Several military personnel smiled.

Other actors also nodded.

"Yeah yeah"

"I was scared by the flames all over the sky just now!"

"I can feel the explosive force from such a distance!"

Ye Feng laughed and said,"So, Brother Wu Gang is the one who is really worthy of our learning. I was shaken by the explosive force just now, but you see Brother Wu Gang, he didn't move at all when he lit a cigar!"


Everyone laughed.

Wu Gang waved his hand and said,"To act, you must be dedicated. Ye Feng, don't flatter me!"

But even so, the expression on his face was clearly joy.

For an old actor like him, making money may not be very happy, but being told that he is dedicated will definitely make him secretly happy.

It can only be said that Ye Feng has lived two lives and flatters accurately.


Everyone continued to film.

Seeing Ye Feng's directing ability, everyone had higher expectations for this movie. With everyone's full commitment, the progress of the filming of the movie soared.

With the blessing of the god-level director system,

Ye Feng was at ease.

It can even be finished in one month.

With the addition of post-processing, it can even catch up with the schedule on October 1st.


What everyone didn't expect was that this main theme movie also has funny scenes.

This scene was filmed today.

On the transport plane.

The Wolf Warriors team, which had just conducted an exercise, returned.

All the men were talking about Long Xiaoyun (played by Yaya).

They admired Long Xiaoyun very much.

At this time.

Everyone was talking about Team Long.

Several team members admired him very much.

Someone asked Leng Feng:"You should have experienced it?"

Ye Feng curled his lips and said disdainfully:"If you ask me, such a woman just needs to be conquered by a man!"

The comrade next to him pinched the microphone and laughed secretly and said:"What kind of man conquered?"

Ye Feng answered without thinking:"Conquered by a man like me!"

A sentence suddenly popped up in the headset:"How to conquer?"

Ye Feng continued to answer:"How to conquer?"

Only after speaking did he react.

Why is it a woman's voice?

The next moment.

The camera turned to the command center.

Yaya had a cold face and pressed the interference signal directly.

The next moment.

The current microphone was sizzling.

Ye Feng realized that he had been deceived.

All the comrades laughed.

After shooting.

Everyone was cheering


"Great shots here!"

"This scene will definitely make you burst into laughter!"

"The key is that it does not affect the texture of the movie, and it can also reflect Leng Feng's ruffian character!"

Several actors applauded.

Ye Feng was not very satisfied.

Wu Gang asked:"What's wrong?"

Ye Feng said:"I always feel that Yaya's performance is not up to par."

Yaya apologized:"Sorry, I'm holding you back again."

Ye Feng waved his hand and said:"Your performance is already very good, but I think that for a movie like this, for a role like this, the first reaction should be cold, even sexually apathetic, with that kind of superior aura, so that the word conquer will mobilize the audience's hormones more!"

"Your performance seems a little weak, you can try a more cool and elegant attitude! Don't have too many expressions!"

Wu Gang nodded and said:"Hey, it's true what you said, Ye Feng, you are indeed a genius director!"

Then this shot was re-shot.

Three consecutive cuts!

Finally, Yaya passed the test.

This scene attracted cheers from many staff members on the scene


Time flies.

Half a month has passed in a flash.

During this time, several guest actors have left.

They brought various latest news to the audiences waiting for the show online.

Deng Chao!


Wan Qian!

Liu Tianxian!

Several people praised Ye Feng's directing and the quality of the show.

A group of fans can't wait.


September 7th.

Jincheng military district.

The last scene is about to be filmed.

This is also the most tragic and passionate scene in the whole drama!

In the dense forest.

A group of overseas mercenaries!

Relying on the first-mover advantage! They directly knocked down several members of the Wolf Warriors.

They did not shoot them, but deliberately spared their lives.

Surrounding the point and attacking the reinforcements!

It is to attract the members of the Wolf Warriors special forces to rescue.

Seeing the team members lying helplessly on the ground, and being shot by the mercenaries in the distance.

The team members were bloodshot!

Seeing their comrades bleeding to death one by one.

Leng Feng couldn't bear it anymore!

""Quick! Trees! Use the wood as cover!"

Leng Feng yelled.

His comrades immediately sawed wood.

The next moment.


The tree collapsed.

Leng Feng's fighting power soared at this moment.

He rushed behind the tree and dragged his comrades back.

Not far away!

The mercenary sneered.

He fired.



Bang! Bang!

The trees were constantly broken.

The splattered wood chips were like blood.

Everyone's heart was tightened.

At this moment.

Leng Feng jumped up and rushed down the col holding the deputy captain.

The mercenary snipers fired continuously!

Leng Feng had expected it.

S-shaped direct movement!

2.3 seconds!

The fastest reaction time for the strongest sniper from aiming to shooting!

Just when the opponent fired!


Leng Feng used the cover of the big tree to turn directly.


The shot missed!

Everyone's heart was in a knot.

Command desk!

Yaya, who always had a blank expression, showed a nervous expression for the first time.


No one blamed her at this moment.

At the moment of life and death!

Everyone stared at the screen.

The next moment!

Another shot!

Ye Feng fell down!


He rolled down the cliff directly.




At this moment, the scene was full of excitement.

The staff members all shed tears.

Everyone was waiting for the joy of victory!

However, the next second, a lightning-fast scene happened.

The rescued deputy captain not only did not feel grateful, but slapped Leng Feng instead.

All the staff members were stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"I saved you and you still hit me?"

"Isn't this too much of a revenge?"

Wu Gang said admiringly:"Great! Great! Ye Feng is a real director! This treatment really elevates the whole drama!"

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