Saying that, Zhao Changhuan played the piano.

The piece he played was called "Flower.Dance."

Of course, this music also has a more well-known name - "Dance of Flowers"

The pure music of "Dance of Flowers" is very magical.

He can make happy people happier and sadder people.

How you feel listening to this music ultimately depends on your own mood.

When Zhao Changhuan studied music in his previous life, he played "Dance of Flowers" at the evening party

Now, by mistake, he played "Dance of Flowers" again, and this time, he was still at the evening party.

Zhao Changhuan's fingertips flew on the piano keys, listening to the music played by Zhao Changhuan, everyone in the audience was instantly moved by Zhao Changhuan's music.

Backstage, Fang Yuanyang listened to Zhao Changhuan's "Dance of Flowers" and fell into deep contemplation!

His mind was still constantly reminiscing about what his former friends had said to him!

But, this moment, not only... More than just those words!

"You don't have to feel inferior to yourself because you like it."


"It's not surprising."

Accompanied by the music, in Fang Yuanyang's mind, Zhao Changhuan's words gradually squeezed out the mockery that his friends had ridiculed him before!

From childhood to adulthood, Fang Yuanyang was considered a strange child by others.

From childhood to adulthood, others thought he had autism.

But.. He knows that he doesn't have autism, he just likes pure music, he just likes quiet!

"You don't have to feel inferior to yourself because you like it .."

When Zhao Changhuan finished playing "Dance of Flowers", Fang Yuanyang was already in tears.

Immediately, when the audience applauded Zhao Changhuan, Fang Yuanyang wiped away his tears and came to the stage again.

Seeing Fang Yuanyang coming to the stage, Zhao Changhuan smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and applauded him.

Driven by Zhao Changhuan's applause, at this moment, everyone applauded Fang Yuanyang.

After relaying with Fang Yuanyang, Zhao Changhuan stepped down.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yuanyang, who had regained his confidence, finally sat down in front of the piano again, and finally: Really play the music he loves.

Ignore anyone's gaze.

When Fang Yuanyang played the first key, Huan knew that he had saved a little boy.

Doing this kind of mood after helping others and restoring confidence to others, is wrong.

Zhao Changhuan shook his head and smiled.

Soon, Fang Yuanyang's program. Other people's programs began to come up one after another.

After Fang Yuanyang's program, the few programs are Zheng Xiaoshuang's program.

Zheng Xiaoshuang's acting skills are also good, although they are still a little clumsy, but they are quite cute.

In the end, Zhao Changhuan waited for a long time, and when the evening party was about to end, he finally waited for Yang Chaohu's program.

I have to say that Yang Chaohu's acting skills are indeed strong.

His show is a sitcom.

In the play, his performance can be regarded as overwhelming, and he plays the same as the real thing!

Even the teachers and school leaders in the first row couldn't help but praise Yang Chaohu after the end of Yang Chaohu's program.

After Yang Chaohu's show, Zhao Changhuan went backstage.

He was going to have another dinner with Yang Chaohu and Liu Yifei before leaving.

However, just as everyone was about to go to the set place to eat, Yang Chaohu suddenly received a call.

"What? Where is it? Okay, I'll be right there!! "

After receiving the call, Yang Chaohu's whole person panicked: "Director Xiao Zhao, Sister Liu, I: . I may not be able to go to dinner with you, I have an urgent matter here! "

"What's going on? You don't mess around first. "

Seeing Yang Chaohu's expression, Zhao Changhuan realized the importance of the matter.

After hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Yang Chaohu eased his mood, took a few deep breaths, and calmly explained the cause and result of the matter.

"Director Xiao Zhao, do you remember what I told you before, the principal of the city next door violated female students?"

"That matter, in the end, was not handled well."

"For some special reasons, at the end of the case, the principal did not receive any major punishment, but was sentenced to several months in detention, or suspended execution!"

"After getting this result, the schoolgirl couldn't accept it, and now... Now on the Linghai community, ready to commit suicide by jumping off the building! "

"Although the Linghai Community is in the next city, it is also on the edge of the next city, and Changhuan First Media College is also on the edge of our city. On the contrary, it is closer than the local police! "

"Now, the local police in the next city have rushed to rescue him, and the chief knows that I am in Changhuan First Media College, and I am close, so I feel like rushing over to take a look!"

After Yang Chaohu's words, Zhao Changhuan's brows were already tightly wrinkled.

Immediately, after saying goodbye to Liu Yifei, Zhao Changhuan patted Yang Chaohu's shoulder: "I'll go with you!" "

"Huh??" Hearing Zhao Changhuan's words, Yang Chaohu was a little confused: "Little Director Zhao, you... What are you going to do?? "

"Nonsense, do you have a car? Don't you take time to take a taxi? Get in my car and go straight ahead! "

With a greeting, Zhao Changhuan went directly to drive his car.

After a while, the people arrived in the car!

After saying goodbye to Liu Yifei again, Zhao Changhuan picked up Yang Chaohu and immediately headed for the next city!

Since the Linghai Community where the jumping girl was located and the Changhuan First Media College were on the edge of the city, Zhao Changhuan soon drove Yang Chaohu to the Linghai Community in Haicheng!

Obviously, the distance between the fire department of the Haicheng Police Department and the Linghai Community is not as close as that of the Changhuan First Academy from the Linghai Community.

When Zhao Changhuan and Yang Chaohu came to the Linghai community, except for the surrounding onlookers, there were no local bureau staff arrival.

Coming to the Linghai community, from a distance, Zhao Changhuan saw the girl standing on the top of the community.

The girl looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr

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