Liu Yuhua waited to see Zhao Changhuan's joke!

All directors and stars who have a bad relationship with Zhao Guoyue are waiting to see Zhao Changhuan's jokes!

The prince of the comedy family, go and make tear gas!

Isn't this just sticking your face out for others to beat?

What is the situation of sadistic films, tragic films, tear gas films in the market now?

In addition to some particularly good tear gas, most of the tear gas, abuse films, tragedies, and word of mouth are terrible!

Why? Because the audience is uncomfortable watching!

In addition to those particularly good tear gas, other poor tear gas films are feeding the audience and blocking the audience's hearts!

You feed the audience, add blockage to the audience's hearts, you say the audience will not give you good reviews?!

It's all bad!

Liu Yuhua and other big directors don't think that Zhao Changhuan, the fledgling comedy prince, can shoot tear gas films well, and can become a very small number of good reputations!


In addition to word of mouth, the important thing about a movie is the box office.

But... Tragedies, sadistic films, tear gas... Talk about the box office?

For many years, the box office of tragic tear gas films has a high ?

Which one is not low to frighteningly ?!!

The old Zhao family planted it, and the old Zhao family planted it this time!!

However, just when Liu Yuhua and other big directors were waiting to see the jokes of the old Zhao family, suddenly, the evaluation of "I Am Not the God of Medicine" on the Internet was refreshed....

Blue Jiexing's Huaxia also has a film review website, called Pingpetal.

After the broadcast of "I Am Not the God of Medicine", on the review flap, under the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine", countless evaluations appeared in an instant!

Chunjiang: "Explode, cry like a dog! This is the real movie!!" - Five Star!

Mu Zihuang: "I really didn't expect that Director Xiao Zhao was so bullish!!His eyes are too poisonous, the audience's laughter, tears, and pain points are firmly grasped by him, and the starring Xu Zhen, Xu Zhen's impression of him has always stayed on the comedian, but this drama, he broke through my impression of him, this drama, the best of the year this year!!" ---Five stars!


Liu Sheng: "Although this drama makes me cry to the extreme, I still have to say that this drama is really good, a good film!!" ---Five stars!"

Ray: "I haven't seen such a touching movie for a long time, and tears are not vulgar, sadism is still understandable, praise---!"

Stay: "I thought it was a comedy, but I didn't expect it to be a tearjerker drama, we set a character for Director Xiao Zhao at the beginning, but now, Director Xiao Zhao broke his personality, originally, I still hated Director Xiao Zhao a little, I think he relied on the family, this film must be the script given by his father, and then helped him film, but after watching this drama, I can guarantee that this drama is definitely not helped by Director Zhao Guoyue Zhao, for no other reason, Zhao Guoyue is not so bullish to !! me----!

On top of the reviews, the reviews of "I Am Not the God of Medicine" are all praised!

A movie has a full score of ten, one star means two points, and now, the average score of the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine" on the petals is 9.6!

Nine six? What is this concept??

As long as a movie can score nine, it is already a classic among the classics!

As for above nine and five, there are only a few in the entire Blue Star Realm!

Although with the passage of time, the rating of the movie "I Am Not the God of Medicine" may decrease a little, but at least now, he has reached 9.6!

And it is at least 50,000 reviews, reaching 9.6 points!

"How is this possible?!!"

"When did the audience of Blue World Star Huaxia love to watch such an abusive tear gas film???"

"Nine six... Nine six six!!"

"I've struggled for most of my life, and the movie with the best rating is only eight points!!"

After reading the evaluation on the petal, Liu Yuhua sat directly on the ground!

Then, slowly standing up, Liu Yuhua became flat again.

"What if you have a good reputation?"

"Abuse film tear gas, after all, it is an abuse film tear gas, the box office is not high!"

"After everyone knows that this drama is a tearjerker, they will definitely not watch it again!!"

That is, on the night that Liu Yuhua used the box office to continuously relieve himself.

The box office of the movie in the major theaters in China also came out that day!

"Laughing Broken Teeth" had a box office of 120 million on the first day, ranking second on the day!

"I Am Not the God of Medicine" had a box office of 400 million on the first day, ranking, of course, first!!

Won the championship and capped, "I am not the God of Medicine", the box office on the first day was directly first!

Confused, shocked, incredible!

At the moment when the box office of "I Am Not the God of Medicine" came out on the first day, almost the entire director of Huaxia was stunned!!

Liu Yuhua was directly speechless!

What's that: The box office on the first day was 400 million?!

Nima, a tear gas, grossed 400 million ?!! on the first day


Zhao family, after seeing the box office on the first day of "I Am Not the God of Medicine", Zhao Guoyue was directly shocked and couldn't walk steadily!

400 million, 400 million at the box office on the first day!!

This is the result of his own son's first film ??

And it is... The results under the tear gas film ?!!

This tear gas piece is a bit fierce!

As a family, today, Zhao Guoyue's family naturally all went to the cinema and watched Zhao Changhuan's "I Am Not the God of Medicine"!


To be honest, Zhao Changhuan's "I Am Not the God of Medicine" is indeed filmed very well!

Even Zhao Guoyue had to give Zhao Changhuan a thumbs up after watching "I Am Not the God of Medicine".

But... Four hundred million on the first day??

The addition of the old Zhao family has the effect on Zhao Changhuan's drama, but it is only 10 million box office at most!

In other words, Zhao Changhuan's movie is real, and his own cow is more than the sky!!

This special New Year's comedy movie is not so fierce!

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