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Chen Sicheng!

This genius director brings the most powerful movie Tang Detective to the theater!


Three special effects blockbusters with the strongest visual effects are coming!

Ye Feng!

《Wolf Warriors became the biggest winner with over 50% screening rate. ·

Just before the release, numerous negative articles emerged.

They believed that Ye Feng's film did not deserve a 50% screening rate!

At the critical moment,

Ye Feng spoke out domineeringly

【This movie uses next-generation floating-point technology, and both the technical effects and the plot are first-rate. There are many negative articles on the Internet now. I hereby announce that anyone who attends the premiere viewing ceremony and is dissatisfied with the movie will get a full refund! Other movies are welcome to follow! 】The domineering attitude is obvious.


The crowd of spectators was stunned

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Not satisfied with the ticket refund?"

"Are you sure this isn't meant to be funny?"

"This is unprecedented in film history!"

"Ye Feng is so domineering! The quality of this movie is absolutely fine!"

"We must go see it tonight!"

Everyone was stunned.

Some people also expressed doubts.


"How to withdraw?"

"It's past midnight!"

"This must be a publicity stunt!"

"No one will really believe it, right?"

Just then, the three major cinemas jointly spoke out.

Xuanying Group's official Weibo: A prepayment of 10 million yuan has been received from the"Wolf Warrior" crew.

Friends who watch the movie can rest assured that the audience who want to refund the ticket can get a refund at the cinema entrance with the movie ticket!

Bonna Films' official Weibo: A prepayment of 10 million yuan has been received from the"Wolf Warrior" crew.

Friends who watch the movie can rest assured that the audience who want to refund the ticket can get a refund at the cinema entrance with the movie ticket!

Heng Cinema's official Weibo: A prepayment of 10 million yuan has been received from the"Wolf Warrior" crew. Friends who watch the movie can rest assured that the audience who want to refund the ticket can get a refund at the cinema entrance with the movie ticket!

The three companies jointly spoke out.

Attached picture!

A receipt worth tens of millions.

There is also a cinema that has set up a special ticket refund platform.


Everyone was stunned.

"Oh shit!"

"This is real?"

"He is indeed a male god!"

"Where are the netizens who just blindly praised other movies? Why don’t they come out and join in?"

"Whether it’s a mule or a horse, take it out for a ride!"

"Show off your own strength and leave no room for others to show off!"



Rolling Stone Records.

All the senior executives were stunned.

They all rushed into Ye Feng's studio.

"Ye Feng, do you want to refund your ticket?"

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"At that time, the unconditional refund of tickets will definitely trigger a wave of bank runs!"

"This is not a matter of millions!"

"Yes, you have to think it over carefully!"

Ye Feng smiled and said,"Don't worry, I know what's going on. Everything is under my control! Refunds seem scary, but if you look at the data, you will know that the probability of a normal refund for a movie is about 20%. When the Douban score reaches 8 points or more, this number will quickly drop to 3 points.%!"

"This movie has a guaranteed minimum score of 8!"

"According to the pre-sale of the premiere of about 200 million, it’s only 6 million!"

"I leveraged these 6 million ticket fees to leverage tens of millions of public relations funds and a reputation that changed the entire network's impression! The ups and downs are not something that can be accomplished with tens of millions of dollars!"

"Through this wave of fermentation, the box office of the movie will reach a new level!"

"What's more! I also hid Easter eggs in the movie"

"For those 3% of users who want to refund their tickets, the refund rate will be less than 1% after seeing this Easter egg.%!"

"A maximum of 2 million will impact a market worth tens of billions!"

"Just wait!"


The senior executives were stunned.


"A market worth tens of billions?"

"Another killer trick?"

"What kind of killer move is so powerful?"

At this moment, even Wang Dong was dumbfounded.

Ye Feng smiled and said,"Just wait and see the show."


At midnight, countless people went to major cinemas across China to watch the"Wolf Warrior" which became popular before it was released!

On the Internet, audiences are waiting for the first batch of reviews; on Douban, many movie lovers are waiting for the ratings to be released; Qianda Pictures, Xiangjiang Special Effects, and Hollywood Visual Effects Company.

It can be said that as soon as Ye Feng's"Wolf Warrior" came out, it touched the hearts of countless people.

With the opening, the lights in the theater went out at the same time.

Movie fans put on 3D glasses to enjoy this gluttonous blockbuster.

At the beginning of the opening, a strange and gorgeous forest scene appeared in front of everyone.

The moving track of the Qiag bullet seemed to be right in front of them, and the audience couldn't help but reach out and want to touch the bullet.

Next, the picture quickly changed, dense jungle! Armed with live ammunition! The exciting drama slowly began! A large-scale performance appeared in front of everyone!

Every detail was realistic and meticulous.

A group of audiences were completely shocked.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"This special effect is awesome!"

"It’s so fucking realistic!"

"The person above, you should explain it clearly, is it realistic or not?"

"Haha, whoever is driving upstairs please get out of here and don't disturb us from watching the movie, okay?"

"Oh my god! Is this really a movie produced by our Xuanguo Special Effects Company? Why do I feel like Haolaiwu doesn't have this kind of effect?"

"I feel the same way!"

"The special effects are definitely better than those in Hollywood!"

A group of fans were so excited.

As far as they could see, the special effects were simply amazing.

Those who could attend the premiere were all movie fans.

Of course, they could tell the difference between good special effects and bad special effects!

It can be said that they were struck by the movie right from the start!

This was also a deliberate setting by Ye Feng!

The powerful visual effects shocked everyone right from the start and attracted everyone.

Otherwise, according to the normal storyline, the special effects would have to be presented slowly.

Next, everyone witnessed a visual blockbuster!

Shocking visual effects!

Tears-inducing patriotism!

Full and three-dimensional description of the characters' emotions!

It was simply a 360-degree blockbuster with no dead angles!


"It’s so fucking beautiful!"

"The final action scene between Ye Feng and Jason was simply fist-to-flesh!"

"It is indeed an action blockbuster that is difficult to surpass in the past ten years!"

"The way he plays with the knife is so amazing that not everyone can perform it!"

"You are worthy of being a father!"

"They are both masters of action movies!"

Everyone was stunned._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo Novel AP

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