Countless female readers opened Changruo Novel Network because of the recommendation of Weibo Push Book Big V, and searched for five books by Zhao Changhuan.

Since each reader reads a different V, each female reader searches for different books.

Some female readers search for "Ten Years of One Pin Wen Ruyan", and some female readers search for "East Palace" or others.

But no matter which book readers are searching for or which book they read, eventually: They all read Zhao Changhuan's books!

No matter which book readers search for, the sensory results will only be the same ---!

In just a few chapters, all five books have abused countless famous female readers with their powerful abusive power!

Some vulnerable female readers, even after reading the first few chapters, were abused and some did not dare to read further!

However, this is just the beginning!

In the next few days, Zhao Changhuan did not write five books at the same time, but four books were updated every day, and one was rewritten.

Soon, Zhao Changhuan finished writing a book!

This book is called "East Palace"

Since Zhao Changhuan didn't want to make money from novels, he didn't choose to sign a contract with his sister's website at all, let alone charge a fee!

After writing "East Palace", Zhao Changhuan directly sent all the manuscripts of the book directly.

In this regard, the entire copy of "East Palace" appeared directly on the Internet.

After finishing "East Palace", Zhao Changhuan selected among the remaining four books.

Picking and picking, Zhao Changhuan suddenly remembered a few old men and Lieutenant General Yang.

Speaking of which, for so many days, several old men and Lieutenant General Yang have not come to the Zhao family again.

I don't know how they are now, have you finished watching "Bright Sword"?

Yesterday, the review results of "Bright Sword" in the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department have come down, and there is no doubt that "Bright Sword" naturally passed the review.

After a drama passes the review, it is natural to choose the TV station to broadcast.

This time, Zhao Changhuan wanted to choose a better TV station.

After the last "Immortal Sword" incident, Zhao Changhuan felt that the major TV stations should no longer go against him!

After all.... There is always no way someone who puts high ratings on it!

After calling Liu Yue and asking Liu Yue to contact major TV stations for himself and negotiate with major TV stations, Zhao Changhuan buried his head again and became his own female novel writer and buried his head in writing novels.

That is, when Zhao Changhuan was immersed in writing novels...

Changruo novel network, tens of thousands of women are excited!

"East Palace" is directly updated to the end of all for female readers. Great news!

Seeing so many extra chapters, there is no need to wait for updates slowly every day in the future, and the readers of "East Palace" are extremely happy.

"Long live the Sail!!

"The Sail is big, is this a supergod? All at once the saved manuscripts are sent? "

"Give the Sail a big 10,000 likes, and the Essel is big!"

"Sisters, read the book, "East Palace" has been updated, and it is all finished at once!"

With a very good mood, the female readers of "East Palace" happily clicked into the book "East Palace" one by one.

Then, it didn't take two hours... The Donggong girls all fell from heaven to hell!

At the beginning of the book "East Palace", the heroine Xiao Feng, the princess of Western Liang, married the male protagonist Li Chengyun to pacify the war!

Because it was forced, the two had little affection for each other.

In the novel "East Palace", the heroine Xiao Feng has always had a dream that she jumped off the cliff, and another person jumped with her.

As the plot developed, because he fell and fainted, Xiao Feng remembered everything he had forgotten!

She finally remembered who the person who jumped off the cliff with her was!

It's Gu Xiaowu, or rather, Li Chengyan!

The moment the two jumped off the cliff, they forgot everything about each other.

Now, the heroine Xiaofeng remembers Li Chengyan, but the male protagonist Li Chengyun does not remember Xiaofeng.

Xiao Feng fell in love with Gu Xiaowu again and fell in love with Li Chengyan.


True feelings are always mercilessly hurt.

The more people look good, the worse they are.

Li Chengyan is very scumbag, he is only hurting Xiao Feng once, once!

["Today is the Shangyuan Festival, and the streets are very lively. I thought that if something like that happened yesterday, it would have been different. "】

"Yesterday when I was caught in this moment, he used to look at me like that. He called my name, and he swore by his arrow. Everything made me think that there would be a difference. But just one day, he stood here with other women. "】

"And I should be uncertain about my life and death. "】

["And I should be missing"]

"And I was his wife. "】


["All temperature and perception gradually left me. Darkness gradually shrouded. I seem to see Gu Xiaowu. He was running towards me. I know he's not dead. Just went and caught me a hundred fireflies right now. I want him to tie his belt for me. Such. He will never leave me. "】

The earth is desolate. It seems that someone is singing that song:

["A fox it sits on a sand dune. Sit on the dunes. Look at the moon. Belch. It turns out it's not looking at the moon. It's the girl who is waiting for the sheep to return... A fox it sits on a sand dune. Sit on the dunes. Basking in the sun... Belch...... It turns out it's not basking in the sun. I'm waiting for a girl passing by on horseback..."

[It turned out that fox. The girl who couldn't wait for it. 】

In the finale of "East Palace", the heroine Xiaofeng died, and Li Chengyin finally recovered her memory and regretted it for life.

Watching the entire "East Palace", the girls in the East Palace have already cried more than half, and they cried directly into tears.

Immediately, ten minutes... the book review area of "East Palace" - exploded! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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