"Sorry, if you don't apologize, I'm not going to get out of the way!"

The position of security guard is small, but at this moment, he is particularly tall.

Hearing the words of the security guard, Cai Weixuan's temper directly surged up!

The anger of not getting the best actor fused with the anger of being stopped by a small security guard at this moment!

At this moment, Cai Weixuan wanted to stretch out his hand and slap the little security guard in the face!

But, in the end, he endured.

Because he knows that he is a public figure, he knows, on such an occasion, he is angry and will pull a lot of black powder for him!

But not getting angry and hitting the security guard does not mean that he will apologize.

He heard what the security guard said just now, and he also remembered the drama that the security guard said.

Didn't the security guard mean that the plot in his drama insulted the veteran?!

Cai Weixuan remembered that plot, because that plot was what he said to the director himself, let the director add it!

That's the plot he came up with himself!

Arrange a plot where everyone surrenders to highlight the strength of his protagonist, how, this plot, is there a problem?!!

The plot he finally came up with, highlighting the protagonist, increasing the sense of contradiction, and the bloody plot!

Let him apologize for this plot? Isn't this hilarious?!

"First of all, you are blocking me here, seriously violating my rights."

Cai Weixuan looked at the security guard and began his own tirade: "Secondly, I don't feel like I need to apologize!" "

"Film and television dramas are meant to be exaggerated, and they are originally false."

"Those veterans take it seriously, it's their own business, it has nothing to do with me.

"It's normal to arrange a plot that highlights the protagonist!"

"There are also many plots of this personal heroism abroad."

His explanation was weak and sophistry.

However, it was such a weak rebuttal that still made some of his fans outside the field immediately step into the same thinking path as him.

Immediately, some fans started talking outside the venue!

Hearing the remarks of some brain-dead fans outside the venue, the old man's face turned red at once.

He spoke, wanting to refute!

However, before the rebuttal could begin, he became so excited that he choked himself.

The more urgent the more chaotic, the old man wants to explain, explain that he is not making a big deal small, explain that he is not deliberately raising the bar.

However, he was too old and panicked, and under the oppression of Cai Weixuan's fans, he couldn't say a word.

Subsequently, Cai Weixuan found the old man.

He walked to the old man's side step by step.

"Old man, it is really irrational to distinguish between TV and reality, and bring some plots in TV to reality."

Cai Weixuan seemed to talk to the old man in a friendly manner.

This behavior of his is very false.

However, many fans buy his hypocrisy.

These words of his seem to be very friendly. But in fact, every sentence, a knife!

Looking at the old man who was speechless and his face was flushed, Zhao Changhuan wanted to refute for the old man.

The old man can't refute Cai Weixuan's, Changhuan can!

What film and television dramas are originally false, what film and television dramas are originally exaggerated!


"Cai Weixuan, right.."

Holding down the old man, Zhao Changhuan faced Cai Weixuan directly.

However, just when Zhao Changhuan was about to scold Cai Weixuan fiercely, suddenly, another powerful hand pressed on Zhao Changhuan's shoulder.

Then, with a force, the owner of that hand directly dragged Zhao Changhuan behind him!

The person who dragged Zhao Changhuan was Old Zhao.

From the beginning to now, Old Zhao has never spoken.

Now, Old Zhao arrived in front of Cai Weixuan.

Looking at Old Zhao, who had a strong sense of oppression, Cai Weixuan directly panicked!

"Do you think you deserve to be an actor?"

As soon as Old Zhao spoke, he was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on Cai Weixuan's forehead!

Cai Weixuan did not answer Old Zhao's question.

In the end, the old Zhao Zhao Guoyue answered his own questions.

"You don't deserve it."

Zhao Guoyue's words came out, and all of a sudden, some Cai Weixuan's fans outside the venue directly exploded.

"Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to say that Wei Xuan is not worthy of being an actor?"

Hearing the words of this fan, Zhao Guoyue directly turned his head, like a fierce tiger.

"I'm Zhao Guoyue!"

One sentence I am Zhao Guoyue, just five words to say!

In an instant, there was silence!

The name Zhao Guoyue, in Huaxia, has become famous to the extreme!

On the one hand, because the owner of this name is too powerful!

On the other hand, it is because the owner of this name is too violent!!

Since the beginning of his work, Zhao Guoyue has been scaring the audit department, the TV station, various directors and stars, and even, he has beaten many people and entered the bureau!

He has done too many cruel things!

Although he is older now, most people still tremble when they hear his name!

"Now, apologize to the old man, to all the Chinese soldiers who used to resist the war in the whole world."

Zhao Guoyue looked at Cai Weixuan again.

Cai Weixuan lowered his head tightly, unable to speak.

Looking at the two of them like this, Zhao Changhuan couldn't help but feel like a lying groove in his heart!

I used to feel that I was temperamental, but now I look at it, compared with my father, I am a younger brother!

My own father, the momentum is really strong!

Those who know him know that he is the director, but those who don't know him think he is a gang leader!

"As an entertainment worker."

"Whether it's a director, an actor, or a screenwriter."

"Respect is the most important thing."

Old Zhao's voice was amplified so much that the whole audience could hear it!

He began to talk about the truth, a cultural and entertainment worker in the work, to abide by, the most basic, the most basic guidelines! !

"Don't argue that film and television dramas are fiction."

"Even if it is a fictional thing, its content must maintain respect for others, even if it is a fictional thing, there must be respect for history, for soldiers, for all people or things that are inviolable and insulting!"

"This is the most basic ethics as an entertainer!"

"If you do something wrong, you have to admit it!"

"Now, apologize!"

Zhao Guoyue grew tall and strong.

In front of Zhao Guoyue, Cai Weixuan was like a child.

Putting his hand on Cai Weixuan's shoulder, Zhao Guoyue got closer to Cai Weixuan's ear and whispered.

"Or I unilaterally issued a banning order."

"You pick one yourself." _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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