Ji Ming: "Xiu Yan, tell me about your skills in writing songs" Look at this person's high yield, he is really jealous, and the quality is good.

Xiu Yan: "It's just for the occasion, I basically write songs, it's all that feeling, and then I write, and then I revise and revise", this is the experience he summed up when he first started writing songs.

Ji Ming nodded, he is too, why can't he do it, "Then you can help me see the song I wrote this time."

Xiu Yan raised his eyebrows, is this an opportunity to be seized, "You can think about the wording, and then think about his coherence, and sing it again", can't you saliva songs, this is the basis.

Ji Ming: "Is there a problem with this wording?" He didn't feel it anyway.

Xi Wei looked at the discussion between the two, and he felt that what Xiu Yan said was quite right, but why was he uninspired, is this the difference between a genius and an ordinary person.

"Brother Ji, it doesn't snow in summer, you are more suitable for autumn

, change it to the rustling of leaves" Xiu Yan: "You can change it to the sound of rustling leaves and intersperse it to enhance the artistic conception, just like many songs have the sound of water"

Ji Ming only felt that what the two said was profound, which was not something that ordinary people could understand. "So what's next?"

Xiu Yan, he really has no idea, if it is changed in the autumn, it basically needs to be revised completely, what is the difference between it and writing it all over again. "Can you think again, or think differently?"

Ji Ming only felt that he was despised by the two, so he turned his head with a snort and cut the song, saying that he didn't want to deal with him.

The two then walked out of the studio.

Xiwei: "Brother Xiu, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Ye Yao's song would pounce", he only felt ashamed of Xiu Yan now, after all, he recommended Ye Yao to Xiu Yan at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

Xiu Yan: "It's okay, I didn't expect this before, did I?"

Sylvie nodded, smiling at him embarrassedly.

"Brother Xiu, I'll invite you to dinner, the company has recently opened a seafood restaurant here, and it's pretty good

" Xiu Yan nodded, "Then what are you going to do recently?" Xiwei

: "I plan to find a variety show or film and television drama to work out first, increase some exposure, and then continue to write songs, if you plan more, it may be better

" Xiu Yan: "Uh-huh

" Xiwei: "What about you?" Brother Xiu "

Xiu Yan: "Sister Qin has a campus drama there, I plan to go over and see it"

Xiwei was shocked, Xiu Yan writes songs so well, does he actually want to develop towards film and television dramas? "Brother Xiu is the same as I think?"

Xiu Yan: "There's always no harm in trying more"

The two walked to the door of Qin Feixue's office, only to hear bursts of talking from inside, and they couldn't hear clearly.


"Please come in"

Seeing that Ye Yao and Sister Qin were sitting at the coffee table, the two of them also sat down.

Xiwei: "Sister Qin, we finished recording the song

" Qin Feixue: "Is it going well?" Qin Feixue glanced at the two of them and said.

Xi Wei looked at Ye Yao who was sitting next to him, and was embarrassed to express the excitement he had just had, so he could only say lightly, "It's okay."

Xiu Yan sat aside and continued to read the script just now, not intending to interject.

Qin Feixue obviously also noticed this strange atmosphere, and wanted to break the embarrassment between the two. "Xiu Yan, you still have a song over there, suitable for Ye Yao"


He didn't expect Qin Feixue to cue him at all.

He glanced at Xi Wei and Ye Yao, after comparing the two, it was obviously more cost-effective to write songs for Xi Wei, and it was not good to be too productive, although there was a traceless vest, but if it was exploded one day.

He took out his mobile phone and listened to the moonlight on the lotus pond sung by Ye Yao, and he didn't sing according to his own singing at all, didn't he listen to the audio he recorded that day? It means that I don't understand.

"You asked him to sing according to the audio I recorded at the time", according to his voice, there is no one to sing this.

Click on the IQ music software on his mobile phone, open the background, and play out the "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" he recorded at the time, although the timbre of the voice is not very suitable, but it is not difficult to hear.

She glanced at Ye Yao, and after a long time, he didn't sing according to the author's ideas at all.

Ye Yao nodded, he didn't think about copying the tune sung by the other party at all, after all, the other party directly felt that it was inappropriate after singing, so he didn't want to refer to it.

But I didn't expect it to be like this, I can only blame him for thinking too much.

"Xiu Yan, can you guide me?" Just now he was discussing film and television dramas with Sister Qin in the office, he really had no choice now, he looked at Xiu Yan with an eager face.

Well, he's in big trouble, and he wants to guide himself or both.

"You practice first, and then I'll listen to it", he looked towards Ye Yao and said.

Ye Yao nodded, and after glancing at Qin Feixue, he began to practice.

He thought that Ye Yao should still need a while, so it was better to go and have a meal first.

"Let's go to the company cafeteria?" , He said to Xi Wei, ignoring the eye contact between Qin Feixue and Ye Yao.

Xiwei nodded towards Xiu Yan, now that his song was solved, he was relieved.

Qin Feixue watched the two of them discussing on their own, and didn't care about what to say to Ye Yao, so she said: "I'll go with you, it's almost time" Ye Yao

was still immersed in the process of practicing songs, and didn't feel that a few people were going to abandon him at all, until a few people walked out of the door.

But think about it, I better practice first, otherwise I don't know when I will come over next time after Xiu Yan leaves, so I lowered my head again and began to recall the song.

But he really didn't expect that singing according to Xiu Yan's singing method would have this effect, which was completely different, he inexplicably had a kind of confidence, and he was ashamed of his previous thoughts.

And these people on the other side are actively cooking.

To be honest, he didn't expect that the food in the cafeteria was better than what he made, and Xiu Yan felt a sense of shame and guilt in his heart.

"Xiu Yan, do you think Ye Yao's performance in this song will be better?" , Qin Feixue asked Xiu Yan, she was really nervous.

Xiu Yan shook his head and did not speak.

He has very few songs now, although his results are okay, but he doesn't know much about the tastes of the audience in the current world, so although this song has performed well in the previous world, he is not very sure of it.

Xiwei looked at Qin Feixue and said, he didn't want people to doubt Xiu Yan's strength, "Yes, I remember I was shocked when I heard Xiu Yan sing, but I didn't expect..."

A few people worked silently.

After eating, several people returned to Qin Feixue's office again.

Xiu Yan looked at Ye Yao who was actively practicing, old-fashioned.

"You can refer to my singing style and tune, but you have to sing with your original voice, why did I say that my voice was not suitable at the time, it was because my timbre was not harmonious, so you can't completely follow the version I sang"

Listening to what Xiu Yan said, Ye Yao was shocked.

"My own timbre ???"

He tried a few more times, and he could feel that he was gradually improving, and he admired Xiu Yan more and more now.

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