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MTV Music Festival.

The end of the awards is not the end of the festival!

That night.

A grand dinner was held.

Ye Feng!

He became the brightest boy in the audience.

Countless stars came to toast and show their faces.

In contrast!

Xiao Zan was ignored! He was just like a bullied little wife.

But no one would sympathize!

He offended Ye Feng and it was his own fault!

What's more!

Ye Feng is in his prime!

Who would be blind at this time?

At this time.

King Liu came to toast Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng gave him all the music scores and lyrics, he realized the true value of this song.

It was tailor-made for him!

Another Cantonese song is also very down-to-earth.

He pulled Ye Feng to drink three cups, and invited Ye Feng to go to Hong Kong and must visit his home.

He also said bluntly:"I really treat you as my younger brother!"

Ye Feng nodded:"Brother Hua!"

This scene surprised many big men


"King Liu toasts?"

"Does this really treat Ye Feng as your younger brother?"

"Ye Feng’s strength needs to be re-evaluated!"

"With the protection of King Liu, no one dares to mess with him!"

At this moment, many people were shocked.


Rolling Stone.

The executives almost laughed out loud.

The second album will be released soon, and Ye Feng will completely establish the brand of Xuan Guofeng.

Different from the past!

This album will be sold to the whole world.

They were originally worried about encountering some force majeure, but now with the help of King Liu, at least in Hong Kong, it will definitely be twice the result with half the effort.


Huan Ya.

All the senior executives were dumbfounded.

Huan Ya was powerful!

But facing King Liu, it was still not enough!

It was not about size!

It was really that this superstar who spanned the three realms of film, television and music and stood at the forefront for 30 years was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It can be said!

With King Liu's protection,

Huan Ya no longer dared to challenge him.

"From now on, be careful about Ye Feng's affairs!"

At this moment,

Mr. Zhang gave his evaluation


"Got it!"

Everyone nodded bitterly.


Just as everyone was toasting, Zhang Yuanqiao finally arrived.

Zhang Yuanqiao! He was one of the judges who supported Ye Feng in winning eight awards.

No one knew!

He was also Ye Feng's senior brother!

The old man was straightforward and got straight to the point.

He said,"Ye Feng, do you know where the teacher's home is?"

Ye Feng said,"I know, it's in Luzhou. What's the matter?"

Zhang Yuanqiao said,"There is such a thing. The teacher's hometown is poor, so the local officials found the teacher and said they wanted to ask for a song to make him famous so that it would be easier to sell agricultural products in his hometown."

"The teacher thought that this could also be considered poverty alleviation, and besides it was just to boost their morale, and in the end they still had to work hard on their own, so he agreed!"

"The teacher gave this task to us brothers. To be honest, ahem! We are all old now. How about you sing a song?"

Ye Feng:"???"

Can I sing a song?

Are golden songs cheap?

Zhang Yuanqiao also knew that this request was a bit excessive.

He said:"Originally, I didn't think of you in this matter, but the other party heard that you are also a disciple of the teacher, so he shamelessly asked the teacher, saying that even if you don't write songs, just go and have fun. Your fan appeal among young people is unparalleled, and you are the best publicity machine! They hope to make a name for yourself!"

"So if it's convenient for you, let's go to the local area together?"

Ye Feng nodded, not knowing whether to laugh or cry:"Okay, I'll go after I finish the things in my hand."

Zhang Yuanqiao smiled and said:"Okay, thank you as a senior brother!"



A group of bigwigs are eagerly waiting.

There are many talented people in Luzhou!

Yang Ming!

The former dean of the Conservatory of Music is one of them!

Due to the impact of the overall environment this time, Luzhou's agricultural products have not been able to be sold.

They asked the old professor Yang Ming for help.


They are waiting for feedback.

A group of bigwigs are anxiously waiting for the meeting room.

They don't know whether Yang Ming will agree to this proposal, or who he will send if he agrees.

You know!

Luzhou has invited celebrities several times before but it didn't work.

This time they had to find Mr. Yang, hoping to ask for a song to boost their reputation.

At this moment.

The bigwig in charge of the Wenhua department ran in hurriedly.

"Magistrate Zhang!"

"The result is out! Mr. Yang Ming agreed!"

Everyone laughed.

Prefect Zhang asked with a smile:"Writing songs? Who will come?"

The big man in charge of the Wenhua department smiled and said:"Ye Feng! Mr. Yang said that Ye Feng will come this time! In addition, there will be some celebrity artists, who will definitely make Luzhou a household name! We must be prepared!"


"Ye Feng?"

""Is it the Ye Feng who is so popular recently?"

All the Luzhou bosses were shocked.

The boss in charge of the Wenhua department nodded and said,"Yes, it's him!"

Many bosses laughed.


"It turned out to be him!"

"That's great! This time Luzhou will definitely be a big hit!"

Zhang Zhifu didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry, and asked:"What's wrong? Is this Ye Feng special?"

The deputy laughed and said:"More than special, he is now a banner of my Xuanguo music industry. The sales of a single album exceeded 10 million, and he created the Xuanguo style of music. He also wrote the lyrics for positive energy songs such as"Sonder Rose". Oh, by the way! He has donated over 100 million yuan before, and was praised by the Youth Daily. He is simply a role model for young people!"

Everyone was shocked.

Even if they didn't know, they knew what it meant to have a single sales of over 10 million.

And"Sonder Rose"!

This is the theme song of the women's volleyball team!

Now it's a golden song that will be played in various activities!


The melody is passionate!

And donations exceeded 100 million!

《Youth Daily" praised him by name!

He has achieved so many achievements.

It was tailor-made for this event.

Prefect Zhang laughed immediately:"Haha, I didn't expect Mr. Yang to be so generous and send such a great general. In this case, we can't be vague. Notify them that this reception must be of the highest standard. We can't let them think that we are not treating them well!"



The heads of all departments nodded._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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