Entering the community, he didn't even care about the elevator, so Yang Chaohu rushed down the stairs to the top floor!

Zhao Changhuan followed Yang Chaohu closely, also running at extreme speed!

He didn't know what it was for him to keep up with Yang Chaohu, but... He just wanted to follow!

He just wanted to go up with Yang Chaohu and save the girl!

He always had a feeling, feeling... There is a way to save this girl yourself!

The door on the top floor was locked, and Zhao Changhuan and Yang Chaohu successfully came to the top floor!

Seeing Yang Chaohu and Zhao Changhuan, the girl was obviously frightened.

The arrival of Yang Chaohu and Zhao Changhuan startled the girl, but it also successfully prevented the girl from falling at this moment!

Because of the arrival of Yang Chaohu and Zhao Changhuan, the little girl who was about to jump downstairs retracted her legs.

Only one second away, if Yang Chaohu and Zhao Changhuan came up for a second, the little girl would be dead by now!!

"Don't: Don't be impulsive!! "

Yang Chaohu immediately opened his mouth and shouted!

The girl glanced at Yang Chaohu, and then, at Zhao Changhuan.

The girl's expression has always been very numb, and her eyes have completely lost their light.

However, that is, after she saw Zhao Changhuan, her eyes that had lost their radiance suddenly: Pico: There was a glimmer of light again.

"Director Xiao Zhao..."

The girl's voice was weak.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually knew him, and Zhao Changhuan suddenly became excited: "Yes, I am Director Xiao Zhao, I am Zhao Changhuan!" "

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, the corner of the girl's mouth immediately flashed a faint smile.

Immediately, as if recalling something, the girl spoke, and slowly spoke: "I didn't expect to meet Director Xiao Zhao before I died..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Yang Chaohu immediately spoke loudly on the side.

Zhao Changhuan also hurriedly persuaded: "Little sister, you don't be impulsive, you come down first, let's have a good chat, let's talk.." Talk about my movies, do you like my movies and like my work? "

The girl kept staring at Zhao Changhuan.

After four or five seconds, the girl shook her head and laughed.

"Director Xiao Zhao's movies, every one, I especially like to watch, I like to watch Director Xiao Zhao's "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" the most, the little Director Zhao in it is really handsome."

Seeing that the girl could still laugh and her mentality was not bad, Zhao Changhuan was relieved.

Immediately, glancing at Yang Chaohu and calming Yang Chaohu, Zhao Changhuan walked towards the girl step by step.

When the girl saw Zhao Changhuan walking towards her, she did not resist.

She just continued to chat about Zhao Changhuan's products.

"Director Xiao Zhao's "Alive", I also like to watch, although in the end of the book, only Fugui resisted, but I think his ending is still good, at least Fugui is still alive, open-minded life."

However, it was at this time that the girl suddenly took another step, one step closer to the edge of the top floor again!

Looking up and looking at Zhao Changhuan with the most numb gaze, the smile at the corner of the girl's mouth became extremely bitter.

"Director Xiao Zhao...."

"I can't hold on."

Listening to the little girl's words, and then remembering the little girl's experience, Zhao Changhuan's heart soured.

When he was in the car just now, Zhao Changhuan had already gone through the whole process and understood all of them in detail.

This little girl is only fourteen years old.

While at school, she was severely beaten and assaulted by the principal.

She was violated by the animal principal, but in the end, the animal principal did not receive any punishment.

The beast principal has money, has connections, knows people: The beast principal bought out the lawyers on both sides and bought out the judge!!

Even, even the girl's father, tempted by money, gave up : Continue to protect the rights and interests of my daughter.

As a child of a single-parent family, the girl now has no one to rely on.

She had fallen into despair.

Her world has now become only darkness.

"You: You.. Love watching Bright Sword? "

Zhao Changhuan continued to slowly approach the little girl.

Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, the girl immediately became excited: "Like, I.." I especially like "Bright Sword", when I was locked up at home these days: I watch "Bright Sword" every day, and I especially like Li Yunlong.... I especially like monks..."

"However, Director Xiao Zhao, my favorite is still you!"

"The only one who can shoot all the anti-war films so powerfully, Xiao Zhao is the only one who guides you!!"

Under the excitement of the girl, finally, Zhao Changhuan immediately asked for the girl's side.

Seeing that Zhao Changhuan was about to succeed, Yang Chaohu was also excited!

He never thought that he could play such a good role by bringing Zhao Changhuan with him!

"Since you like watching "Bright Sword" so much, how can you commit suicide before "Bright Sword" is finished?"

Zhao Changhuan is about to come to the girl's side!

As he moved forward, he stretched out his hand towards the girl again!

"Come on, come down, I'll take you to see Bright Sword..."

Right away.. Zhao Changhuan is about to come to the girl!

Right away.. The little girl was about to stretch out her hand and grab Zhao Changhuan's hand!

Even if the little girl didn't grab Zhao Changhuan's hand, such a short distance, Zhao Changhuan would be able to rush up and drag the little girl back!!


That is, at the moment when Zhao Changhuan was ready to pull the little girl back:

The little girl fell from the air to one side.

When she fell, a ray of light appeared again in the little girl's numb eyes.

She opened her mouth and her lips moved slightly.

She didn't make a sound, but Zhao Changhuan understood her last words.

The little girl finally jumped.

Hearing the bang, everyone fell into panic, and Zhao Changhuan also stretched out the hand that did not catch the little girl, and the whole person fell into sluggishness.

At this moment, Zhao Changhuan's whole person was stupid.

Everything in his mind disappeared at this moment.

All the hustle and bustle turned into nothingness.

All things are reduced to silence,_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect, push

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