
Hearing the words of the two hosts, Cai Weixuan stood up directly in shock!

Then, feeling his gaffe, Cai Weixuan immediately sat down.

At this moment, Cai Weixuan's entire face turned red.

His agent obviously took care of everything for him, why: Why wasn't he the one who got the best shadow actor in the end?!

On the side, Cai Weixuan's agent was also embarrassed to the extreme: "This, Brother Xuan, don't be angry, there must be something wrong, after the award is over, I'll ask!" "

Soon, the award ceremony ended and people began to leave.

Cai Weixuan's agent also went backstage at this time and talked with the person in charge of the Shenying Award that he had contacted at the beginning.

"Zhang Dong, how so? Didn't we say yes in the first place? "

"Say what??"

The person in charge behind the Divine Shadow Award was extremely indifferent.

"Okay, this year's Divine Shadow male protagonist is going to give us Cai Weixuan!"

Cai Weixuan's agent was furious.

Hearing the agent's words, the person in charge behind the Divine Shadow Award directly smiled: "Cai Weixuan has a few pounds and taels, don't you know it yourself?" Can you give him a nomination, this is still the face I gave to President Pei of your company, relying on a face to take the actor ?? What about dreaming?? "

"But we were..."

"What was the beginning, did I reply to you in the first place? It's your own self-righteousness, I don't speak, just when I agree, okay? "


"Sorry, I don't want dirty money, I didn't take a copy of your money, I returned it to you earlier, why, your finances didn't tell you?!"

After a while, in the end, the person in charge of Cai Weixuan came out embarrassed.

After understanding all the situation, Cai Weixuan's face turned red to the extreme.

"This broken prize!"

Cursing secretly, without any nonsense, Cai Weixuan walked directly towards the door.

He doesn't want to stay here for a moment now.

Here, Cai Weixuan finished talking with the agent and the person in charge of the Divine Shadow Award, and walked towards the door of the Jinrui Building.

On the other side, Old Zhao and Xiao Zhao had already left the Jinrui Building early.

There are countless security guards near the Jinrui building, blocking fans coming and going, but even so, from time to time, fans rush to the stars who walk out of the building.

Among them, the most interesting one is a scrawny old man in military uniform!

The old man didn't know how he slipped away, anyway, he broke through the encirclement of the security guards, rushed into the encirclement, and came to Zhao Changhuan and Zhao Guoyue, who had just gone out!

"Boss, why are you making trouble again, you.."

Seeing the old man, a security guard hurriedly ran over, and immediately, he immediately apologized to the old Zhao Xiaozhao: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't stop him." "

With some light snow in the sky, Zhao Changhuan shook his head with a smile and rubbed his hands: "It's okay." "

Immediately, Zhao Changhuan half-bent down and looked at the old man at the same height.

"Uncle, those fans and disciples rushed in, I can still understand, why did you rush in? Why, you also chase stars? "

"I don't chase stars."

The old man shook his head, and immediately, without saying a word, he actually sprayed directly: "I'm here to scold you!" "

Zhao Changhuan: "??? "

Hearing the words of the old man, Zhao Changhuan was immediately stunned.

"You're an actor, aren't you?" The old man asked.

Zhao Changhuan shook his head: "To be precise, I am a director. "

"The director also scolded together!"

The old man looked resolute: "You, what are you directors and actors doing now, the anti-war films you made, is that called anti-war films, when we were in the anti-war war, where was the anti-war film you made, we had a very hard time at that time, but... But look at the anti-war films you made! "

"The actors are all wearing powder and makeup, who put on makeup when we were fighting!!"

"After a battle, the flesh and blood are flying, and it is good in the anti-war film you filmed, and the hairstyle is not messy!"

"The most important thing is..."

"The one you made this year is called. What is the TV series called "Blood Resistance"!! "

"There's a plot in it, what are you filming!!"

"You filmed dozens of Huaxia soldiers being captured, and under the coercion and lure of the officers of this day, except for the protagonist, all surrendered this day!"

"Let the Huaxia soldiers be the dogs of the day!!"

Seeing that the old man became more and more excited the more he spoke, the security guard on the side immediately persuaded.

"Uncle, you calm down, it's just a TV, they appear in such a plot, simply to highlight the protagonist's fearlessness."

"Fearless.... Dauntless?!!! "

The old man's scolding voice was extremely loud, and his whole face turned red: "In order to highlight a person, in order to highlight a protagonist who wipes powder on the battlefield and does not mess up his hair after a battle, all the Chinese soldiers are so dirty!" "

"This is not fearlessness!"

"This is an insult to us who fought against the war back then!!

"I: We.."

The old man is old after all, and while talking, he has to stop twice.

"We little soldiers are nameless and nameless!"

"But we also fight with blood and life to the end!"

"You shoot so many minions rebel plots to set off that protagonist, this... This is an insult to all unknown minions!! "

"You directors..."

"I don't know about minions at all!"

"Huaxia veterans, there will be some scum to surrender!"

"But most of the minions!! Even if you die! "

"I will never surrender!!"

That is, when the old man said the most sad and indignant, suddenly, a strong wind blew!

As soon as the wind blew, his two empty sleeves fluttered with the wind!

Only then did people notice that the two arms under the old man's coat .... is empty.

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