Chapter 223 The law of true fragrance (please subscribe!)

Regarding the live broadcast, Su Xinghe has no objection.

He can even increase the ratings and increase the popularity of the program without affecting his own life.

Huang Xiaochu went out for a morning run, and Su Xinghe came back to cook.

By the time Teacher He and Qingqing get up, the breakfast is ready.

“Seriously, eating breakfast for a few days in Shonan is not as delicious as the two of you.

I think I should buy a house next to your two houses in the future, so that I won’t be hungry.”

Teacher He was eating breakfast and said happily.

Hearing what he said, Huang Xiaochu reluctantly rolled his eyes.

It’s also hard for the teacher to say so fresh and refined.

“Teacher He, you really don’t know how to cook”

Su Xinghe asked Teacher He curiously.

In the previous show, I heard people say that Teacher He can’t cook, he has always been curious.

“Well, instant noodles?”

Teacher He blinked his eyes.


Su Xinghe was speechless.

He really didn’t expect that Teacher He would have such a poor self-care ability.

“Hehe, uncle, you are so embarrassing…”

Qingqing smiled and touched her little face: “Ashamed!”

Teacher He was said by Qingqing, and the whole person was not good.

I was actually despised by a five-year-old girl! Oh my God! Fortunately, the live broadcast was not started, otherwise Teacher He felt that he would be ashamed and ridiculed by the audience.

“Qingqing don’t make trouble.”

Su Xinghe glared at the little girl: “After eating, go to practice piano.

When you go out to play these few days, you haven’t used piano practice.

I will check in a while!”

“All right.”

Qingqing’s originally smiling face collapsed in an instant.

He shook his head helplessly, bowed his head and started to eat.

She now hopes that this bowl of rice will never be finished.

…………………… On the side of the program group, someone came over in the morning to reinstall the camera or something.

The director also personally came over to explain to Su Xinghe and others.


He didn’t mention who the guest was coming tomorrow.

Just tell them that Peng Peng and Zifeng will arrive in the afternoon.

“Director, don’t you really intend to reveal tomorrow’s guests?

Huang Xiaochu asked the director.

“Teacher Huang, I really can’t do this.”

The director smiled and shook his head at Huang Xiaochu.

Huang Xiaochu was speechless.

I have said so, but people still don’t talk about it, so it seems that I really can’t ask.

Su Xinghe was also helpless.

But like the director said, this is not a gimmick of the show.

Let’s make an analogy.

It’s like coming to Jiajia tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If Su Xinghe goes online to check it like before, to see if there are any big stars in Spring City International Airport recently…it is naturally possible.

But the problem is that doing so is tantamount to breaking some rules.

Playing like that before can be said to be for the effect of the show.

And now.

It would seem a bit too much to do something like that again.

Su Xinghe wouldn’t do that kind of thing.

“Okay, don’t guess.”

Seeing Su Xinghe and the others thinking about it there, the director really couldn’t stand it anymore, and said helplessly: “It’s a group of actresses.”

Fuck, all three of them were stunned.

Actress “How old do I know?”

Huang Xiaochu asked subconsciously.

This question is really crucial.

Generally speaking, those older old-school artists are hosted by Huang Xiaochu, and Su Xinghe can now be added.

And those young artists, such as those who debut three or four years, and those who are four to five years old, are generally handed over to Teacher He and Peng Peng to receive them.

Peng Peng is of the same age, and Teacher He, he has hosted the “Happy Camp” for many years, for… these…the artists who have just started their new debut, naturally know very well.

“you know.”

The director smiled and said, “It’s about the same age as you.”

After speaking, he winked at Huang Xiaochu: “You guys worked together.”

Huang Xiaochu rolled his eyes.

This guy didn’t say anything.

These female celebrities born in the 70s and 80s in the circle, there is no one that I don’t know, and I haven’t cooperated.

“Okay, let’s stop guessing.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “No matter who is here, you have to clean up the house.”


Teacher He also nodded and said, “This is the tradition of the mushroom house.

Well, the director said.”

Damn it! The director is all bad.

The staff around all laughed.

These few people, before the live broadcast, actually spoofed the director.

If this is broadcast, the sisters who will come to the show tomorrow should not “hate to death”


Seeing the danger here, the director upholds the principle of a gentleman not standing under a dangerous wall, and decisively chooses to leave.

In the current mushroom house, not to mention the old fox Huang Xiaochu, but also the little fox Su Xinghe.The two of them get together and like to dig holes in a few words, which is really terrible.

Seeing the director running away in embarrassment, all three of them laughed.

“No, are you two too much”

Huang Xiaochu looked at Su Xinghe and Teacher He with an innocent look: “Don’t bully the director like this.”

!!! Su Xinghe and Teacher He looked at each other, and they had a new understanding of Huang Xiaochu’s shamelessness.

This guy is too cunning! “Walk around, Teacher He, let’s go to the back mountain, maybe we can meet something good.”

Su Xinghe decisively embraced Teacher He and left.

“Go Back Mountain”

Teacher He promised a lot of surprises: “Is there something on the mountain?”

“Yes, I have.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said, “I heard that some people have seen wild golden monkeys and pandas around here.”

“I’ll take it, it’s true”

“of course it’s true.

The village chief has seen pandas, but that was when he was a child, and it has been decades.”

“Walk around, let’s go and see too, maybe we’re lucky enough to meet it.”

“I’ll call Qingqing and Dawei Tianlong.”


Seeing these two people walk away.

Huang Xiaochu was speechless.

You isolate me in this way, is it really good for me, Huang Xiaochu! I won’t succumb to death!!!!…… ten minutes later.

“Hey hey! Wait for me!”

Huang Xiaochu’s voice sounded behind Su Xinghe and others.

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