naturally quite happy.

Even Peng Peng’s girlfriend fans are very pleased.

After all, this baby is so upright, straight, like Su Xinghe.

Now that I have a girlfriend, everyone is naturally happy for him.

The mushroom house is here.

Su Xinghe and others walked in the woods of the back mountain, and Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He were full of curiosity.

On the contrary, Qingqing, Dawei on the left and Tianlong on the right, accompanied by a cat and a dog, walked arrogantly on the path.

“Qingqing, you are not afraid of danger”

Teacher He saw Qingqing’s appearance and asked with a smile.

“Don’t be afraid, my brother used to bring me here.”

Qing Qingtian really smiled: “Besides, I have Dawei and Tianlong!”

Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu both laughed.

The audience in the live broadcast room also laughed.

They regarded Qingqing’s words as childish words.

A chubby orange cat, a silly haw, no matter how human nature is, what can it do.

Not to mention protecting Qingqing in this mountain.

But in fact.

As a system product, although it looks, it has combat effectiveness.

Ha ha.

Tianlong said that even if the lion comes, after I change, it will have to run away.

…………………… “Hey, what kind of animal’s footprint is this”

At this time, Teacher He unintentionally found a string of footprints, and asked somewhat surprised.

“It should be a wild boar.”

Su Xinghe glanced, his face changed slightly: “Mr. He, we should go back.”


Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu were both taken aback, looking at Su Xinghe with a little surprise.

“What’s so terrible about wild boars”

Neither of them understood Su Xinghe’s reaction.

“I watch TV series, hunters kill six hundred catties of wild boar at every turn. Isn’t that simple?”

Teacher He asked inexplicably.

Su Xinghe rolled his eyes.

Six hundred catties of wild boar.

The people who say this, or the director and screenwriter of this kind of TV series, are afraid that they are not being squeezed by the door! “Teacher He, don’t say that a wild boar of six hundred catties, even if it is a wild boar of five hundred catties, you know that it is What concept?”

Su Xinghe turned around with a few people without saying a word.

“Why, great”

Huang Xiaochu and Teacher He asked after Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe chuckled, “Five hundred catties of wild boars are just like small bulldozers.

Unless you have a gun in your hand and can hit its vitals, we may not be able to escape even if it hits a normal place.”

A group of people looked at him in shock, and couldn’t believe what he said was true.

But seeing Su Xinghe’s serious face, everyone no longer doubted, and quickly left the back mountain.

In the live broadcast room, the audience was discussing enthusiastically.

“Star God is really expert, I know all this.”

“Nonsense, what an expert is this, I see those…people who live in the wild are not afraid of wild boars at all.”

“Upstairs you don’t understand what survival in the wild is, the ones you watch…, most of them have scripts, and the few of them… are all The terrain has been surveyed in advance.”

“What the Star God said is true or false”

“As a retired soldier, I can say responsibly that what the Star God said is not wrong.

If you encounter a wild boar in the wild, it is more terrifying than encountering a wolf.

Because the latter at least… you can use props or something to fight, but the former is rough and thick, and it’s particularly fierce. If you encounter it alone, try not to fight.”

“Awesome! Star God!”

“I feel that Star God can start a wild survival program.”

“I agree, Star God, do you want to try?”

“Star God, come to a survival show in the wild.”

A lot of people talked about those…some not, but everyone already believed Su Xinghe’s words.

the reason is simple.

Because he doesn’t need to lie.

Although I am unwilling, for this unfinished adventure, I still want to continue, but Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu both know that Su Xinghe took Qingqing with them, and naturally it is impossible to go too deep into the jungle behind. .

“Next time, I have a chance to check it out again.”

When he walked to the mushroom house, Huang Xiaochu looked back at the dark mountains and said to himself.

Su Xinghe was helpless.

He also did not expect that this time wandering around, Huang Xiaochu unexpectedly came up with the idea of ​​conquering this mountain.

“Haha, I think, in fact, we can wait for people to go again.”

Teacher He naturally agreed with Huang Xiaochu’s proposal and nodded and smiled.

“We still have to be prepared.”

Su Xinghe smiled: “At the very least, you have to prepare bows and arrows.

And there are some medicines and foods, which must be fully prepared.”

Obviously, he was talking about how to go hiking here.

At this time, the door of the mushroom house was pushed open, and a loud voice sounded.

“Haha, Teacher He, Teacher Huang, Brother Su, do you miss me?”

Along with this voice, Peng Peng’s figure appeared in front of the audience in the live broadcast room.

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