Chapter 204 Go it alone! (7/10 subscription required)

It was noon soon, and the shooting naturally came to an end.

As a live variety show, there are naturally rules.

It is impossible for the camera to shoot a whole day of content, because the time of the show is limited.

Generally speaking, like today, live broadcast during the day, and at night, what the TV station broadcasts is naturally the content shot at night.

Or you can put an edited version of the daytime program in front.

This is inevitable.

No one can guarantee that there will be no mistakes during the live broadcast.

To avoid mistakes, the best way is… so.

Therefore, the noon program group naturally closed the live broadcast room.

After the camera was turned off, everyone was relieved a lot.

Guo Degang and others exchanged greetings with Huang Bo again.

Su Xinghe also embraced Huang Bo and Xu Shan and introduced Qingqing to them.

“Old Xu, how do I feel that you seem to be fat”

Looking at Xu Shanzheng, Su Xinghe asked puzzledly: “I remember you didn’t seem to be this fat before, especially when I saw you in an interview last year, it was okay.”

Looking at Su Xinghe, Xu Shanzheng said with a gloomy expression on his face, who was a little breathless now.

“From winter to now, I have been thinking about what kind of movie I should make this year. When I was thinking about it, in order to relieve my stress, I was obsessed with 903 chocolate.”

Su Xinghe: “………”

All right.

The reality is… so cruel.

Most people want to get fat only in a moment, but want to get thin…hehe.

Let’s first discuss whether to eat hot pot or grilled fish for a while.

“You have to lose weight.”

Su Xinghe said to Xu Shanzheng: “I have an idea, but you, to be honest, I’m afraid you won’t be able to play that… role.”

Well, the moment Xu Shanzheng’s expression changed when he heard Su Xinghe’s words.

He didn’t expect that Su Xinghe had really started thinking about the script.

In fact.

Su Xinghe is different from many travellers.

If the average person crosses like Su Xinghe and gets the system, the first thing they think of is to enjoy life to the full or do what they want to do.

If there are people who are…wrongly minded, they may have already begun to commit crimes.

Murder and arson are all evil and do nothing.

Anyway…there is systematic help, definitely not afraid.

But Su Xinghe never thought about using the system to do bad things, he just wanted to make himself stronger, no matter…

In what way, become: powerful.

So he learns to write, learn to compose, learn to write scripts.

Su Xinghe knows that he can be smooth, but he can’t.

You can do it rashly, but you can’t live without principles and bottom lines.

Because if people do one thing often, they will form a habit.

Regardless of….

Good or bad, it’s the same.

Therefore, Su Xinghe cannot lower the bottom line of the principle.It is like a chronic poison, betraying his own principles, because some things have changed the second time and the third time.

Even if he is a normal person, he actually desires something.

But Su Xinghe knows that if you don’t want to become a monster, don’t want to be incompatible with this world, then you must abide by the bottom line and principles of life.

“The show you said”

Huang Bo is… more concerned about another thing.

Su Xinghe smiled and nodded to Huang Bo: “I have decided to take a stake in the production company that Mr. Huang and Mrs. He have opened. At that time, the first variety show, let’s come together, how about it?”

“I’m OK.”

Huang Bo was startled, then nodded: “I’ll go if you go.”

“Me too.”

Xu Shanzheng also has no opinion.

“You agree”

Huang Xiaochu was… very surprised.

Originally mentioned that to Su Xinghe before, he thought that Su Xinghe did not intend to do it.

Now it seems that Su Xinghe…has an idea.

“To be idle is to be idle.”

Su Xinghe smiled and said: “I have an idea, we can find six 66 guests, all of them men, to challenge the impossible, how about it?”

“Challenge the impossible”

Huang Xiaochu asked strangely: “What do you mean?”

“For example, we can challenge swimming or rowing across the Yangtze River.”

Su Xinghe shrugged and said: “From training to success, this is a process, in which various tasks can be completed.”

Damn it! Several people were dumbfounded when they heard this proposal.

“Xinghe, you…”

Huang Xiaochu’s voice trembled a little, and he suddenly felt that he seemed a bit early to agree.

“Yes, is it too big to play”

Huang Bo frowned.

When he agreed, he really didn’t expect Su Xinghe to actually want to do such a variety show.

Xu Shanzheng is…he didn’t speak, he was thinking about something.

Among these people, he is undoubtedly the most business-minded.

This can be seen from Su Xinghe’s popularity when he quickly opened his own film and television company.

Today’s Xu Shan Zheng is a brand in itself.

That is Su Xinghe, otherwise ordinary people, please don’t move him at all.

“In my opinion, if we take a stake in Mr. He’s company, it would be better for us to form a team and build a company by ourselves.”

At this time, Xu Shan scrambled to speak.

All of them were stunned.

Even Su Xinghe didn’t expect Xu Shanzheng to make this suggestion.

I just wanted to oppose it, but I think about it carefully, don’t say, Xu Shan’s words make sense! People like them, don’t care…

Whether it is Huang Xiaochu or Su Xinghe, or Huang Bo and Xu Shan, whoever pulls it out can support the ratings of a variety show.

Especially Huang Bo competes with Xu Shan, who usually doesn’t participate in variety shows.

This gimmick alone is enough to attract a large audience.

Not to mention the traffic brought by Huang Xiaochu and Su Xinghe.

Even if the reputation of the other two guests is slightly worse, the ratings of this show will definitely not be bad.

At that time, the production company must lie down and make money.

In this case, do you need to introduce other investors’ companies to find a well-made filming team. Thinking of this, Su Xinghe looked at Huang Xiaochu: “Mr. Huang, what do you think?”

Facing his gaze, Huang Xiaochu laughed: “I have no opinion, but let’s think about it. According to the situation you said, the production cost of this show, it is estimated that the production cost will definitely not be low.”

After counting, he curled his lips and said: “Our salary alone will cost more than 100 million.”

Hiss! The few people around who heard their conversation all gasped.

This f*ck! is simply…burning money!:, begging for rewards, begging for automatic subscription! There is a free evaluation ticket, please vote for it! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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