Chapter 146: Coach, that one named Tetsu Naito is pretty good [4/6, please subscribe! 】

In fact, Zhang Feng's attribute value is only reduced, not his ability. and...

The most important point is that Zhang Feng has no idea that his physical fitness is very good even among American high school students. Of course, this only refers to the body.

Let’s talk about the difference in arm span and height first, which is close to 20cm....This is very good even in the United States. He is better than Lao Zhan, and the difference in height and wingspan is only about 10cm.

Bench press of 140kg, which is absolutely overwhelming for any high school ball player.

Bounce: Zhang Feng's vertical jump reaches 95cm, and his two-step jump height is 105cm, which is enough to be called a spring man. The bullet speed can also kill most players in the same position in an instant.

Of course, there are some places where there is a gap between the talented high school students in the United States.

For example: ball control, 80 for the dominant hand and 70 for the non-dominant hand. This can only be said to be pretty good for a point guard in an American high school....about average...

In terms of speed, it is only 79, which is considered the top level among Asians, but compared with American players, it is very average. Power forwards with excellent physical fitness, such as Griffin, have both straight-line speed and lateral speed. To surpass the current Zhang Feng.

When it comes to shooting, Zhang Feng's three-point ability can be said to be unreasonable due to his full-level [Three-Point Attribute] and [Infinite Shooting] skill.

However...Since the NBA three-point line is much further away, Zhang Feng's three-point ability plummeted.

However, Zhang Feng, who has [Infinite Form-Shooting], can make up for it a little bit.

You know, Zhang Feng's three-point shooting rate near the midline is 20%. If he uses [Infinite Style-Dump Sniper], it will be 40%.%...

The biggest difference between the current Zhang Feng and American high school geniuses is:

1. Passing. With such low passing and vision, he can't even sit on the bench of a prestigious high school.

2. Anti-interference. Zhang Feng's anti-interference is only 20. In other words, facing the attack of the talented American high school students, Zhang Feng may have to become a blacksmith.

3. Weight. 80.5kg is too thin for a talented American high school student of the same position........

But Zhang Feng also has his own advantages, which are age and time.

Now he is only a freshman in high school, and he still has enough time to chase those real talents.

Zhang Feng, who is good at self-comfort, felt confident when he thought of this........

The next day.

Taoka Shigeichi told everyone with a smile that he could have a good time in Hiroshima today.

And most of the expenses can be reimbursed. After all, the basketball team won the first national championship trophy in the history of the school for Lingnan.

For this reason, the school allocated a large sum of money to Shigeichi Taoka to play with the team members.

Although everyone in Lingnan was not wearing school uniforms, their tall and tall heights made them a beautiful sight.

I was recognized by several groups of passers-by along the way.

Among them, many women asked Zhang Feng for his autograph, and put their phone numbers into Zhang Feng's pocket intentionally or unintentionally.

After shopping and having lunch, everyone sat together and chatted.

"Ah Feng, you have really worked hard this time."Yuzhu at the dinner table suddenly said

"Wherever it goes, everyone has worked hard."Zhang Feng said with a smile

"This is true. When I played against Masashi Kawada, I felt so small for the first time. During the game, I had the thought of giving up many times."

"But I saw you who had been persisting, so I finally gritted my teeth..."

Yuzhu said with admiration

"Hey, Uozumi-senpai, without your last offensive rebound, we wouldn't have won today."Zhang Feng said with a greedy smile.


"You two should stop flattering each other."

At this time, Matsushita Yusato said with red eyes.

After Matsushita Yusato finished speaking, bursts of hearty laughter sounded in the box........

After finishing the meal, Taoka Shigeichi suddenly became serious:"Although we won the national championship this time, you can't be proud."

"Because starting from today, we become the challenged from challengers"

"Do you understand?"

"knew! coach!"

"knew! coach!"...

Everyone shouted in unison

"Ah, very good."Tagaoka Shigeichi nodded happily.

Even Tagang Shigeichi himself did not expect that he could lead the team to win the national championship.

However, Tagang Shigeichi is also a person who is wary of danger in times of peace. When he played against Sanno , The lack of internal strength is a big loophole.

In addition, Tian Gang Shigeichi also knows very well that the main reason for defeating Sanno Industry is Zhang Feng's strength and some luck.

Seeing Tian frowning from time to time on the way back. Oka Shigeichi and Zhang Feng smiled and said:"Coach, are you worried about our team's insiders?""

"Um."Taoka Shigeichi did not deny

"Coach, there's a guy who's pretty good"

"Although he is in the third grade of junior high school this year, he has amazing physical fitness"

"If we let him come to our Lingnan, our Lingnan will become a truly unique team next year."

Zhang Feng said with a smile


"who is it?"

Taoka Shigeichi said in surprise.

"Tetsuya Naito!"Zhang Feng said.

After Zhang Feng finished speaking, Tagang Shigeichi firmly remembered the name in his mind.......

PS: Tetsuya Naito is not in the manga, but only in the animated version. He is 196cm tall, weighs 155kg, and can run 100 meters in 11 seconds. This is absolutely impossible...After all, the 216cm O'Neal only weighs 134kg and cannot be so fast. This is too fake....11 seconds, which is equivalent to the speed of a top point guard...

Therefore, let me adjust here. Naito Tetsuya’s height is 196cm, weight is 110kg, and the speed of 100 meters is 12.7 seconds. This is more realistic.

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