Feather Media Company.

Seeing the propaganda released by Haihe Satellite TV, director Liu Yuhua laughed directly: "Zhao Guoyue this garbage, usually like to scold the TV station, now well, pit his son to the point that he can only play TV series on this garbage satellite TV like Haihe Satellite TV, hahaha, what is this called? This is called retribution!!"

Saying that, Liu Yuhua looked at the young fat man who was eating on the side: "Chai Long, the match with Zhao Changhuan, you won!"

"I didn't put Zhao Changhuan in my eyes. "

Chai Long pouted, arrogantly: "His old Zhao family, that is, in the film industry, in the field of TV series, they can't!"

The storm is coming.

Almost at the same time, all the directors in the Huaxia TV drama industry couldn't help but set their sights on the big battle between Chai Long and Zhao Changhuan!

"It's a pity that this kid from the Zhao family, because of his father's seed, now he can only put the first drama on a small satellite TV like Haihe Satellite TV!"

"Originally, I was expecting Xiao Zhao to beat Chai Long's arrogant guy, but now it seems that it can't work!"

"Not to mention that Haihe is not Haihe, even if the two are put on the same level of TV and broadcast at the same time, everyone can guarantee that Zhao Changhuan can compare with Chai Long? Although this guy's character is not good, the drama he filmed is really powerful!"

"It is also the plot that some movies can be popular, put in the TV series, not necessarily, although Zhao Changhuan is good at making movies, but the TV series and the movie are different!"

"From the very beginning, the winner of this game has been decided!"

Under everyone's expectations, Chai Long's "A Moment of Life and Death" was broadcast first!

As the three major entertainments of Blue Mountain Satellite TV, the number of viewers every day is terrifying!

Coupled with the fact that Chai Long is indeed a bit bullish, this TV series is indeed filmed well, and the publicity is also very ending.

So, in the end, Chai Long, but as soon as "A Moment of Life and Death" was broadcast, it received a rating of 1.1%!

At the end of the night, the ratings rose to 1.33 percent!

In previous years, the ratings of breaking one can only be regarded as mid-to-high, but in this year's cold year, the ratings of a TV series can be regarded as good if they can break one!

"Director Chai maintained his level and shot great!!"

"Good ratings!"

"Among young directors, Director Chai can really be regarded as the best!"

In the entertainment industry, whether it is a director or a star, it is very single, that is, the more you can't do it, the more they will step on you, and when you go further, the more they will praise you!

This practice is rarely violated.

Therefore, after getting a good upgrade on the day of "A Moment of Life and Death", Chai Long immediately received all praise from the industry.

Even, when some people in the industry praised Chai Long, they also brought Zhao Changhuan by the way and stepped on Zhao Changhuan!

"Zhao Changhuan, he can't do it!!"

"He also relies on the heritage of the old Zhao family, the old Zhao family is very bad in this aspect of TV series, he didn't rely on it this time!"

"The old Zhao family is good at making movies, so they can make movies and mix TV series, isn't this looking for abuse?"

To this, Zhao Changhuan did not reply at all.

Who is strong and who is weak, let's speak with facts!

At eight o'clock the next day, "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One" was officially broadcast on Haihe Satellite TV!

The ratings of Haihe Satellite TV have always been very poor, even if Zhao Changhuan has accumulated a lot of fame by relying on the first two movies, the audience who come to Haihe Satellite TV to watch TV series at night is still pitiful.

Therefore, "Immortal Sword" has just started broadcasting, and the rating has only reached 0.413%!

The word bleak can no longer describe this rating!

Just like this, there are still many Zhao Changhuan fans who are guarding in front of the TV station, and they have to watch the ratings of "Immortal Sword" to get!

Here, directors and TV stations are paying attention to ratings.

On the other hand, the audience is only concerned about the TV series itself!

"Lying groove, isn't this protagonist Director Xiao Zhao?!"

"This special effect, this is too handsome!!"

"Liu Yifei is really beautiful!"

A classic is a classic after all, and "Immortal Sword" with his unique charm quickly fascinated all the viewers who watched Haihe Satellite TV!

Some viewers who have often watched Haihe Satellite TV are also a surprise at this moment!

"This drama received by Haihe Satellite TV this time is interesting!"

"This protagonist, isn't it great? It's just like the real thing!"

"Haihe Satellite TV, Xiongqi!"

Even, even many TV series directors who were not optimistic about Zhao Changhuan were completely attracted to "Immortal Sword" at the moment and fell into it!

"Director Xiao Zhao, this TV series has such a feeling!"

"This: Are Xiao Zhao's directorial skills so good??"

"This plot, yes!"

An episode of "Immortal Sword" was quickly finished, and Haihe Satellite TV entered advertising time.

At this moment, in the Haihe Satellite TV building.

Looking at the ratings, the old director had a very complicated mood.

Although "Immortal Sword" has just started broadcasting, the impact he can bring to Haihe Satellite TV will certainly not be obvious.


0.413 percent, which is still very uncomfortable to watch!

Although promoted, but: After all, the improvement is much worse than everyone expected.

"Director, can this drama really lead us to a turnaround battle?"

The deputy director asked the old director.

The old director took a deep breath, and his heart was also very nervous: "Wait, wait, "Immortal Sword" has just started, the impact will definitely not be too big, if he can be put on it for a few days, the ratings of satellite TV will definitely increase!"

"Completely put on a few days.. How many days??"

"I don't know. "

The old director shook his head.

That is, when everyone was very confused, suddenly, Haihe Satellite TV, the staff responsible for checking the data, suddenly came with news!

And, the sound is huge!

"Director, Director, ratings are starting to rise!!"

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