Cherry flavored girl: "I don't like to watch movies and television dramas, but I successfully dodged all the works of Director Xiao Zhao, I thought that I would definitely not cry this year until I finished watching "East Palace". "

Leave him: "I don't want to say anything, I just want to hack the author to death now!" "

Stepping snow to find Langjun: "The author is definitely the stepmother of "East Palace", it is too sadistic, and my whole person is depressed. "

Black pineapple: "Lying on the bed, the pillow is wet with my crying..."

Little Tanuki: "The first time I cried so uncomfortable, the Sail number is big, you return my tears!" "

Every second refreshed, dozens of comments will increase below the comment area of "East Palace"!

All the reviews are categorized, and there are only two types!

Either crying, or scolding!

On this day, the girls suffered a huge blow.

However, this is only the beginning.

In addition to "East Palace", Zhao Changhuan also drives four trumpets and writes four other books!

Slowly, as time passed day by day, finally, Zhao Changhuan finished all the remaining four books.

In this regard, he officially completed the achievement of opening five trumpets and writing five women's books.

For Zhao Changhuan, his move is just a small achievement that he has set for himself.

But for the majority of female readers, Zhao Changhuan's move is even more devil than the devil! ! !

After watching "East Palace", a group of female readers collapsed!

After watching "Sadness Against the River", another group of female readers collapsed!

Immediately followed by "Ten Years of One Pin Wen Ruyan", "Liangsheng, Can We Not Be Sad" and "Woe to the Country"!

The five novels of the huge fire that appeared at the same time on Changruo Novel Network directly killed more than half of the female readers in Huaxia in just a dozen days!

For a time, the entire Changruo novel network was all crying, all tears!

In the past, when others mentioned Changruo Novel Network, everyone may say that they have never heard of it.

But now...

"Do you know Changruo Novel Network?"

"You know, the Purcell of Dog Day is on that site!!"

"Are you talking about the author of "Sorrow Against the River", the Changruo Novel Network where Obi Island is located?"

"That website, I rely on, absolutely, the book is better than the other, and the book is more abused than the other!"

"Yes, yes, I think the most abusive female novels in history have gathered on that website!!"

"I want to cry when you mention this site now"

Due to its own strength and propaganda of the original . Zhao Changhuan's five books will now cover all the top five of Changruo Novel Network!

New readers open the long novel network, flip through the list, click in to read the book: The first five, all of them are abused! It's all Zhao Changhuan's!

For a while, Changruo Novel Network became a little hot!

And the reason for the fire is because of Zhao Changhuan's five books!

Although readers felt sad after reading these five books by Zhao Changhuan, they still chose to publicize!

For female readers, although Zhao Changhuan's five books are very sadistic, they are really great!

Therefore, after reading Zhao Changhuan's five books, female readers generally developed the same way of treating Zhao Changhuan.

That is, scolding Zhao Changhuan in the comment area is to death, but turning around, he immediately recommended these five books of Zhao Changhuan with others!

By the way, he also praised Zhao Changhuan madly!

Of course, this "Zhao Changhuan" does not mean that they are really scolding or praising Zhao Changhuan.

Poor Huaxia female readers still don't know that the author of these five books that tortured them to death and life is Zhao Changhuan.

Until now, they still think that the authors of these five books are separate, different five people.

These five people, respectively... Obi Island, Aura Star, Kaboo West, Sail, Rock Kingdom!

At the beginning, the people who copied and pushed Zhao Changhuan's five books were all big V book promoters that Liu Yue paid for.

Later, without Liu Yue spending money to invite, one after another big V pushers pushed books for Zhao Changhuan!

In order not to make the old sister dumbfounded, and then check the IP and the like in one fell swoop, within a few days of writing the book, Zhao Changhuan told the old sister Zhao Changruo about opening five books at the same time.

Zhao Changhuan remembered that after the old lady listened to her words, the whole person was silent for half an hour!

On the side of the women's novel website, Zhao Changhuan mixed up a career.

However, he did not forget the fact that his real identity is a director.

After the review of "Bright Sword", more than 30 TV stations came to talk to Changhuan Media about cooperation with "Bright Sword".

Because these TV stations were too enthusiastic, Liu Yue did not make a good idea and decided which TV station to cooperate with for Zhao Changhuan.

After a few days of delay, Liu Yue took the heads of major TV stations to watch "Bright Sword" in the screening room of Changhuan Media Company in its entirety.

According to the time calculation, today, the heads of these major TV stations should just finish watching the finale.

After dealing with the matter at hand, Zhao Changhuan went to Changhuan Media Company.

When he went, the heads of major TV stations had already finished watching "Bright Sword".

Now, the person in charge of each station is calling his own station to explain the situation.

This is normal, after all, they are about to buy dramas, they have to first report to their hometown what level the true level of "Bright Sword" is, and the hometown side will give them a price that can be shouted out.

After a while, the person in charge of all the stations finished calling.

Seeing Zhao Changhuan coming, every person in charge who came to buy "Bright Sword" showed a big smile.

"Director Xiao Zhao is here?"

"Director Xiao Zhao is good!"

"Director Xiao Zhao, you are handsome again!"

Everyone was polite to Zhao Changhuan, and Zhao Changhuan was naturally polite to everyone.

Zhao Changhuan is not like Old Zhao, others are polite to themselves, and they have to put on a stinky face.

"Since everyone is communicating with their own station, now, let's start talking about the broadcast rights of "Bright Sword" and the price, right?"

Zhao Changhuan has always disliked nonsense, and after smiling and giving the person in charge of the stage a response, Zhao Changhuan got to the point. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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