The next day, Tangerine Entertainment Media.

As he walked, he planned to discuss with Sister Qin next, and he planned to start releasing "Early Summer" after the release of "The Year in a Hurry" became popular, seizing the tail of summer, and it is about a person's deep sadomasochistic love, maybe it can also attract a wave of fans.

After knocking, I heard a not very calm voice, "Please come in" It seems that Sister Qin is not in a good mood.

"Sister Qin, how are you doing these days? Did you miss me?" he smiled as he walked over to the people inside.

Qin Feixue looked at Xiu Yan who came over, and was full of spirit, but he was a person suitable for walking on the stage.

"You're done?" She also knew that Xiu Yan had taken the exam recently, after all, many trainees had recently gone back to school for the exam, and she had approved the leave.

Xiu Yan nodded.

"So what's the matter with you?"

She thought that she would usually come to the company when no one was fine, and she was basically busy with her own affairs, so she wanted to ask Xiu Yan.

Xiu Yan handed over the fruit in his hand, smiled at her, and said, "Didn't you come to see you, I heard that you have worked very hard during this time

" "I heard that "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond" was written by you for Ye Yao?" She turned her head to look at Xiu Yan and didn't take the fruit.

He casually put the fruit on the coffee table next to him, ignored it, and then nodded towards Qin Feixue and replied, "Yes, my tone was not suitable for singing this song at that time, and then Xiwei said that it was suitable for Ye Yao to sing, so he gave it to him, what is the result now?"

Qin Feixue sighed and said, "This may be fate

" Xiu Yan looked at Qin Feixue with a calm face, and said: "What about Xiwei's

" Qin Feixue shook his head and couldn't help but say: "He's still practicing, saying that he wants you to guide him when he comes over, you have to prepare well, otherwise both songs will be pounced, and no one will ask you to write songs in the future" He

nodded, indeed.

Then I took the fruit and washed it, anyway, I was not in a hurry, I could wait while eating.

Qin Feixue: "When was the last song you recorded released?"

Xiu Yan threw a grape in his mouth, lowered his head and thought about it, and said: "In a few days, it seems that "The Year in a Hurry" is going to be released, wait for a wave, and then release "Early Summer", "Father", you can wait for Father's Day"

Qin Feixue looked at Xiu Yan with a surprised face, it is rare to see people who are so good at using resources when they first debuted in this year.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Do you still have a song in your hand?" "

Xiu Yan, there must be, but can you tell you? It must not be, "yet"


There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in

" As soon as he entered the door, he saw the two of them, and shook his head a little embarrassedly, he should have been waiting at the door, "Sister Qin, Brother Xiu, you are all here, I'll come over and take a look

" Xiu Yan: "How is the song practice?"

He walked quickly towards Xiu Yan and smiled at him, "Brother Xiu, I don't feel like it's quite good, you can help me take a look" Seeing that Ye Yao had lost singing "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond", he didn't want to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Xiu Yan nodded, doesn't this guy know to send some messages on WX, he's been waiting here, what if he doesn't come? "Okay, you go find an empty recording studio first, and I'll come later,"

he gestured at the two of them and walked out.

Looking not very smart, Xiu Yan shook his head.

He continued to say to Qin Feixue: "Sister Qin, you can help me see if there are any variety shows, or scripts or something" He has no foundation in the entertainment industry now, and it is still necessary to make some contacts.

Qin Feixue: "I have a "Listen to the Voice" in my hand now, he recorded a rookie singer singing in the past, and then the teacher sang at the front desk, which is more suitable for you, and there is also a campus drama "You are there, it's good", do you want to try it in the past?"

Xiu Yan: "If you sing, I don't have any ideas now, just send a song directly, I want to see this script"

In fact, she was still quite surprised by his choice, but after experiencing more, it doesn't feel like anything.

"How's your acting? Do you need to train it, this script is still preparing actors, and it is estimated that it will take half a month to start filming" He is still more worried, after all, this person is only showing talent in singing now, don't pounce, otherwise it is very likely to lose fans if it is rumored.

"No, even if a company intervenes, at most it is only a more important supporting role, and the impact is not very big"

She nodded, it seems that the other party still knows a lot, so she can rest assured.

When they chatted, he took the time to read the script, it's still okay, if the other party shoots well, it should be popular, "OK, Sister Qin, see if you can fight for me for this male supporting role" The blackening of the second male protagonist really attracted him, and the true feelings of the plot characters were revealed, if they could be interpreted well...

She didn't know what the other party was, so she picked the most difficult one at once, "This role, I guess I have to go over to try out, or you can pick again."

Xiu Yan shook his head, then lowered his head and looked at the script again, "No, you can send me the time of the audition when the time comes, and I'll go over and take a look", he really likes this role, it's very special, although the other characters have outstanding places, but they don't attract him much.

She nodded.

He glanced at his watch, probably calculated the time, it had been half an hour, it was time to go over and see Xiwei's side, it was not good to make the other party wait for a long time, "Then I'll go over and see Xiwei's side first."

She looked at Xiu Yan, "Give me a good guidance", if this song can't become popular again, Xiwei will have to transform like Ye Yao.

He didn't know what was in his eyes, he didn't understand it, and then turned and walked out.

He walked out the door, looked at Xiweifa's No. 7 recording studio, and walked away quickly, finishing it early and going home early.

Recording Studio 7, Doorway.

He knocked on the door, quietly pushed it open, and entered.

"Brother Ji, how do you feel about this?"

Listening to Xiwei's trembling appearance, how can he sing a good song, eh.

Ji Ming also shook his head.

Xiu Yan: "You relax first, if you are too nervous, you will definitely not be able to sing well, this song is very suitable for you, there is no big skill, you can attract many people by singing it with your singing voice

" Ji Ming nodded and said: "Yes, you are too nervous, the more you sing, the more nervous you become, the effect now is not as good as a few days ago

" Xiu Yan: "You can think of it as practicing, imagine what you look like in the practice room, when no one listens, how do you sing".

Sivi nodded, turned and walked in, trying again.

A few minutes later, he walked out. "Brother Xiu, I think I feel a little bit

" Ji Ming nodded, "The voice is very pure, this song is simply born to be written

" Xiu Yan: "Try again, you can sing better, when singing, you think more about the kind of comfort and hard work when you first debuted"

Xiwei nodded and sang again.

Ji Ming: "Xiu Yan, your guidance is also very good, you can grab a job with me

" He shook his head and said: "Without your skills

" Xi Wei walked out with a smile on his face: "Brother Xiu, what do you think of this time?" He felt like he could.

Xiu Yan: "It's okay

" Ji Ming: "It's really good, just cut and cut"

Xi Wei smiled.

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