In the screening review room, "Bright Sword" is still playing!

In the battle with the people of this day, the Chinese army suffered heavy losses!

In this episode, Li Yunlong fell ill!

Also in this episode, the cavalry company was surrounded!

Although the battle has not yet begun, in fact, everyone knows that the cavalry company has already lost!

They have reached a desperate situation! The huge difference in numbers makes it impossible for them to win against the other side at all!


[Sun Desheng: "Brothers, throw the gun at me, and never leave it to Little Japan!" Pull the knife!! 】

Under such a predicament, on the big screen, the commander of the cavalry company, Sun Desheng, still took the remnants of his subordinates and the cavalry company of many devils with a lot of difference, and fought the final battle! ! !

Don't they know that if they do this, the final end will only be death?

How could they not know!

But even if they knew, they raised their knives!

Because, this is the bright sword spirit that belongs to them!!

What is Bright Sword Spirit?

The spirit of the bright sword is to know that the enemy is strong, but still does not flinch, even if the other party is a tiger, they will fucking pull their teeth!

What the sword points to, is invincible!

[Sun Desheng: "Cavalry Company, listen to my orders, towards the enemy... Offensive!!!! "】

Under Sun Desheng's roar, the Huaxia Cavalry Company and the Japanese soldiers fought a fierce battle!

No too many tricks, no too many shots, not even a soundtrack!

In this battle of "Bright Sword", there are just the sound of horses' hooves, the sound of slashing knives, the sound of flesh being split, and the sound of the wind mixed with heavy breathing!

War is brutal and simple!

It was just a short exchange, and when I looked back, there were only a few people left in the cavalry company.

But, so what?

Huaxia soldiers, rather sing to death in the rain than send people to live under the fence!

Huaxia soldiers, every enemy will show his sword!

Even if there are only a few people left, in the face of the enemy who invades the homeland, the Chinese soldiers, there is only one word!

["Cavalry Company, continue to attack!"] "】

After another charge, only Sun Desheng was left in the entire cavalry company.

And he, after this charge, also lost an arm.

At the moment of the battle, he already knew his final fate.

But, so what?

Even if there is only one person left!

He, still dead, will not surrender the soldiers!

It was Sun Desheng, the commander of the cavalry company!

Raise the long knife, even if there is only one person, even if there is only one arm left!

The cavalry company remains! Huaxia, can't die!

["Cavalry Company....."]

["Attack!!! "】

It was at this moment that the music started!

Sun Desheng, who was the only one left, raised a knife and entered the Japanese soldiers' formation, and in the end, he was hacked to death by a random knife!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the entire review screening room was already in tears!

The auditors all had moist eyes and sour noses!

And the three old men, all of them at the moment, their eyes stared at the screen tightly, tears, and they couldn't stop flowing out of their eye sockets!

In this plot of "Bright Sword", they seem to be transported back to those days when they fought the war.

It is because of the experience that they understand!

The Chinese soldiers during the real War of Resistance are exactly the same as the soldiers of the cavalry company!

Looking at Sun Desheng on the screen, charging alone, and finally dying, at this moment, the three old men all had countless memories in their minds!

Remember the bits and pieces of the beginning, and come up with all the comrades in arms!

Remembering the beginning, those who died... Dead words.....

["Old Li, I'll go first, you have to live well, at least, take a look for me, the home we protect with our lives..] 】


["Yang Sheng, don't disobey orders, now, take your subordinates, leave me alone, and go!! "】


[Old Zhao, you said... What we did today, will anyone remember later? 】


"Home, I helped you see, he's fine..."

Elder Li wiped his tears, and a faint smile appeared on his face: "He is the way you like .."

"Someone will definitely remember."

Elder Zhao's whole person had already cried into tears, and his old face showed a little more glory: "Everyone remembers us." "

No one has forgotten that humiliating history.

And no one has forgotten that for the sake of Huaxia, the Chinese soldiers sacrificed their lives!

Elder Yang did not speak, but silently lowered his head, tears flowing down one by one.

It was at this time that the door to the screening room was opened.

Two middle-aged men, and a middle-aged woman, appeared outside the door.

Seeing the crying parents, the three middle-aged people were suddenly shocked, and then quickly came to the three old people!

"Dad, what's wrong with you?!!"

"Dad, there is: Did someone bully you and uncle them? "

"This: Here is the paper, Dad, you wipe your tears first, you: . What's wrong with you, you tell me, okay?? "

The three middle-aged people are all first-class figures, but now, they are all panicked like children!

A middle-aged man turned his head to look at the other auditors and found that the other auditors, although they were not crying so badly, their eyes were also red!

"What the hell happened?"

The middle-aged man asked.

The director of the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department stretched out his hand and pointed to the big screen.

The middle-aged man was a little puzzled: "What do you mean?" I'm asking you, why do my dad and the other two uncles cry like this? "

"Governor Li, I'm answering your question."

The director of the Huaxia Film and Television Review Department took a deep breath: "The reason why everyone is crying, the reason why the three old men cry like this, is all because of this drama, all because of him!" "_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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