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Ye Feng, Zhang Yuanqiao and others had already gone to Luzhou.

When the Rolling Stone bosses heard that it was Yang Lao's hometown, they immediately mobilized their artists to go there.

Fish Leong!

Meng Meiqi!

Even Xiaoju came to join in the fun!



When everyone stepped on this land.

As soon as they left the station, the fans cheered loudly.

"Fish Leong!"

"Fish Leong!"

"Meng Meiqi!"


"Ye Feng!"

""Ye Feng!"

There were all kinds of cheers.

The news that several people were coming was released, and Luzhou had more than 10,000 people in the past few days.

You know!

Luzhou itself has a population of more than 100,000.

One-tenth of them poured in at once. This scene made many bigwigs stunned, and they also thoroughly saw the power of several artists.

Ye Feng, Liang Jingru and others waved their hands.

The on-site staff quickly took the few people to the business car


In the car, several artists looked at the scenery outside the window.

Liang Jingru said,"Luzhou has been famous since ancient times, but I didn't expect that its development has gradually fallen behind in recent years."

Ye Feng nodded and said,"Luzhou has been a place where the culture of Jiangnan has gathered since ancient times. Later, it gradually declined. There is a historical inevitability. By the way, have you heard of Chen Shimei?"

"Chen Shimei?"

"Who is that?"

"Seems like a heartless man, right?"

Xiaoju and Meng Meiqi frowned. Ye

Feng nodded:"Yes, he is from Luzhou. After ten years of hard study, Chen Shimei went to Beijing to take the imperial examination. After he won the first place, he was recruited by Song Renzong as a son-in-law."

"Later, his wife Qin Xianglian and her son went to Beijing to look for her husband, but Chen Shimei refused to recognize her and sent Han Qi to kill her in the middle of the night. Han Qi could not bear to kill her and committed suicide to seek justice. Qin Xianglian was mistakenly imprisoned as the murderer."

"Later, Qin Xianglian was exiled to the frontier, Bao Zheng found evidence and sent Chen Shimei to be beheaded."

"Because of this story, Chen Shimei has been criticized for thousands of years and has become synonymous with unfaithful people. Speaking of which, Luzhou’s history is indeed very long.


"Qin Xianglian has such a miserable life!"

"If you ask me, such an ungrateful man should be killed!"

"But what about modern times? There are many cases of abandoning one's family and children."

Xiaoju and Meng Meiqi are both girls in their twenties.

They were all moved when they heard this story.

Liang Jingru, on the other hand, just smiled.

On the side.

The accompanying receptionist smiled and said:"Sir, you are really knowledgeable. The story of Chen Shimei has been passed down to this day. Most people have heard of his name, but don't know where he is. I didn't expect you to know that there is a Moon Bridge in the east of our Luzhou City. There is a kneeling statue of Chen Shimei beside the bridge. Do you want to go and see it?"

Ye Feng didn't answer yet.

Meng Meiqi asked:"Moon Bridge? Why is it called Moon Bridge?"

The receptionist smiled and said:"This bridge was built by the ancients. It has a history of more than a thousand years. There are three arches under the bridge. Every time the moon is full, the bridge surface will reflect the shadow of the moon, which is very beautiful, so it is named Moon Bridge! It is also a famous local scenery in our Luzhou."

Meng Meiqi pulled Ye Feng and said:"Brother Ye Feng, let's go and see it, okay?"

Ye Feng couldn't do anything about this crazy girl, and smiled and said:"Okay, you go when you say so!"

Meng Meiqi laughed.

The receptionist was delighted.

At this time, the car in front reported that they had arrived at the hotel.

The receptionist opened the car door and got out first.

A group of Luzhou bigwigs had already come to greet them.

Zhang Yuanqiao got out of the car in front.

He shook hands with several bigwigs:"Teacher has not been in good health in the past two years, and it is not easy for him to move around in the imperial capital. I want to say sorry!" Prefect Zhang hurriedly said:"Of course, Mr. Yang cares about his hometown. We are very grateful to invite you guys to come this time!"

Zhang Yuanqiao laughed and said:"Hahaha, Prefect Zhang, you Luzhou really made a profit this time. I have already exceeded my task by inviting Ye Feng here. Next, whether Ye Feng can find inspiration and create a song depends on you!"

Everyone laughed.

"We have heard of Ye Feng's name a long time ago!"

"This time we have to plan a visit to the ten scenic spots in Luzhou!"

"We must let Ye Feng find inspiration!"

The receptionist said quickly:"Zhang Zhifu, Ye Feng knows a lot about the culture of our Luzhou. He just told everyone the story of Chen Shimei in the car. They want to go to Yueqiao to take a look!"

Everyone laughed.


"Moon bridge?"

"Then you must go!"

""Take a short break after dinner, I will personally accompany you!"

Prefect Zhang said.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

A dignified prefect! He actually wanted to accompany them personally?

Are you sure you are not joking?

Prefect Zhang smiled and said,"Why? They haven't even arrived yet, but they have already pulled more than 10,000 people here. What's wrong with me being a tour guide personally?"

Everyone laughed.


Everyone had a meal in the hotel.

This meal was very exquisite.

There was nothing too expensive, all of them were local mountain delicacies!

But everyone ate very well.

Liang Jingru said,"I haven't eaten this kind of home-cooked food for a long time! It tastes like childhood!" Prefect

Zhang apologized and said,"Most of Luzhou is mountainous, and the development has not been good in recent years. I'm sorry to embarrass you!"

Ye Feng waved his hand and said,"Prefect Zhang, don't say that. If you take out some lobster or abalone, we will feel uncomfortable eating it. Such dishes show your thoughtfulness and are comfortable to eat. Let's go around and have a look these days and try to create a song!"

Prefect Zhang thanked him again and again,"Thank you! Thank you!"

Next, after the meal, everyone took a short break.

Led by Prefect Zhang, everyone headed for the Moon Bridge.

Along the way, someone had already introduced the Ten Scenic Spots of Luzhou.

The scenic spots near the Moon Bridge were also explained in detail.

Everyone walked on the marble Moon Bridge.


"Why doesn’t Ye Feng leave?"


What is he doing?���

Liang Jingru hurriedly said:"Wait! Don't touch him, he is looking for inspiration!"

Looking for inspiration?

Everyone got excited when they heard this.

"No way?"

"Inspiration comes now?"

Everyone was surprised. ps: The fourth update is here! Still eight updates guaranteed! Brothers and sisters, please support us! Go! Xiao Ye thanks you!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel AP

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