When everyone was excited and crazy for "I Am Not the God of Medicine", Xiao Zhao Director Zhao Changhuan was angry to death!

"Five million abuses are worth a day's life, why don't you grab it!!"

Although it was said that in just one day today, each person provided him with an average of five abuse points, and Zhao Changhuan received 40 million abuse value

But according to the rules of the system, these 40 million abuse values, all redeemed, is only enough for his life expectancy of eight more days!

A movie ticket is fifty yuan, if the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine" can reach four billion box office in the end, the audience will watch it by 80 million people in the end!

Eighty million people, each of them has five grievance points, and in the end, a movie can only provide 400 million grievance points.

Five million grievances are worth one day's life, and if you calculate it, 400 million grievances can only provide yourself with eighty days of life!

This is still when no one swipes twice at the same time to provide the box office! If there are many people in this box office who are second brushers, the grievances that can be provided are worth less!

I'll lose your mother!!

"So, the host you're to: Or don't you redeem it?"

The system asks very mechanically.

What can Zhao Changhuan say, can he say no?

The system is worth a lot, and the exchange life still has to be redeemed!!

"Redeem. "Without any nonsense, Zhao Changhuan directly exchanged all the existing 40 million abuse values for life.

After increasing his lifespan by eight days, Zhao Changhuan took a deep breath.

That is, at the moment when the life is redeemed, the sound of the system sounds again.

"Ding! Congratulations! Successfully consume 40 million abuse value and get a small gift pack!"

"You're a bit human!"

Zhao Changhuan took a deep breath, and then went to wash his hands first.

After washing his hands, Zhao Changhuan came to pay attention to his small gift bag.

"Dirty luck, leave quickly, smoke a big baby for me, it's better to go straight out of life, three two one." "


With an order, Zhao Changhuan opened the small gift bag.

Immediately, another series of system prompts sounded.

"Ding, congratulations, the affinity of all things plus ten!"

"Ding, congratulations, get three chances to draw random scripts on Earth!"

"Ding, congratulations, language appeal is increased by ten!"

Affinity of all things? Language appeal

Not very practical.

Or is the Earth random script extraction chance a little more practical.

Zhao Changhuan let out a long sigh, lamenting that his luck was not very good, and immediately, he directly used a random script extraction opportunity.

"Ding: Congratulations, you successfully obtained the movie script "The Story of Hachiko the Loyal Dog"!"


Just after sighing that he was unlucky, the next second, Zhao Changhuan stood up directly and excitedly!


Hachiko the loyal dog! I actually drew the script of this movie!

Lying groove, this movie has to be meaningful, tear-jerking and tear-jerking!

And it's also a big boss in a tearjerker movie!!

"The previous affinity of all things, can I ... Better for puppies to shoot?"

Zhao Changhuan now feels more and more that he is lucky and that this reward is complementary!

Smoke again!

There are two more opportunities, and Zhao Changhuan is not ready to stay for the New Year.

Directly pumped out!

"Ding: Congratulations, you successfully extracted and successfully obtained the TV script "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One"!"

"Ding: Congratulations, you successfully extracted and successfully obtained the anime script "Little Chinese Boss"!"

The remaining two lotteries, one drew a useless "Chinese Little Master" for Zhao Changhuan, and the other drew a big killer for Zhao Changhuan!

The Legend of Sword and Fairy One!!

This is another big abuse movie!

Whether it is Yueru's sacrifice in the play, or Li Xiaoyao holding Linger home in the end, it is a plot that can make the audience cry like dogs.

"Let's start shooting the loyal dog Hachiko first. "

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Changhuan decided to film the story of the loyal dog Hachiko.

After deciding what to shoot, Zhao Changhuan immediately absorbed the script of the loyal dog Hachiko and completely turned it into knowledge into his brain!

Immediately, sleep obediently and replenish your spirits!

The next day, Zhao Changhuan was ready to prepare for the filming of "The Story of the Loyal Dog Hachigong"

However, as soon as he came out of the bedroom and came to the living room, Zhao Changhuan saw his youngest cousin, Zhao Changyue.

Zhao Changyue was the daughter of his only uncle, Zhao Guogang.

Zhao Guogang gave birth to a baby, both girls, the first two are twins, five years older than Zhao Changhuan.

The third is this Zhao Changyue, who is as old as Zhao Changhuan.

"Brother, have you seen my father?

As soon as Zhao Changyue saw Zhao Changhuan, he instantly became energetic.

Zhao Changhuan shook his head: "I didn't see it, what's wrong, what happened to you?"

"The matter of the graduation program..." Zhao Changyue was extremely uncomfortable: "Didn't I finish the college entrance examination, the school has a graduation party, let all the senior students participate, and also assigned us tasks, I didn't think about it at the time, I directly signed up with a few friends, ready to let Brother Lei write a song for me, and in a few days at the party, a few of us will sing on stage!"

"That's good. "

Zhao Changhuan smiled slightly.

In the old Zhao family, except for Zhao Changhuan, the other children went to school as usual, only Zhao Changhuan hired a tutor to study at home.

Now, Zhao Changhuan is an adult, and he has completed all the courses at home, and his sister, who is the same age as him, is in school, but it is also time to graduate from high school.

The graduation party in the Blue Star World is generally held a few days after the college entrance examination, so now Zhao Changyue will come to busy making songs.

"Yes, it was fine, but I couldn't contact Brother Lei all of a sudden!"

Zhao Changyue cried with a sad face: "Not only Brother Lei, I can't even contact my father!!"

"Your dad and Ray Ge are like... Let's go to the Hui Province to perform?!!."

Zhao Changhuan patted his head and suddenly remembered something.

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Zhao Changyue's face became even more painful: "Ah!!

Brother Lei in Zhao Changyue's mouth, called Zhang Yuelei by the whole people, is one of Zhao Guogang's disciples, and is a comedian who can sing and arrange music by thieves.

Zhao Changhuan doesn't know what this Zhang Yuelei has to do with Zhang Yun on Earth, but if it is really compared, this Zhang Yuelei should be much taller than the one on Earth in terms of music, after all, he has been studying music for many years alone.

"Changyue, don't worry. "

Seeing that Zhao Changyue was about to cry, Zhao Changhuanji immediately waved his hand: "Brother Lei is gone, isn't there still me?!"


Zhao Changyue was immediately stunned.

"Yes, I!" Zhao Changhuan nodded: "Aren't I also a good writer at songs?"

"Brother Changhuan, you got it!"

Zhao Changyue was speechless to the extreme: "Although my uncle hired a music teacher for you, how many times has the music teacher called you a small report, saying that you are not good at studying, just you, what song can you make up!"


The problem of increased longevity is explained in detail in later sections.

The more abuse points you exchange, the higher the level will be, and the less abuse points you need for each day of life.

For example, now five million, slowly four million, three million....

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