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The subtitles appeared at the end of the film.

This was also Ye Feng's trump card that he had prepared for a long time.

【This movie is the first domestic blockbuster that surpasses the special effects of Hollywood. We will continue to move forward on this path, but! The development of new technologies is bound to encounter countless obstacles. I hope that fans who really like this movie and this technology can promote it spontaneously and push the domestic film industry to the top!】

【《"Wolf Warrior" crew bows to express gratitude! 】

Countless people were shocked.

Countless people were moved to tears.

Countless people liked it


"Just for this special effect! No refunds!"

"Don’t say anything more, just fuck the house!"

"Support it! Douban must give it a high rating!"

"There is nothing wrong with the old iron above!"

Then, a shocking scene happened.

The refund rate was originally about 3%, but in the end, less than 0.1% of the tickets were refunded!

Not only that! The

Douban score, which was originally about 8.5 points, was directly raised to 9.0 points by a group of people!

This scene shocked the industry.


Ye Feng was prepared for all this.

《"Wolf Warrior" can be said to be Xuan Country's first special effects masterpiece, and countless fans are eagerly waiting for it. Those who can attend the movie are originally fans or movie lovers. Seeing this movie that exceeds their satisfaction, they will support it with the mentality of support and love.

This caused some people who were dissatisfied and wanted to refund their tickets to not refund their tickets.

In addition, most of those who like"Wolf Warrior" and have the time and money to support it are students and relatively high-quality young people who are willing to make some contributions to domestic action movies.

This is why there is such a low refund rate!

These principles are actually very simple.

It's just that no one has the courage like Ye Feng.

Now that the data is out, it naturally slaps some people in the face.


The next day, just after dawn, the preview data was officially released!

《Wolf Warrior!

With a 5% screening rate!

With an 8% attendance rate!

It earned 380 million yuan at the box office!


All the film critics were stunned!


"3.8 billion box office?"

"8% attendance rate? Are you sure you're not kidding?"

Previously in history,

50% attendance rate.

It's unprecedented to reach 87% attendance rate.

After all, a high scheduling rate is a diversion of the flow of people for a single movie!

But now!

《"Wolf Warrior" completely broke this record.

They all asked about the refund rate.

The next moment, the three major cinemas spoke out.

Bona Cinema!


Xuanying Group!


Heng Film Studios!


These three data shocked the world again.

When they saw Douban's high score of 9.0 and the countless good reviews, all the film critics were stunned.


Qianda Films.

Chen Sicheng Studio.

A bunch of big guys were called up just after they woke up.


"8% attendance rate? Ban score over 9 points?"

"The preview screenings grossed 380 million yuan at the box office?"

"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"

The big guys were stunned.

Chen Sicheng's face was even more livid.

87% attendance!

It directly crushed his 52% attendance!

9.0 rating!

It directly crushed his 7.2 rating!

At this moment, this talented director was like being hit by a critical strike.

"Impossible! This is definitely not true! There must be a cyber army!"

Everyone smiled bitterly.

Douban requires real-name registration!

Those who gave ratings posted positive reviews with pictures.

How could this be fake?

At this moment, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Chen Sicheng.

After two consecutive defeats, the halo of this new talent in the director world has become increasingly dim.


Xuanying Group.

The first thing Mr. Zhang did when he arrived at the conference room was to find the data department.

When he heard the data of"Wolf Warrior", this veteran in the film industry was stunned.


"8% attendance?

"Douban score exceeds 9 points"

"The preview box office got 3.8?"

At this moment, the boss was completely shocked.

Is this number heading for 10 billion?

""What about the other movies?" he asked.

He wanted to know if it was a special case or just"Wolf Warrior".

The secretary reported:"Chen Sicheng's"New Tang Street Detective" has an attendance rate of about 50%, and several Hollywood blockbusters have an attendance rate of about 40%."

Mr. Zhang was shocked and said:"Ye Feng is really amazing, let's see what those companies have to say. Even with such a high screening rate, their attendance rate is still higher than those companies. Doesn't this just show their quality? Next, we have to increase the screening rate of this movie appropriately! We need to let more good movies like this appear in the market!"

"Yes!" The secretary nodded.

《"Wolf Warrior" has become a big hit.

All the theaters have increased their screening rates.

Even Qianda Cinema is no exception.

Cinemas are not charities!

For the same movie,"Wolf Warrior" obviously has higher profits. Even a fool can make choices!


《Wolf Warriors has been a huge success.

The results can be described as overwhelming.

700 million on the first day!

Breaking the highest record in history.

Breaking 2 billion in three days!

Also the highest record in history!

In one week,

Ye Feng has broken the 4 billion mark.

This scene shocked countless netizens.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"It’s really awesome!"

"Is this the strength of Ye Feng’s father?"

"I am number one on the Billboard singing charts, and I am still the top director in China?"

"Kneel down to Daddy! There is no doubt that this movie broke the domestic box office record of Fast and Furious 7!"

"do not talk!"

"It’s embarrassing to think about it!"

"In the vast China, a Hollywood blockbuster took the first place"

"To be honest, Fast & Furious 7 is pretty good and of great quality, but I still feel a little unhappy seeing it come first!"

"Looking forward to Ye Feng's big explosion this time!"

At this moment, countless people are looking forward to it.

At this moment,

Ye Feng announced!

《"Wolf Warrior" is about to enter 99 mainstream film markets around the world.

He will lead the domestic film industry to go overseas!


Everyone was shocked again.

As we all know.

The domestic film industry has always been weak.

Even the first place in the domestic box office has always been occupied by Haolaiwu.

Let alone going overseas!

It's hard to defend the base camp.


Ye Feng is going to fight with"Wolf Warrior".

What will the picture be like?

A group of movie lovers are waiting to see.


"This movie is top-notch from plot to special effects, some of them are amazing!"

"The key is that there is an international action superstar like Jason, and we suddenly understand Ye Feng’s difficulties!"


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