《The Yangtze River Evening News!

One of the largest newspapers in Jiangnan Province.

Today, the editor-in-chief received an explosive piece of news.

Future Pictures!

This unknown small company directly won the bid for"Across the Galaxy" and even threatened to complete an impossible task within three days.

He, who has always been keen on news, immediately noticed the problem.

No other!

《"Across the Galaxy" can be said to be the culmination of Xuanguo Pictures' ten years of work!

This movie, adapted from the novel of the same name, is a super masterpiece by science fiction giant Liu Liu. It has always received a lot of attention at home and abroad, and has been regarded as a bedside book by Commander Dami.

More importantly, this movie has a grand scene and a magnificent spirit, involving the magnificent pictures of the starry sky and universe, which is where special effects are shown.

If the technology is in place, there are many places where it can be outstanding.

In order to shoot"Across the Galaxy", China Film Group spared no effort to invest all its resources.

Nearly a hundred stars participated in the performance, and there were also hot fried chickens such as Reba and Wang Yibo.

The director is Director Zhang, who is famous for his big scenes and big productions!

It can be said that this movie was born with a golden key.

But now, such a big-budget movie only takes three days to complete post-production?

Are you sure you are not joking?

After confirming the source of the news, he immediately sent a news team.


Overwhelming news.

Three days!

The production of"Across the Galaxy" was completed in three days!

If it is said that obtaining the gold medal certification of Optimization Network is a rumor in the industry, this time, Future Pictures is really known to the world.



The prefect's office.

The prefect was browsing the news as usual.

At this moment, a piece of news caught his attention.

"The special effects production of"Across the Galaxy" can be completed in three days? Is this sure not fake news? What on earth is"Yangtze River Evening News" doing?"

This obviously gimmicky news made him frown.

He immediately called his secretary.

After understanding it, he realized that it was not a gimmick!

This company is really powerful.

It completed the gold medal certification of Optimize.com in two hours!

The original 3D floating point technology is already the first video processing technology!

According to the analysis of industry insiders, this 3D floating point technology guarantees no distortion in the early stage of data compression.

It was just abandoned by major companies because of the difficulty of research and development.

Unexpectedly, it was solved by Future Pictures!

"Floating point technology? Surpassing Hollywood? There is such a company in Jincheng? Quick! Lead the way, I must go and see it myself!"

Jincheng prefect said immediately.

If only people in the industry spoke, he would not say anything.

But now it is the certification of Youyou.com!

What is Youyou.com?

A state-owned enterprise!

It was on the list in two hours, which is enough to prove its strength!

In fact, the recognition of Youyou.com is equivalent to the endorsement of the town government!

This is almost an extremely powerful company.

Not only that, Future Pictures is exactly the type that Jincheng lacks.

Jincheng has been focusing on manufacturing in recent years and is known as the Ruhr of the East. It has a strong manufacturing foundation.

But it lacks emerging industries!

There is not even a decent Internet company.

Now there is suddenly one under his rule!

What is this?

This is a political achievement!

He immediately sent his secretary to drive.

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