In the living room.

Wu Jing shook his head and said,"Playing for fun? Those who say this don't understand martial arts. Look at this video. Without ten years of martial arts foundation, you can't perform this move at all. Ye Feng is better than we thought. I don't know how he manages his time. His music is so good, and his martial arts are also so good!"

Xie Nan said,"Really? But I don't see it?"

Wu Jing pointed to a certain move and said,"Look, slow down the movement. Jason's move is obviously to hit the ribs, but in fact there is a change of direction, and it hits the jaw. This set of movements is done in one go, from backhand to lifting, it takes less than a second, which shows that Jason has a solid foundation! And he is very strong!"

"But the most amazing one is Ye Feng! When Jason was still hitting his armpit, he had already reacted. Look at his head, it has already shifted. It can only be said that his eyes are like an eagle, and he predicted it in advance. It can only be said that his strength is unfathomable!"

Xie Nan was stunned:"There is this?"

Wu Jing nodded:"Otherwise, how can you say that an outsider sees the doorway? I will definitely participate in this movie!"


Deng Chao!

He had just finished filming The Four and was taking a break.

But before he could even sit down to relax, Ye Feng called him over.

《Wolf Warrior?

A cameo?

Deng Chao agreed without hesitation.

Ye Feng said,"Why don't you take a look at the quality of the movie first?"

Deng Chao shook his head,"Ye Feng, what else can we talk about? Just tell me, when are you free? I will definitely be there! But I tell you, this month is a vacancy, and next month I can't say for sure!"

Ye Feng laughed,"Okay, for what you said, you will be the male lead in the next movie!" Deng

Chao smiled.

He didn't take it seriously, he just felt that he and Ye Feng got along well.

He didn't expect it at all.

What kind of benefit would Ye Feng's joke bring him!

The second billion-dollar box office male star in Xuan Country!

The super actor who has won various awards!

Became an internationally famous super film and television star.


You said the first billion-dollar box office male star? ?

Of course it's Ye Feng!


Wu Gang, the veteran actor, was a little hesitant when he received the letter from Ye Feng. Is a new director sure he can make such a big-budget movie? And veteran actors like him value the quality of the movie more. At this time, when the client mentioned the star lineup, he was slightly moved. After reading his part of the script, he agreed without saying a word.


Just when everyone thought that Ye Feng's movie would flop, the star lineup was announced!

Ye Feng!


Wu Jing!


Wu Gang!

Not to mention the guest appearances.

Deng Chao!


Wan Qian!

Liu Tianxian!

The various star lineups were dazzling.

It can be said that there are traffic stars, veteran actors, international superstars, and top actresses.

Just when the outside world was paying attention, the filming crew officially entered the Jincheng military district.

Ye Feng first let everyone familiarize themselves with the storyline.

《"Wolf Warrior"!

It tells the legendary story of a small person growing up to be a lone hero who saves the fate of the country and the nation.

Leng Feng (played by Ye Feng), who is full of ruffianism, has repeatedly caused trouble. Some people say that he is a gangster and a ruffian, while others say that he is a hero and a legend.

In an operation, Leng Feng disobeyed military orders and killed terrorists. He was about to be expelled from the team, but he was unexpectedly accepted by the mysterious army Wolf Warrior.

He wanted to change places to continue to cause trouble, but he jumped into another abyss.

The cold and arrogant deputy captain of Wolf Warrior, the sexy female captain (played by Ya Ya) who sparked ambiguous sparks, the drug lord with deep scheming and dark belly, the teammates who died in vain, and the mercenaries crossed the border to invade the Celestial Empire, all of which put him in trouble.

Everything is testing Leng Feng, the cancer of this team.

In the end, he completed his self-salvation, showed his manly nature, defeated the villain, and raised the national prestige of Xuanguo!

The plot is actually very simple.

Ye Feng combined the production of two dramas.

From the plot to the special effects, from the production to the actors, all have been upgraded.

If this is not popular, it is unacceptable!

This time, we are shooting an action explosion scene.

Min Deng (played by Wu Gang), as the number one of the international drug trafficking group, was captured by special forces.

Just when various people wanted to escort him back, the international mercenary organization arrived. They were carrying advanced weapons and directly turned the scene into a sea of fire.

This explosion scene is to be filmed today!

Min Deng!

When he was escorted into the car, he lit a cigar calmly.

As if he was not afraid of being captured.

The next moment, the mercenary organization arrived.


Rockets were fired.

Various armored vehicles were directly bombed.

Min Deng lit the cigar expressionlessly.

What a drastic contrast!

The killing of mercenaries and the sacrifice of soldiers!

The scene of artillery fire in the distance and Min Deng's calm expression while smoking!

Even the actors on the scene gnashed their teeth. It was not until a long time later that the actors recovered.

Even Wu Gang, the old actor, admired him.

"Ye Feng!"

"You are so awesome!"

"can write such a script."

Deng Chao said with a smile:"Brother Wu Gang, come and see this scene, I guarantee you will admire it even more!"

Wu Gang asked:"What's wrong?"

All the actors had an expression that you will know after you see it.

Wu Gang ran to the backstage screen.

The next moment.

When he saw the scene recorded by Ye Feng.

The scene was shot from multiple angles!

The background of the distant view! The explosion of the current scene!

In a sea of red, Wu Gang lit the cigar.

No post-production is needed at all!

This is already the texture of a super blockbuster!

Wu Gang said admiringly:"Ye Feng, you are too awesome, right? Is this your first time making a movie? To be honest, I have made quite a few movies, and this kind of composition, this kind of action, this kind of texture of violent aesthetics, only Director Wu Yusen has it!"

Everyone was surprised.

Old actors like Wu Gang never praise people casually.

Some time ago, he criticized the phenomenon of young actors being sold at sky-high prices in an interview.

Ye Feng laughed:"Brother Wu, Senior Wu Yusen is the founder of violent aesthetics. I dare not compare myself with him. Seriously speaking, I have to thank the support of the military district for this effect. The explosion of real guns and live ammunition can produce this effect!"

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