Host: Zhang Ze

Height: 186.5cm (still growing)

Weight: 80.5kg (still growing)

Wingspan: 203cm (still growing)

Shots: 65 (close shots: 40; mid-range shots: 73; three-pointers :68; Basket offense: 70;)

Anti-interference: 20

Offensive awareness: 60

Passing: 40 (Passing accuracy: 30; Vision 50)

Ball control: 75 (Ball control with dominant hand: 80; Non-dominant hand: 70 )

Blocks: 55

Rebounds: 50 (Offensive rebounds 60; Defensive rebounds 40)

Defensive awareness: 60

Steals: 50

Basket interference: 50

Shot interference: 50

Strength: 72 (Upper body strength: 75; Lower body strength 73; Core strength 60; Explosiveness 80)

Speed: 79 (straight line speed: 85, lateral speed: 80; agility: 75)

Bounce: 90 (bounce: 92; bullet speed: 85)

Others: 82 (stamina: 80; resistance to damage: 60; recovery: 99)

Skill points: 0.........

【Signature skills]:

1. [Tank Breakthrough] Lv3 (0/500): When breaking through in a straight line, all strength attributes are increased by 15 points, and after a layup, the hit rate is increased by up to 20%.

2. [Lightning Steal] Lv2 (0/100): This is a gambling-style steal. When facing the ball holder for a lightning steal, the user’s [Speed]】、【agile】、【Stealing】Three familiarities will increase by 15 points.

3. [Cap Chasing Master] Lv3 (0/500): When chasing a cap, the straight-line speed and bounce increase by 10 attributes. In addition, after successfully chasing the cap, the host's physical strength increases by 10%.

4. [Break Rush Expert] Lv2 (0/100): When rushing for rebounds, the bullet speed increases by 5 points, the speed increases by 5 points, the bounce increases by 5 points, and the jumping distance increases by 10%.

5. [Unfixed shooting] Lv1 (0/50) Introduction:

Function: Using any posture to shoot, you can maintain the original hit rate.

In addition, when using [Signature Action], the hit rate can be increased by up to 20%.

Conditions of use: Maintain physical strength above 60%.

Signature move 1: [Unfixed form - extreme throw]

Signature move 2: [Unfixed form - sniper throw]

Note: You can also equip another [signature move].

6. [Dunk God] Lv2 (0/100):

When fighting against a slam dunk, the bullet speed increases by 15, the bounce increases by 15, the core strength increases by 15, and the slam dunk success rate increases by 15%.

Trigger conditions: Requires more than 70% physical strength.

7. [Ankle Terminator] Lv2 (50/100) Introduction:

After enabled, 1. Increases the probability of knocking down the opponent by 8%. 2. When using [Signature Passing Action] to dazzle someone, the probability of dazzling the opponent is increased by 20%. 3. After knocking down the defensive player, the host's physical energy increases by 10%.

Signature passing moves: None [3 signature passing moves can be equipped at the current level]

8. [Crazy Rebounder] Lv1 (0/50) Introduction: When fighting for rebounds under the basket, rebound prediction ability increases by 10%.........

The system's task panel has undergone major changes. According to the system prompts, this is to make Zhang Feng more clear at a glance. After all, the strongest player system version 1.0 seems to be too cumbersome.

The current interface is quite refreshing.

Zhang Feng didn't pay much attention to these, but was very annoyed that all of his N-number of full-level attributes had dropped.

"System, what happened to my three points?"Zhang Feng asked

"Ding, the NBA's three-point line is 0.6 meters farther than your current league, and your previous full-level three-point attributes were 0.5 meters to 2 meters outside the three-point line, and your open three-point shooting rate was about 60%. There is nothing wrong with the [three-point] attribute [68]."

The most three-pointers are lost in shooting. Although the other areas have declined, Zhang Feng can still accept it. After all, this is based on the NBA.

In terms of strength, Zhang Feng feels that it is too bullying.

Strength: 72 (upper body) Strength: 75; lower body strength 73; core strength 60; explosive power 80)

72 refers to the average of the four strengths.

My maximum bench press is 140kg. Damn, the result is only 75.

"No problem, James' maximum bench press is 190kg, O'Neal, Chamberlain, and Ben are all above 200kg."The system said:"James is only 88, do you still feel wronged?"......

What about speed!

I am the fastest in the high school league!

Zhang Feng asked dissatisfiedly

"Ding, host, according to scientific inference, the speed at which you complete the 100-meter race is 11.20 seconds."

"Peak Iverson: 10.30s, find out."

The system said.......

"What about the physical strength and recovery of labor?"

"Labor has full physical strength, comparable to Sakuragi."

Zhang Feng asked

"That's because Sakuragi didn't go to the NBA. The level of competition between the two leagues is completely different."

"But your [Recovery] is NBA full level [99], I have to sigh with emotion, the advantage of single cell"........

"Brother System, where is my ball control?"

"I'm not that cowardly."

Zhang Feng said helplessly.

In the past, his ball control was at full level, but now [ball control: 75 (ball control with dominant hand: 80; non-dominant hand: 70)】

"Well, that’s how cowardly it is"

"This is the difference between the two leagues"........

In addition, Zhang Feng noted that his passing: 40 (passing accuracy: 30; vision 50)


"Are labor and wages so bad? ? ?"

Zhang Feng was very helpless.

"NBA players have excellent physical fitness. With your current passing, you can compete for the turnover king."The system said.......

Today’s system is very ugly...

He also answered many of his complaints....

However, what makes Zhang Feng happy is that he has not made any adjustments to his skills.

In other words, although my current attributes are somewhat worse, the effect bonus of my skills is still there....

With the current skill bonus, I won’t necessarily be beaten if I go to the United States....

Also, hehe...

These attributes add up easily too.

One skill point, add one...

Soon the labor and management were at full level again.

However, the system broke Zhang Feng's wonderful idea

"Sorry, host"

"After the template is upgraded, under normal circumstances, only one player attribute can be upgraded for every 100 skill points."

"However, this does not affect skill upgrades."

The system said......

What does this mean?

That is to say, in future games, if Zhang Feng gets 100 skill points, he can only add one attribute....

Note that this is only under normal circumstances.


The system also explained, for example, if your strength has increased to 80 or later, you want to���To improve again, you must have the [Power Breakthrough Card]】...

When I’m 90, I’ll buy it again...

When it’s 95, I’ll buy it again...

And the quantity is different each time..........

Fortunately, the signature skill block has not depreciated.


"I changed directly from king to bronze..."

Zhang Feng looked up at the sky and sighed.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng asked:"System, you have successfully upgraded. Is there no special reward?" After a moment , Zhang Feng asked....

The system sound sounded again

"Ding, in view of the success of this upgrade, the host will be rewarded with a random draw"...

"I wipe it! This is a cheating system. If I don’t ask, I won’t talk about it."Zhang Feng thought secretly. Then, the system's voice came again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the [signature extraordinary move]】——【Sam Gold】"

"Ding, [Ankle Terminator] has been successfully equipped.

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