In the screening room, some emotional staff shed tears on the spot!

Zhao Changhuan successfully told them with the twenty-eighth level of "The Legend of Sword and Fairy One"!

He Zhao Changhuan, or the Zhao Changhuan who can abuse everyone's liver pain!

Even the old director was hazy with tears from "Immortal Sword" at the moment.

Originally, everyone thought that when the plot came here, it would be the most abusive time in the whole drama! !

Until the finale! Level 34, Ling'er lay in Li Xiaoyao's arms and closed her eyes!

["Brother Xiaoyao, I won't die, I want to stay with Brother Xiaoyao. "】

"Brother Xiaoyao had a hard time, and his friends around him left him. "】

"Ling'er didn't want to make him so miserable anymore, Ling'er promised to give you happiness. "】


["Brother Xiaoyao, I want to go home"


["I am the wife of brother Xiaoyao, and I am from Yuhang Town. "】

["We are.... Yokel. "】

"Take me home. "】!



"Ling'er, don't sleep, Ling'er!!"

"Zhao Changhuan of Dog Day, I'll kill you!!"

Looking at the big screen, all the staff who stayed in the screening room of Haihe Satellite TV cried and exploded!

This Nima originally thought that the final finale would be Xiaoyao and Ling'er living happily together!

But I didn't expect that the final ending would be like this!

After watching the finale of "Immortal Sword", almost everyone in the screening room cried into tears!

Even the staff member in charge of the screening and changing the episode is now crying!

"As soon as the music comes out, I can't help it!"

"It's so ruthless, Zhao Changhuan, I hate you, you return my Ling'er!!"

"And paper?"

"It's gone, it's all gone!!"

"Is Director Zhang okay??"

"It's not very good, Director Zhang is crying and almost fainting!"

A "Immortal Sword" directly wiped out most of Haihe Satellite TV!

"Director Zhang, you: Are you all right??"

"Zhao Changhuan of this dog day, too ruthless, too ruthless!!"

Director Zhang of Haihe Satellite TV is a sentimental person, even many previous complexes, he can see the tears and hazy eyes, not to mention this last big abuse point!

Just like talking to the staff, Director Zhang was crying and almost pumped over!

Almost the entire finale of "Immortal Sword", Director Zhang cried and watched it!

"That director, this drama, shall we sign it?"

Such a good drama, do you ask me to sign it?"

"But he's so abusive!"

"Abuse, is his specialty, this is a good film, absolutely good film!!

In the sound of crying, Haihe Satellite TV decided to cooperate with Zhao Changhuan.

Such a good drama, if they don't sign it, then they are wise!

Now, the question they have to consider is not whether they cooperate with Zhao Changhuan, but how much money they have to pay, and Zhao Changhuan will cooperate with them!!

According to the current normal market price of the Blue Star Realm, the price of an ordinary TV series is about tens of thousands, and the excellent one is 200,000.

A little better 300,000.

""Immortal Sword, how much money do we pay to buy the broadcast rights of his first issue?"

"Two hundred thousand?"

"Two hundred thousand is not worthy of this drama at all!"

"That.. Three hundred thousand??"

Director Zhang shook his head: "I have to add more! 400,000!"


Hearing Director Zhang's words, in an instant, everyone present was shocked!

With the special effect of the fairy sword, the acting skills of this actor, this plot, 400,000 episodes, in the Blue Star Realm, it is really not a loss!


Haihe Satellite TV is a garbage little satellite TV, Haihe Satellite TV he can't get so much money!!

"If you can't get the money, you have to make it up, this drama, we Haihe Satellite TV must want!!"

Director Zhang suggested with a smile: "Haihe Satellite TV has always been a small satellite TV that has been bullied by all kinds of people, not to mention three David TV, even other various stations, none of them can afford to look at us, this time, we finally encountered such a good drama, we can't miss the opportunity!"

"This is a good opportunity to turn around!"

Director Zhang left the screening room, negotiated with many parties, and finally, called Zhao Changhuan and gave Zhao Changhuan an accurate price!

"Immortal Sword" has a total of 34 levels, and Haihe Satellite TV is willing to use the price of 400,000 per episode, a total of 13.6 million, to buy the first broadcast rights of "Immortal Sword"!

It's just the right to broadcast the first episode!

Zhao Changhuan didn't know much about TV series in his previous life, so he didn't know whether the general price of TV series in the Blue Star Realm was higher or lower than that of the earth.

However, listening to the second aunt's surprise, the price that Haihe Satellite TV gave itself should already be very high in the Blue Star Realm!

Moreover, this is the price that Haihe Satellite TV gave him!

Haihe Satellite TV's situation, Zhao Changhuan also understood, so after receiving Haihe Satellite TV's price increase, Zhao Changhuan nodded with satisfaction.

When no TV station is willing to take their own drama, or even willing to watch this drama, Haihe Satellite TV is too small and bad to be a TV station, took over its own drama, and also gave a price that is better than other big TV stations to close TV series!

This is already very moving, and Zhao Changhuan has no reason not to accept it.

So, after negotiating suitably, Zhao Changhuan officially sold the premiere rights of "Immortal Sword" to Haihe Satellite TV.

The broadcast time is 8 pm, prime time.

After buying "Immortal Sword", Haihe Satellite TV did its best to promote "Immortal Sword" with all its strength.

At the same time, Blue Mountain Satellite TV, one of the three major entertainment satellite TV, also promoted Chai Long's TV series "A Moment of Life and Death".

"A Moment of Life and Death" is scheduled to be broadcast three days later on Blue Mountain Satellite TV at eight o'clock in the evening.

"Immortal Sword" is scheduled to be broadcast four days later on Haihe Satellite TV at eight o'clock in the evening.

The TV station where the two are located is 108,000 miles apart.

And the time of the two broadcasting, but only the difference... One day!

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