Director Li said:"First, Future Pictures will not accept a deposit this time."


Mr. Han was stunned:"Not a cent?"

Director Li nodded and said:"Yes, not a cent. Not only that, if we are not satisfied with anything after three days, we can choose not to pay the balance.""


President Han was dumbfounded again.

In all the years he had been in charge of Xuanying, this was the first time he had seen such a thing.

Not taking a penny?

No final payment if there were any opinions?

Is this really a company?

Even with his status and position, he was stunned for a long time.

Coming back to his senses, he immediately said,"There won't be any problems in the middle, right?"

Director Li shook his head and said,"No, the contract is written in black and white, and the legal department has confirmed it. Even if this is the case, I will not agree. After all, this movie means a lot to me, Xuanying."

"However, after our investigation, we found that in the past two days, he has completed 13 video projects for eight companies, all of which have received positive reviews."

"Those companies didn’t know that Ye Feng completed it at the same time. When we talked about it, they were also shocked."

"In addition to this, he completed the Gold Certification in just two hours!"

"Straight from the whiteboard to the throne!"

As Director Li spoke, President Han was stunned.

He was really shocked!

Thirteen projects are easy to say, but the gold certification of is real hard currency.

This company is indeed powerful!

He raised his last question:"Then what does he want after paying so much?"

Director Li said:"Before the movie opens, we have to write the name of their company!"


Mr. Han was stunned:"Is it that simple?"

Director Li nodded and said:"Yes, Mr. Han, there is something I don't know whether I should say or not."

Mr. Han said:"Xiao Li, you are my subordinate, you can say whatever you want!"

Director Li told Ye Feng about how he had scolded Wei Tengmu as a foreign dog.

At the end, he also added his own guess.

"From what I feel, he seems to have no interest in money. The only thing he cares about is reputation, as if he hopes to become famous as soon as possible. At his age, there is no need to be so anxious. I don’t know what the problem is."

President Han also hesitated.

Obviously, he was also thinking about this problem.

After a moment, he said:"No matter why he wants to be famous, one thing is certain, he hopes to contribute to the domestic film industry. Such a person is more worthy of training than Wei Teng's group."

"What he said was also very good. Even though we are not as skilled as others, we should admit the gap and then work a hundred times harder. One day, we will surpass Rice!"

"The most frightening thing is losing the fighting spirit, which will be a tragedy for the country and the nation!"

"Xiao Li, you did a good job this time."

"We may have discovered a talent."

"Just handle it your way now, and don't say anything flawless. As long as its effect can reach the level of Weiten, don't give a penny less than 30 million!"

"We must increase our efforts to cultivate such enterprises."

Director Li nodded and said,"Okay, Mr. Han, I understand what you mean. I will convey your meaning in due course!"

Mr. Han Sanping hung up the phone.

Thinking of Wei Teng who deliberately called him, a hint of coldness appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Killing with a borrowed knife?

Or borrowing his own knife?

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