Hearing the words of the head of the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department, in an instant, the three middle-aged people were speechless!

I thought what happened to the three old men, but I didn't expect that I was watching a TV series and crying!

All of a sudden, the three middle-aged people were a little crying and laughing.

"Dad, didn't you say that you don't like to cry the most, why do you cry like this?"

Governor Li looked directly at Old Master Li.

Old man Li wiped his nose with a piece of paper, and also wanted to laugh a little: "Hey, this is not.. It's not about seeing into feelings: Can't help it.."

"Dad, didn't you say that anti-war movies are all funny? Why, why are you still crying? "

On the side, General Yang also looked at Old Master Yang.

Old man Yang took a few deep breaths before saying, "Damn, who knows that Zhao Changhuan, this little rabbit cub, has such a good hand in making anti-war films!" Labor and management have never cried, but I didn't expect that today, I was abused by this little rabbit cub, and the famous name of labor and management was destroyed today! ! ! "


Hearing Old Master Yang's words, Lieutenant General Yang directly laughed mercilessly.

"You laugh a fart, you see you have to cry too!" When Old Master Yang heard his son's laughter, his anger came up directly.

Yang Zhong would continue to laugh: "Okay, dad, let's get here today, let's go home first, and then watch tomorrow, okay?" "


Old man Yang's temper rushed to the extreme.

Lieutenant General Yang was stunned: "What?!" "

"Watch one more episode!" Old man Yang played rogue to his heart's content.

Seeing Old Man Yang playing scoundrel, the other two old men laughed with tears in their eyes: "Yes, watch another episode!" "

"Okay, the last episode, watch another episode, go home after watching it, and watch it again tomorrow!"

The three middle-aged people naturally can't survive their parents.

In the end, after countless negotiations and compromises, Governor Li and the three decided to let the three old men watch another episode.

Followed by the three old men, Governor Li, Lieutenant General Yang, and Chairman Zhao, all of them also sat in the viewing seat.

In this regard, the eighth episode of "Bright Sword" was launched.

Soon, the three old men and auditors were once again involved in the plot of "Bright Sword".

Although the three Governor Li have not watched the first seven episodes of "Bright Sword", this does not affect their current liveliness.

Looking at the big screen, soon, Governor Li and the three were also attracted to the plot, and slowly, they were fascinated!

This anti-war film is a bit good-looking!

Soon, the eighth episode was finished.


Governor Li looked up directly.

The staff in charge of the episode change nodded: "Yes, Governor Li, the eighth episode is over." "

"After the eighth episode, you put the ninth episode, do you watch?"

Governor Li was very dissatisfied.

At this time, the head of the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department appeared: "Governor Li, didn't we tell the three old men that after watching this episode, we will go home?" Why did the three old men make up their brains, and you started to make trouble? "

Governor Lee: "... "

Lying groove, this Zhao Changhuan's TV series is poisonous!!

Governor Li immediately realized that he was wrong: "Ahem, that... So let's get here and end it today. "

Saying that, Governor Li and the other two greeted the three old men and took the three old men home.

However, when leaving the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department, Governor Li secretly pulled the head of the Film and Television Review Department out.

"Lao Sun, will you send me the first seven episodes of "Bright Sword" tonight?"

Hearing Governor Li's words, the head of the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department showed a faint smile.

There was nothing else in this smile, just three words.

"I understand you!"

After returning home with the old men, Governor Li decisively received the video file sent by the head of the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department and watched the first seven episodes of "Bright Sword".

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, as soon as you look at it, the whole person can't stop at all!

No wonder the three old men don't want to go, this anti-war film shot by Zhao Changhuan is really so interesting!

This production, this detail, this plot, this character, which anti-war film on the Internet can compare with him?

After watching the two episodes, Governor Li decisively wanted to watch the third episode.

However, it was at this time that a phone call came.

"Hey, Governor Li, are you there? I'm Yang Long, your piece, send me to see? "

It was Lieutenant General Yang who called.

Hearing Lieutenant General Yang's words on the phone, Governor Li was a little speechless: "What piece?" What are you talking about? "

"It's not kind to have resources not to share, right?"

Lieutenant General Yang was a little upset.

Governor Li instantly coughed: "Can you pay attention to what you say, what resources are resources, and what do people who don't know think you say!" "

"I want the first seven episodes of Bright Sword!"

“???" Governor Li was a little confused: "Don't you have a lot of work over there?" Still have time to watch "Bright Sword"? "

"I'll take my men to see it together."

Lieutenant General Yang smiled.

In this way, the juniors of the two old men also watched "Bright Sword"

Soon, the junior of the third old man also joined in.

Today is destined to be a sleepless night.

The next day, the three old men got up at five o'clock!

They can't wait to go to the audit department to watch "Bright Sword"!

"Dad, so early?"

Governor Li saw Old Master Li and wiped his tears.

Seeing Governor Li, Old Master Li was immediately stunned: "Little cub, what are you doing in the evening?" Swollen eyes? "

"Ahem, no, it's okay."

Governor Li was suddenly a little embarrassed.

What can he say?

Can he say that his eyes were like this when he stayed up late watching "Bright Sword" yesterday night and saw the seventh episode?!

"Pay attention to your body, okay, don't talk to you, let Xiao Wang send me to the audit department."

Old man Li now cares more about "Bright Sword" than he cares about his son

However, after hearing Old Master Li's words, Governor Li shook his head: "Dad, Xiao Wang won't send you today, I'll send you, cough, let's.." Watch "Bright Sword" together? "

Old man Li: "... "

After a period of silence, Old Master Li took Governor Li to the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department together.

As soon as they arrived at the Audit Department, Old Master Li and Governor Li saw it... Old man Yang with Lieutenant General Yang, old man Zhao with Chairman Zhao!

Moreover, the eyes of Lieutenant General Yang and Chairman Zhao were also a little red!

For a while, there was some silence in the audience. _

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