Chapter 205 Use the pay to buy shares! (8/10 subscription required)

Today’s variety shows, to put it bluntly, are…burning money wars! Whether it is local TV stations or production companies, it is very clear.

If you want to win the ratings battle, you must organize a strong guest lineup and interesting program content.

It’s like the show “Longing for Life”.

Although the first season faced an awkward situation where no platform was willing to accept it.

But the problem is not the problem of the show itself, but at that time, the variety show did not have this kind of slow variety show.

Moreover, I have to say that the production company behind Huang Xiaochu at that time was too greedy.

The price they offer is high.

That is to say, Xiangnan Satellite TV valued the influence of Teacher He and Huang Xiaochu, and then agreed to accept the show.

Otherwise, the show might be aborted.

But even “Yearing for Life”, in today’s variety show wars, the reason why it can take the lead is because of the excellent production of the entire show.

Including the many equipment of the mushroom house, as well as the guest lineup, they are all top in the country.

So, according to Su Xinghe.

Their variety show, even if you don’t count the other two guests.

Su Xinghe and Huang Xiaochu alone, together with the compensation of Huang Bo and Xu Shan, will definitely exceed 100 million.


This cost may exceed 150 million 1! This is not a small number.

Some movies and TV shows may not have so much investment.

In other words, this is equivalent to an investment in filming a film and television drama.

Therefore, Huang Bo and other talents will be a little worried.

Especially Huang Xiaochu.

After all, he thought a little more.

“Xinghe, how much do you estimate the production cost of this show”

Huang Xiaochu asked Su Xinghe.

Su Xinghe thought for a while, probably calculated it in his heart, and slowly said a number that no one had expected.

“I estimate that in the first season, two hundred million is almost the same.”

!!! Huang Xiaochu panicked! Two hundred million shit! Are you kidding me, invest two hundred million, shoot a variety show and it’s still that kind of… I don’t know if it will succeed, but at first sight… variety show.

Are you afraid that you are not teasing me?At this moment, Huang Xiaochu looked melancholy at the mountains in the distance.

The sun in the sky is warm…He remembered running in the sunset.

He remembered his lost youth.

Thinking of youth, he remembered…Two blossoms! Others have two blossoms.

Huang Xiaochu felt that he might explode on the spot.

What’s next in “The Longing for Life”, it actually has to invest 200 million bids in a new show.

Who am I, where am I, what should I do… Seeing Huang Xiaochu hesitated, Su Xinghe knew that he was very worried about his proposal of.

After all, no matter what, that is 200 million real money.

Not 200 million tadpoles.

If you really invest in a season of shows, what should you do if you can’t sell it at that time? At this time, who can guarantee that their shows will be a big hit, even the gods dare not dare.

Except… Su Xinghe! “Teacher Huang, otherwise, you all get paid and I pay for it myself, how about it?”

Su Xinghe looked at Huang Xiaochu and said slowly.

Damn it! This sentence immediately stunned Huang Xiaochu.

He didn’t expect Su Xinghe to be so caring about this show.

Su Xinghe has money.

This is something everyone knows.

But real money invested 200 million yuan to shoot and produce a variety show.

That is not something that ordinary people can do.

This is tantamount to gambling! Betting that this show will become a hit! What a confidence this is “Let’s do it, how about we get paid for the shareholding?”

Xu Shan thought about it for a while, and said to Su Xinghe.

“In this case, will the investment be less”

His idea is that since Su Xinghe wants to start the company by himself as the production party, he should simply save him face and use the salary to buy shares, and he should help Su Xinghe.

“Me too.”

Huang Bo also smiled and nodded.

He and Xu Shan are all elders, so he naturally understands how high his worth is.

To put it bluntly, an actor of their status, joining a variety show, the price will not be less than 35 million.

Even Huang Xiaochu, the price will not be less than 30 million.

0 In other words, it doesn’t count as the most popular Su Xinghe.

The salary for the three of them alone would be 100 million.

This is a very scary number! “Also.”

Su Xinghe knows what they mean, purely to help himself.

Huang Xiaochu laughed. Now that Huang Bo and Xu Shan have expressed his views, what else can he say, “Let’s do it, I also use the salary to buy shares.”

Huang Xiaochu smiled and said, “In this case, it is estimated that it will not take much…investment.”

Although their salary is also included in the cost, if they are converted into shares, the cash that needs to be taken out is estimated to be tens of millions, and the risk is not that high.

“Well, I will arrange for someone now.”

…………Su Xinghe smiled and nodded.

Looking forward to this side, there will be…a period of time before the shooting will be completed, and then the shooting of the new variety show.

And to be honest, he has a lot to deal with now.

There are new variety shows and movies, and I feel that I may be busy for a while in the second half of this year.

But Su Xinghe is…It doesn’t matter.

After ten years of rest, it’s not bad to be busy occasionally.

“By the way, if you follow us on the show, what will Qingqing do?”

Huang Xiaochu heard something and asked Su Xinghe.

Qingqing is a problem. After all, she is too young. If Su Xinghe goes out to make a show, Qingqing must be led by someone.

“Qingqing’s mother probably will contact me soon.”

Su Xinghe laughed and explained to Huang Xiaochu: “Sister Feihong came over before… she was entrusted by her mother.”

Huang Xiaochu and others were stunned.

Huang Bo and Xu Shan also watched the show, and naturally knew that Qingqing was the child Su Xinghe picked up at the entrance of the orphanage.

But listening to his words, it seems that there is inside information.”I don’t know the specific situation, but listening to what Feihong said, Qingqing’s mother did not deliberately abandon her.

She is a star in the entertainment industry.

In the end, I didn’t expect the person to be taken away by me…”

Su Xinghe shrugged and explained.

Several people were speechless.

In this world, there can be such a coincidence, which is really good fortune.

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